Results for 'Jean Lebret'

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  1.  23
    The Abidjan School and Louis-Joseph Lebret: marrying empirical research and development ethics.Jérôme Ballet, Jean-Luc Dubois & Alice Kouadio - 2021 - Journal of Global Ethics 17 (2):222-242.
    The Abidjan School is a school of thought that developed in the 1980s and 1990s in the Côte d'Ivoire inspired by the work of Louis-Joseph Lebret and Amartya Sen. It follows the empirical approach i...
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    Artificial intelligence and work: a critical review of recent research from the social sciences.Jean-Philippe Deranty & Thomas Corbin - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-17.
    This review seeks to present a comprehensive picture of recent discussions in the social sciences of the anticipated impact of AI on the world of work. Issues covered include: technological unemployment, algorithmic management, platform work and the politics of AI work. The review identifies the major disciplinary and methodological perspectives on AI’s impact on work, and the obstacles they face in making predictions. Two parameters influencing the development and deployment of AI in the economy are highlighted: the capitalist imperative and (...)
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  3. The wall.Jean-Paul Sartre - unknown
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    The World-Directedness of Emotional Feeling: Affective Intentionality and Position-Taking.Jean Moritz Müller - 2022 - Emotion Review 14 (4):244-253.
    Emotion Review, Volume 14, Issue 4, Page 244-253, October 2022. This article is a précis of my 2019 monograph The World-Directedness of Emotional Feeling: On Affect and Intentionality. The book engages with a growing trend of philosophical thinking according to which the felt dimension and the intentionality of emotion are unified. While sympathetic to the general approach, I argue for a reconceptualization of the form of intentionality that emotional feelings are widely thought to possess and, accordingly, of the kind of (...)
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    The spontaneity of emotion.Jean Moritz Müller - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 29 (4):1060-1078.
    It is a commonplace that emotions are characteristically passive. As we ordinarily think of them, emotions are ways in which we are acted upon, that is, moved or affected by aspects of our environment. Moreover, we have no voluntary control over whether we feel them. In this paper, I call attention to a much-neglected respect in which emotions are active, which is no less central to our pretheoretical concept of them. That is, in having emotions, we are engaged with the (...)
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    Political Writings.Jean François Lyotard, Bill Readings & Kevin Paul Geiman - 1993 - Taylor & Francis.
    The political writings of Jean-Francois Lyotard, the prophet of the postmodern, are presented here as both the missing dimension of his work and the key to understanding his position within contemporary debate.
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  7. Electronic Publishing in France: Closed [Temporarily] for Stock-taking.Jean-Michel Ollé & Jean-Pierre Sakoun - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (196):80-85.
    In May 2000 a group of researchers, university teachers and publishers met to consider the impact of the new media for knowledge transmission on the intellectual world and listed the projects ongoing in France for publishing content electronically. Eighteen months later no one is able to say whether there will one day be a significant body of electronic publishing with French content. Such a transformation calls for a moment's consideration. So what has happened?
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    Sources of Hermeneutics.Jean Grondin - 1995 - State University of New York Press.
    This book provides an introduction to the historical sources of philosophical hermeneutics as it has come to fruition in the work of Heidegger and Gadamer.
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  9. The molecular biology of consciousness.Jean-Pierre Changeux - 2008 - In Hans Liljenström & Peter Århem (eds.), Consciousness transitions: phylogenetic, ontogenetic, and physiological aspects. Boston: Elsevier.
  10.  46
    Estimation of a Bernouilli Parameter: A Normative Approach to Replace the Bayesian One.Jean-franÇois Laslier - 1989 - Theory and Decision 26 (3):253.
  11. The death of Lucretia.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2009 - In Rousseau on women, love, and family. Hanover, N.H.: Dartmouth College Press.
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    Forms of Authority and the Real Ad Verecundiam.Jean Goodwin - 1998 - Argumentation 12 (2):267-280.
    This paper provides a typology of appeals to authority, identifying three distinct types: that which is based on a command; that which is based on expertise; and that which is based on dignity. Each type is distinguished with respect to the reaction that a failure to follow it ordinarily evokes. The rhetorical roots of Locke's ad verecundiam are traced to the rhetorical practices of ancient Rome.
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    Expérimenter un revenu d’émancipation et d’autonomie.Jean-Luc Gleyze & Ariel Kyrou - 2022 - Multitudes 86 (1):109-114.
    Un entretien avec Jean-Luc Gleyze, président du Conseil départemental de la Gironde, qui porte avec une vingtaine de départements français un projet d’expérimentation d’un revenu de base d’un montant suffisant, d’au moins mille euros, automatique, inconditionnel, mais dégressif, c’est-à-dire dépendant des revenus de chacun.
