Results for 'Henning Ohlen'

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    Zur Bedeutung mentaler Zustände.Henning Ohlen - 1990 - Münster: Lit Verlag.
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  2. Argumentieren lernen. Aufgaben für den Philosophie- und Ethikunterricht.Henning Franzen, Anne Burkard & David Löwenstein (eds.) - 2023 - Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
    Erarbeitet von Dominik Balg, Anne Burkard, Henning Franzen, Aenna Frottier, David Lanius, David Löwenstein, Hanna Lucks, Kirsten Meyer, Donata Romizi, Katharina Schulz, Stefanie Thiele und Annett Wienmeister. -/- Die Entwicklung argumentativer Fähigkeiten ist ein zentrales Ziel des Ethik- und Philosophieunterrichts, ja überhaupt ein zentrales Bildungsziel. Wie aber kann das gelingen? In vielen verfügbaren Unterrichtsmaterialien werden argumentative Fähigkeiten eher vorausgesetzt als systematisch gefördert. Auch curriculare Vorgaben bleiben zumeist sehr unspezifisch. Lehrpersonen werden so weitgehend allein gelassen mit der Aufgabe, Lernende beim (...)
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    Hennings' Odyssee.P. D. Ch Hennings & T. W. Allen - 1906 - The Classical Review 20 (01):70-.
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    Person‐centred conversations in nursing and health: A theoretical analysis based on perspectives on communication.Joakim Öhlén & Febe Friberg - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (3):e12432.
    In this paper we use the concept of the person to examine person‐centred dialogue and show how person‐centred dialogue is different from and significantly more than transfer of information, which is the dominant notion in health care. A further motivation for the study is that although person‐centredness as an idea has a strong heritage in nursing and the broader healthcare discourse, person‐centred conversation is usually discussed as a distinct and unitary approach to communication, primarily related to the philosophy of dialogue—the (...)
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    Ethik in der Politik: Henning Schwarz zum Gedenken.Henning Schwarz, Walter Bernhardt & Hans Hattenhauer (eds.) - 1994 - Kiel: Schmidt & Klaunig.
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    Back to The Phenomena (of Sport) – or Back to The Phenomenologists? Towards a Phenomenology of (Sports) Phenomenology.Henning Eichberg - 2013 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 7 (2):271-282.
    Is phenomenology a method or a philosophy (of ?ontological? character)? This question is discussed here with a recent philosophical collection of articles about the phenomenology of sport at hand. However, one finds very few concrete phenomena in this volume, but much abstract talk about the authoritative philosophers of ontology and existentialism. This gives the ?phenomenological school? a somewhat sectarian character, which is not typical in recent contributions of phenomenology. This review essay broadens out from the current volume under consideration towards (...)
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    The Ethics of Creativity: Beauty, Morality, and Nature in a Processive Cosmos.Brian G. Henning - 2005 - University of Pittsburgh Press.
    A central concern of nearly every environmental ethic is its desire to extend the scope of direct moral concern beyond human beings to plants, nonhuman animals, and the systems of which they are a part. Although nearly all environmental philosophies have long since rejected modernity’s conception of individuals as isolated and independent substances, few have replaced this worldview with an alternative that is adequate to the organic, processive world in which we find ourselves. In this context, Brian G. Henning (...)
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    Dialektische Untersuchungen: philosophica et philologica minora: für Henning Ritter: Alexandre Kojève, George Lichtheim, Noam Chomsky, u.a.Henning Ritter & Stefan Dornuf (eds.) - 2012 - München: Müller & Nerding Verlag.
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    Motivation and the moral sense in Francis Hutcheson's ethical theory.Henning Jensen - 1972 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
    INTRODUCTION HUTCHESONS LIFE AND WORKS The history of philosophy includes the names of many persons, famous in their time, whose contributions to human ...
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    (1 other version)Bringing Wreck.Tempest Henning - forthcoming - Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences.
    Tempest Henning ABSTRACT: This paper critically examines non-adversarial feminist argumentation model specifically within the scope of politeness norms and cultural communicative practices. Asserting women typically have a particular mode of arguing which is often seen as ‘weak’ or docile within male dominated fields, the model argues that the feminine mode of arguing is actually more...