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  14. Contracts and choices: Does Rawls have a social contract theory?Jean Hampton - 1980 - Journal of Philosophy 77 (6):315-338.
  15.  27
    Eros, Once Again: Danielle Cohen-Levinas in Conversation with Jean-Luc Nancy.Danielle Cohen-Levinas & Jean-Luc Nancy - 2020 - In Michael Fagenblat & Arthur Cools (eds.), Levinas and Literature: New Directions. De Gruyter. pp. 37-46.
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    Should Climate Scientists Fly?Jean Goodwin - 2020 - Informal Logic 40 (2):157-203.
    I inquire into argument at the system level, exploring the controversy over whether climate scientists should fly. I document participants’ knowledge of a skeptical argument that because scientists fly, they cannot testify credibly about the climate emergency. I show how this argument has been managed by pro-climate action arguers, and how some climate scientists have developed parallel reasoning, articulating a sophisticated case why they will be more effective in the controversy if they fly less. Finally, I review some strategies arguers (...)
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    Editorial: Eating in the Age of Smartphones: The Good, the Bad, and the Neutral.Jean C. J. Liu & David A. Ellis - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Computational challenges to test and revitalize Claude Lévi-Strauss transformational methodology.Jean-François Santucci, Laurent Capocchi & Albert Doja - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    The ambition and proposal for data modeling of myths presented in this paper is to link contemporary technical affordances to some canonical projects developed in structural anthropology. To articulate the theoretical promise and innovation of this proposal, we present a discrete-event system specification modeling and simulation approach in order to perform a generative analysis and a dynamic visualization of selected narratives, aimed at validating and revitalizing the transformational and morphodynamic theory and methodology proposed by Claude Lévi-Strauss in his structural analysis (...)
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  19.  8
    Marxisme et sens chrétien de l'histoire: essai philosophique.Jean Borella - 2016 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La doctrine de Marx continue, alors même qu'elle n'a cessé d'être critiquée, de susciter l'intérêt voir l'adhésion d'un nombre croissant d'intellectuels. L'idée d'un "sens de l'Histoire", notamment, nourrit une littérature de recherche et un combat politique importants. Mais qu'en est-il réellement? A-t-on bien lu Marx? Jean Borella, qui cherche à tisser des liens entre philosophie et foi chrétienne, travaille dans cet ouvrage à sortir des sentiers battus du marxisme orthodoxe pour mettre en regard les conceptions matérialistes et christiques de (...)
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    Une autre Kehre?Jean-François Kervégan - 2022 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 140 (1):61-68.
    Prenant pour fil conducteur les écrits de Jean-Marie Vaysse et de Bernard Mabille, l’article examine la manière dont le « retournement » heideggérien de l’hégélianisme a pu lui-même être « retourné » grâce à une lecture de Hegel libérée des préjugés qui l’affectent usuellement, et dont Heidegger lui-même ne s’est pas complètement libéré. De la sorte se dessine la voie d’une autre Kehre, plus radicale, en un sens, que celle de Heidegger.
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  21. Generalized paths.Jean Mark Gawron - unknown
    (1) a. The fog extended from London toward Paris. (the state reading is an extent reading (Jackendoff 1990)) b. Debris covered the outfield. c. Water filled the glass.
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    The time-course of visual threat processing: High trait anxious individuals eventually avert their gaze from angry faces.Jean-Christophe Rohner - 2002 - Cognition and Emotion 16 (6):837-844.
  23. "What is literature?" and other essays.Jean-Paul Sartre - 1988 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    This new edition of "What is Literature?" also collects three other crucial essays of Sartre's for the first time in a volume of his.
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    Chapter three saving intentional phenomena: Intentionality, representation, and symbol.Jean-Michel Roy - 1999 - In Jean Petitot, Francisco J. Varela, Bernard Pachoud & Jean-Michel Roy (eds.), Naturalizing Phenomenology: Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive Science. Stanford University Press. pp. 111-147.
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    Comments on `Rhetoric and Dialectic from the Standpoint of Normative Pragmatics'.Jean Goodwin - 2000 - Argumentation 14 (3):287-292.
  26.  24
    On rules with existential variables: Walking the decidability line.Jean-François Baget, Michel Leclère, Marie-Laure Mugnier & Eric Salvat - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (9-10):1620-1654.
  27.  72
    The Vatican Square.Jean-Yves Beziau & Raffaela Giovagnoli - 2016 - Logica Universalis 10 (2-3):135-141.