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    The life of concepts:: Georges Canguilhem and the history of science.Henning Schmidgen - 2014 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 36 (2):232-253.
    Twelve years after his famous Essay on Some Problems Concerning the Normal and the Pathological (1943), the philosopher Georges Canguilhem (1904–1995) published a book-length study on the history of a single biological concept. Within France, his Formation of the Reflex Concept in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (1955) contributed significantly to defining the “French style” of writing on the history of science. Outside of France, the book passed largely unnoticed. This paper re-reads Canguilhem’s study of the reflex concept with respect (...)
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    Personhood: Philosophies, applications and critiques in healthcare.Joakim Öhlén, Ida Björkman, Elin Siira & Marit Kirkevold - 2022 - Nursing Philosophy 23 (3):e12400.
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  13. DK87: Et korpus med dansk almensprog.Henning Bergenholtz - 1988 - Hermes 1:229-237.
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    Gliding Body – Sitting Body. From Bodily Movement to Cultural Identity.Henning Eichberg, Signe Højbjerre Larsen & Kirsten K. Roessler - 2018 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 12 (2):117-132.
    Bodily movement has a deeper meaning than modern sport science might recognize. It can have religious undertones, and in modern societies, it is sometimes related to the building of national identity. In the study, two cases of bodily practice are compared. Norwegian ski has a relation to friluftsliv (outdoor activities) and is highly significant for modern Norwegian identity. Indian yoga is related to the traditional ayurveda medicine and to Hindu spirituality, and obtained an important place in the process of anti-colonial (...)
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  15. Affect consciousness or mentalization? A comparison of two concepts with regard to affect development and affect regulation.Henning Mohaupt, Helge Holgersen, Per-Einar Binder & Hostmark Nielsen - 2006 - Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 47 (4):237-244.
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    The global consequence of participatory responsibility.Henning Hahn - 2009 - Journal of Global Ethics 5 (1):43 – 56.
    The aim of this article is to introduce and defend a revised conception of responsibility - namely, participatory responsibility. It starts from the insight that some pressing problems of global injustice render our common conception of responsibility useless. As an alternative the author mainly discusses Iris Marion Young's social connection model of responsibility. However, Young's approach becomes unconvincing in addressing and weighing specific duties. The author therefore adds a basic rights approach to her conception and argues that mere participation in (...)
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    Governing Corporate Social Responsibility: An Assessment of the Contribution of the UN Global Compact to CSR Strategies in the Telecommunications Industry.Hens Runhaar & Helene Lafferty - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (4):479-495.
    CSR has become an important element in the business strategy of a growing number of companies worldwide. A large number of initiatives have been developed that aim to support companies in developing, implementing, and communicating about CSR. The Global Compact (GC), initiated by the United Nations, stands out. Since its launch in 2000, it has grown to about 2900 companies and 3800 members in total. The GC combines several mechanisms to support CSR strategies: normative principles, networks for learning and co-operation, (...)
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    Evaluative priming from subliminal emotional words: Insights from event-related potentials and individual differences related to anxiety.Henning Gibbons - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (2):383-400.
    The present ERP study investigated effects of subliminal emotional words on preference judgments about subsequent visual target stimuli . Each target was preceded by a masked 17-ms emotional adjective. Four classes of prime words were distinguished according to the combinations of positive/negative valence and high/low arousal. Targets were liked significantly more after positive-arousing primes , relative to negative-arousing , positive-nonarousing , and negative-nonarousing primes . In the target ERP, amplitude of right-hemisphere positive slow wave was increased after positive-arousing compared to (...)
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  19.  41
    Development of the Cross-Cultural Academic Integrity Questionnaire - Version 3.Marcus Henning, Mohsen Alyami, Zeyad Melyani, Hussain Alyami & Ali Al Mansour - 2020 - Journal of Academic Ethics 18 (1):35-53.
    Establishing a reliable and valid measure of academic integrity that can be used in higher education institutions across the world is a challenging and ambitious task. However, solving this issue will likely have major ramifications for understanding dishonest action. It also enables the development of a standardised measure that can be used to assess the efficacy of interventions aimed at enhancing academic integrity that can be administered across regional boundaries and diverse cultural groups. This study has used a combination of (...)
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    Developing a Revised Cross-Cultural Academic Integrity Questionnaire.Marcus A. Henning, Hassan Nejadghanbar & Ukachukwu Abaraogu - 2018 - Journal of Academic Ethics 16 (3):241-255.
    Understanding and measuring levels of academic integrity within higher education institutions across the world is an important area of study in the era of educational internationalization. Developing a cross-cultural measure will undoubtedly assist in creating standardization processes and add to the discourse on cross-cultural understanding on what constitutes honest and dishonest action in the higher education context. This study has used a combination of exploratory and confirmatory factor analytical procedures to validate a previously published questionnaire, namely the cross-cultural academic integrity (...)
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  21.  49
    Ein Fortpflanzungsmedizingesetz für Deutschland.Henning M. Beier, Martin Bujard, Klaus Diedrich, Horst Dreier, Helmut Frister, Heribert Kentenich, Hartmut Kreß, Jan-Steffen Krüssel, Annika K. Ludwig, Eva Schumann, Thomas Strowitzki, Jochen Taupitz, Christian J. Thaler, Petra Thorn, Claudia Wiesemann & Hans-Peter Zenner - 2018 - Ethik in der Medizin 30 (2):153-158.
    ZusammenfassungDie rechtliche Regelung der Fortpflanzungsmedizin ist dringend reformbedürftig. Das Embryonenschutzgesetz von 1990 erfasst die neuesten technischen Entwicklungen nicht, ist in manchen Bereichen unstimmig und lückenhaft, setzt die betroffenen Frauen, Paare und Kinder unnötigen gesundheitlichen Risiken aus, erschwert paradoxerweise die Durchsetzung von Kinderrechten und erzeugt Gerechtigkeitsprobleme und Rechtsunsicherheit für die betroffenen Paare und die behandelnden Ärztinnen und Ärzte.Das Embryonenschutzgesetz enthält zudem nur strafrechtliche Verbote. Diese erlauben keine angemessene Reaktion auf die medizinische Entwicklung und den gesellschaftlichen Wandel und werden der Komplexität der (...)
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  22. Language Policy and Communication Policy-Same Same but Different?Henning Bergenholtz & Mia Johnsen - 2006 - Hermes 37:95-114.
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    The Yes and No of Contemporary Art.Edward B. Henning - 1958 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 17 (2):277-278.
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    1. Einleitung: Zur Kasuistik moralischer Selbstachtung.Henning Hahn - 2008 - In Moralische Selbstachtungmoral Self-Respect: On the Foundation of a Social-Liberal Theory of Justice: Zur Grundfigur Einer Sozialliberalen Gerechtigkeitstheorie. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Reflections on the Philosophy of Science beyond Realism and Constructivism.Henning Høgh Laursen - 2002 - SATS 3 (1):83-101.
  26. Special Contribution to the Debate: The "Life-World" and the "A Priori" - Opposites or Complementaries?Henning L. Meyn - 1974 - Analecta Husserliana 3:98.
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    Time and noise: the stable surroundings of reaction experiments, 1860–1890.Henning Schmidgen - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (2):237-275.
    The 'Reaction experiment with Hipp chronoscope' is one of the classical experiments of modern psychology. This paper investigates the technological contexts of this experiment. It argues that the development of time measurement and communication in other areas of science and technology (astronomy, the clock industry) were decisive for shaping the material culture of experimental in psychology. The chronoscope was constructed by Matthaus Hipp (1813-1893) in the late 1840s. In 1861, Adolphe Hirsch (1830-1901) introduced the chronoscope for measuring the 'physiological time' (...)
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  28. Kant and moral integrity.Henning Jensen - 1989 - Philosophical Studies 57 (2):193 - 205.
    A main objection – perhaps the foremost – to Kant's theory of moral worth is that whereas he claims that only actions performed from the motive of duty have moral worth, most people are convinced that right actions performed out of.
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    The Royal Constitution.Józef Hen, Natalia Janota & Benjamin Borek - 2007 - Dialogue and Universalism 17 (5/6):43-52.