    After explaining the interdisciplinary aspect of the series of events organized around the square of opposition since 2007, we discuss papers related to the 4th World Congress on the Square of Opposition which was organized in the Vatican at the Pontifical Lateran University in 2014. We distinguish three categories of work: those dealing with the evolution and development of the theory of opposition, those using the square as a metalogical tool to give a better understanding of various systems of logic (...)
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  28.  36
    Science, Technology and Democracy.Jean-Jacques Salomon - 2000 - Minerva 38 (1):33-51.
    Science and the institutions of science are far from democratic systems,and yet they are the most democratic of regimes. This essay examinesthe demand for transparency and public participation. One can distinguishseveral levels of public influence. Their function suggests thatdecision-makers, both scientists and technocrats, are being obligedto accept and work with rules which are no longer laid down by themselves.
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    Eudaimonism and Christian Ethics.Jean Porter - 2019 - Journal of Religious Ethics 47 (1):23-42.
    Contrary to common assumptions, appeals to rewards and punishments play a central role in Scripture. We find these appeals in both the Old and New Testaments, and in every major biblical genre. Moreover, these appeals almost always presuppose that the one addressed by a promise, threat, or inducement will respond out of some self‐referential desire to enjoy something good or to avoid an evil. Similarly, they take for granted that such desires provide legitimate motives for obedience or fidelity. In short, (...)
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  30. Religion: What It Is, How It Works, and Why It Matters.Jean-Pierre Smith - unknown
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    International Justice as Equal Regard and the Use of Force.Jean Bethke Elshtain - 2003 - Ethics and International Affairs 17 (2):63-75.
    Have we any obligations beyond our own borders? What form do these take? These questions are addressed through a concept of comparative justice indebted to the just war tradition and the equal moral regard of persons.
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    Coincidence as parthood.Jean-Baptiste Guillon - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 18):4247-4276.
    There are three families of solutions to the traditional Amputation Paradox: Eliminativism, Contingent Identity Theories, and Theories of Coincident Entities. Theories of Coincident Entities challenge our common understanding of the relation between identity and parthood, since they accept that two things can be mereologically coincident without being identical. The contemporary discussion of the Amputation Paradox tends to mention only one theory of Coincident Entities, namely the Constitution View, which violates the mereological principle of Extensionality. But in fact, there is another (...)
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  33.  42
    The development of character in Kantian moral theory.Jean P. Rumsey - 1989 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 27 (2):247-265.
  34.  54
    The precautionary principle and enlightened doomsaying.Jean-Pierre Dupuy - 2012 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 76 (4):577.
    Résumé Le principe de précaution est une réponse apportée à un vrai problème. Les menaces auxquelles l’humanité se trouve confrontée aujourd’hui, et dont la mise en système pourrait mettre sa survie en danger, requièrent une forme de prudence radicalement nouvelle. Ni la phronêsis des Anciens ni le calcul des chances des Modernes ne conviennent. Le principe de précaution apparaît cependant incapable de relever ce défi, tant ses fondements conceptuels sont faibles et inadéquats. Il se trompe en particulier de cible en (...)
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    Pragmatics in the False-Belief Task: Let the Robot Ask the Question!Jean Baratgin, Marion Dubois-Sage, Baptiste Jacquet, Jean-Louis Stilgenbauer & Frank Jamet - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:593807.
    The poor performances of typically developing children younger than 4 in the first-order false-belief task “Maxi and the chocolate” is analyzed from the perspective of conversational pragmatics. An ambiguous question asked by an adult experimenter (perceived as a teacher) can receive different interpretations based on a search for relevance, by which children according to their age attribute different intentions to the questioner, within the limits of their own meta-cognitive knowledge. The adult experimenter tells the child the following story of object-transfer: (...)
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  36. Philippe Mongin (1950-2020).Jean Baccelli & Marcus Pivato - 2021 - Theory and Decision 90 (1):1-9.
    An obituary of Philippe Mongin (1950-2020).
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    Fonctions de la statue dans la Grèce archaïque : kouros et kolossos.Jean Ducat - 1976 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 100 (1):239-251.
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    Random conjoint measurement and loudness summation.Jean-Claude Falmagne - 1976 - Psychological Review 83 (1):65-79.
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  39. The Wisdom of the Egoist: The Moral and Political Implications of Valuing the Self.Jean Hampton - 1997 - Social Philosophy and Policy 14 (1):21.
    There is a traditional understanding of what morality is, an under-standing that most contemporary moral philosophers take for granted. This understanding is not itself a theory, but rather an account of the phenomenon of morality, to which these philosophers have thought any theory of the phenomenon must conform if it is to be considered successful as either an explanation or a justification of our moral life. According to this account, there are three prominent features that, together, characterize the moral: First, (...)