    Stanisław August Poniatowski (1732–1798) was the last king of Poland. He reigned from 1764 to 1795 and, during this time the first Polish constitution, the first in Europe, was established. These excerpts come from Hen’s book My Friend the King (Mój Przyjaciel Król). The book is narrated by the fictional Gaston Fabre, who is a close confidant of the King and is privy to all the turmoil and machinations at Court in months and years preceding the signing of the constitution.
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    Die Linke Hand: Wahrnehmung und Bewertung in der griechischen und römischen Antike.Henning Wirth - 2010 - Stuttgart: Steiner.
    English summary: Human perception includes the division of space into left and right. In general, left holds a negative connotation: A clumsy man appears linkisch in German, links meaning left, and the term translates as awkward. If you conned him, he has been gelinkt. For a long time this negative coloring was also closely associated with the image of left-handers: Left-handers were often regarded as disabled, appeared awkward and antisocial, and were exposed to discrimination. To understand the people of ancient (...)
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    Being in America: Sixty Years of the Metaphysical Society.Brian G. Henning & David Kovacs (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Editions Rodopi.
    Since its founding in 1950, the Metaphysical Society of America has remained a pluralistic community dedicated to rigorous philosophical inquiry into the most basic metaphysical questions. At each year’s conference, the presidential address offers original insights into metaphysical questions. Both the insights and the questions are as perennial as they are relevant to contemporary philosophers. This volume collects eighteen of the finest representatives from those presidential addresses, including contributions from George Allan, Richard Bernstein, Norris Clarke, Vincent Colapietro, Frederick Ferré, Jorge (...)
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    Beyond Mechanism: Putting Life Back Into Biology.Brian G. Henning & Adam Scarfe - 2013 - Lexington Books.
    It has been said that new discoveries and developments in the human, social, and natural sciences hang “in the air” (Bowler, 1983; 2008) prior to their consummation. While neo-Darwinist biology has been powerfully served by its mechanistic metaphysic and a reductionist methodology in which living organisms are considered machines, many of the chapters in this volume place this paradigm into question. Pairing scientists and philosophers together, this volume explores what might be termed “the New Frontiers” of biology, namely contemporary areas (...)
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  33. Neurological Diversity and Epigenetic Influences in Utero. An Ethical Investigation of Maternal Responsibility Towards the Future Child.Kristien Hens - 2016 - In Kristien Hens, Daniela Cutas & Dorothee Horstkötter (eds.), Parental Responsibility in the Context of Neuroscience and Genetics. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
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    Trusting in the 'efficacy of beauty': A kalocentric approach to moral philosophy.Brian G. Henning - 2009 - Ethics and the Environment 14 (1):pp. 101-128.
    Although debates over carbon taxes and trading schemes, over carbon offsets and compact fluorescents are important, our efforts to address the environmental challenges that we face will fall short unless and until we also set about the difficult work of reconceiving who we are and how we are related to our processive cosmos. What is needed, I argue, are new ways of thinking and acting grounded in new ways of understanding ourselves and our relationship to the world, ways of understanding (...)
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  35. From Choice to Chance? Saving People, Fairness, and Lotteries.Tim Henning - 2015 - Philosophical Review 124 (2):169-206.
    Many authors in ethics, economics, and political science endorse the Lottery Requirement, that is, the following thesis: where different parties have equal moral claims to one indivisible good, it is morally obligatory to let a fair lottery decide which party is to receive the good. This article defends skepticism about the Lottery Requirement. It distinguishes three broad strategies of defending such a requirement: the surrogate satisfaction account, the procedural account, and the ideal consent account, and argues that none of these (...)
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  36. The pictorial programme of the Sala Della pace: A new interpretation.Uta Feldges-Henning - 1972 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 35 (1):145-162.
  37.  16
    5. Gerechtigkeit aus Selbstachtung.Henning Hahn - 2008 - In Moralische Selbstachtungmoral Self-Respect: On the Foundation of a Social-Liberal Theory of Justice: Zur Grundfigur Einer Sozialliberalen Gerechtigkeitstheorie. Walter de Gruyter.
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    27. Formen lernen: Bildrhetorik als Didaktik des Entwurfsprozesses.Henning Krauspe - 2016 - In Francesca Vidal & Arne Scheuermann (eds.), Handbuch Medienrhetorik. De Gruyter. pp. 585-606.
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  39. An epistemic modal norm of practical reasoning.Tim Henning - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):6665-6686.
    When are you in a position to rely on p in practical reasoning? Existing accounts say that you must know that p, or be in a position to know that p, or be justified in believing that p, or be in a position to justifiably believe it, and so on. This paper argues that all of these proposals face important problems, which I call the Problems of Negative Bootstrapping and of Level Confusions. I offer a diagnosis of these problems, and (...)
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    Climate Change Ethics and the Non-Human World.Brian G. Henning & Zack Walsh (eds.) - 2020 - Routledge.
    This book examines from different perspectives the moral significance of non-human members of the biotic community and their omission from climate ethics literature. The complexity of life in an age of rapid climate change demands the development of moral frameworks that recognize and respect the dignity and agency of both human and non-human organisms. Despite decades of careful work in non-anthropocentric approaches to environmental ethics, recent anthologies on climate ethics have largely omitted non-anthropocentric approaches. This multidisciplinary volume of international scholars (...)
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  41.  23
    Durfee on Austin and phenomenology.Henning L. Meyn - 1972 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 3 (3):286-287.
  42.  23
    Leviathan and the Myograph: Hermann Helmholtz's “Second Note” on the Propagation Speed of Nervous Stimulations.Henning Schmidgen - 2015 - Science in Context 28 (3):357-396.
    ArgumentIn the winter of 1849–1850 in Königsberg, German physiologist Hermann von Helmholtz (1821–1894) conducted pioneering measurements concerning the propagation speed of stimulations in the living nerve. While recent historians of science have paid considerable attention to Helmholtz's uses of the graphic method, in particular his construction of an instrument called “myographion,” this paper draws attention to theinscription surfacesthat he used in effective ways for capturing and transmitting his findings. Against the background of recent archival findings, I show that Helmholtz used (...)
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  43. The ethics of autism.Kristien Hens, Ingrid Robeyns & Katrien Schaubroeck - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 14 (1):e12559.
    The diagnosis of autism is on the rise. Autistic people, parents, professionals, and policy makers alike face important questions about the right approach toward autism. For example, there are questions about the desirability of early detection, the role and consequences of underlying cognitive theories, and whether autism is a disorder to be treated or an identity to be respected. How does the fact that autism is a heterogeneous concept affect the answers to these questions? Who has the authority or knowledge (...)
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    Common Sense and Common Language in Thomas Reid’s Ethical Theory.Henning Jensen - 1978 - The Monist 61 (2):299-310.
    Contemporary commentators on the history of ethics have devoted little attention to the ethical theory of Thomas Reid. The main reason for this neglect concerns the perspective from which they are very likely to view his theory. Roughly, this perspective is as follows. Eighteenth century ethics tends to be viewed as consisting mainly in the prolonged dispute concerning the nature of the moral faculty. In identifying Reid’s part in this dispute it should be noted that his Essays on the Active (...)
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  45. From A Rational Point Of View.Tim Henning - 2018 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    When we discuss normative reasons, oughts, requirements of rationality, hypothetical imperatives (or “anankastic conditionals”), motivating reasons and so on, we often use verbs like “believe” and “want” to capture a relevant subject’s perspective. According to the received view about sentences involving these verbs, what they do is describe the subject’s mental states. Many puzzles concerning normative discourse have to do with the role that mental states consequently appear to play in this discourse. This book uses tools from formal semantics and (...)
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  46. From a young Danish child to a grown up adult international scientific journal.Henning Bergenholtz - 2013 - Hermes 50:7-8.
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    Meaning in context.Henning Christiansen & Veronica Dahl - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman (ed.), Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 97--111.
  48.  13
    The social life of things according to Marx and Lukács.Henning Christoph - 2021 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 9 (2):171-204.
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    Kontroverse über die Zukunft der Gesellschaft.Henning Günther - 1972 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 14 (3):359-368.
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    Nomadisme og interaksjon.Henning Hagerup - 2007 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 25 (1-2):373-382.
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