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    Propositions de réflexion à partir de l’article de Cyril Desjeux sur les modalités de coopération entre personnes valides et handicapées. Commentaire.Jean-Sébastien Eideliman & Myriam Winance - 2019 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 13 (1):56-61.
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    Le doute comme jeu suprême – Descartes sceptique.Jean-Luc Marion - 2021 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 136 (1):5-36.
    Le doute cartésien – théorique, généralisé, hyperbolique et volontaire – reprend et renforce tout d’abord les raisons sceptiques traditionnelles de douter, afin de mettre pour la première fois en doute tout le sensible, mais aussi de montrer que ces raisons buttent sur les naturae simplicissimae et la certitude de la mathesis universalis. Descartes forge alors un nouvel argument sceptique : le « Dieu qui peut tout », qui permet de penser que, lorsque je me rends à l’évidence des natures simples, (...)
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    Correspondance Dieudonné-Cavaillès (1939).Jean Dieudonné & Gerhard Heinzmann - 2020 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 106 (2):199-208.
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    Hybrid space: constituting the hospital as a home space for patients.Jean A. Gilmour - 2006 - Nursing Inquiry 13 (1):16-22.
    A growing body of nursing writing is engaged in reviewing the material and relational world of nursing using geographical concepts. This paper draws upon research undertaken in hospital settings where nurses constituted the hospital as a home space for patients. Nurses’ practices created an equitable and patient‐centred use of physical space in the hospital ward, along with the intimate, extended and personal relationships associated by patients with a caring and homely environment. It is suggested that this constitution of space resonates (...)
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  44.  25
    Gift, Reciprocity and Learning Health Systems.Jean-François Ethier, Roxanne Dault, Annabelle Cumyn & Adrien Barton - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (4):91-93.
    Lee suggests a conceptualization of health data sharing not merely as an act of altruism, but as a gift. The difference is important, as the inscription of the latter in a social context inv...
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    Les horizons marxistes de l'éthique de la reconnaissance.Jean-Philippe Duranty - 2005 - Actuel Marx 38 (2):159-178.
    The genesis of Axel Honneth's ethics of recognition shows that it represents the attempt to critically rejuvenate historical materialism through an emphasis on the normative dimensions and the anthropological preconditions of social interaction. By making explicit this project to redefine a theory of praxis, the exact theoretical stance and the full practical potential of Honneth's social theory can be stressed. However, by contrast to its initial formulation, the mature theory of recognition appears to have interpreted praxis in a narrow interpersonalist (...)
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  46.  18
    Moral Woman and Immoral Man: A Consideration of the Public-Private Split and Its Political Ramifications.Jean Bethke Elshtain - 1974 - Politics and Society 4 (4):453-473.
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    L’Europe comme concept juridique?Jean-Louis Halpérin - 2018 - Noesis 30:281-294.
    Que signifie l’Europe pour les juristes? La première réponse, de caractère descriptif, renvoie aux deux ordres juridiques européens, celui de l’Union Européenne et celui du Conseil de l’Europe. Ces deux ordres juridiques reposent sur des traités et les États qui adhèrent à ces traités sont reconnus comme « européens ». Le concept juridique d’Europe est donc distinct du concept géographique : il intègre des territoires situés en Asie ou outremer. L’Europe juridique ne correspond pas non plus à un peuple européen, (...)
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  48.  14
    Dispersed are we : roman des mondes et monde du roman dans Between the Acts, de Virginia Woolf.Jean-Jacques Lecercle - 2022 - Filozofski Vestnik 42 (2).
    Drawing on a forthcoming book by Rok Benčin on the concept of world, the article proposes a reading of _Between the Acts_ by Virginia Woolf that focuses on the dialectic of dispersion and unity. The novel presents a multiplicity of dispersed and fragmented transcendental frameworks that tend towards – an attempt that is always doomed to fail, but always begins anew – unification within the ideological apparatuses. In this endless dialectic, literature occupies a singular place, for the fictional structure of (...)
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  49.  10
    Durkheim propagandiste ou la justification sociologique de la guerre.Jean-Christophe Marcel - 2022 - Revue de Synthèse 144 (1-2):7-30.
    Résumé Cet article se propose d’examiner comment la notion de « culture de guerre », avancée par certains historiens pour qualifier l’engagement des intellectuels français dans l’Union sacrée contre l’Allemagne dès 1914, se décline dans le cas de Durkheim. À travers l’exemple de son texte de propagande le plus connu : L’Allemagne au-dessus de tout, on se propose de débusquer les arguments sociologiques plus ou moins implicites qu’il mobilise pour dénoncer la « mentalité allemande ». Il en résulte qu’au regard (...)
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    Die Kunst, Fragment.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2012 - Naharaim 6 (2):286-307.
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