Results for 'Johan Kärnfelt'

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  1.  71
    Logic in Games.Johan Van Benthem - 2014 - MIT Press.
    A comprehensive examination of the interfaces of logic, computer science, and game theory, drawing on twenty years of research on logic and games.
  2.  45
    A ModalWalk Through Space.Marco Aiello & Johan van Benthem - 2002 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 12 (3):319-363.
    We investigate the major mathematical theories of space from a modal standpoint: topology, affine geometry, metric geometry, and vector algebra. This allows us to see new fine-structure in spatial patterns which suggests analogies across these mathematical theories in terms of modal, temporal, and conditional logics. Throughout the modal walk through space, expressive power is analyzed in terms of language design, bisimulations, and correspondence phenomena. The result is both unification across the areas visited, and the uncovering of interesting new questions.
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  3. Rational Dynamics and Epistemic Logic in Games.Johan van Benthem - unknown
    Game-theoretic solution concepts describe sets of strategy profiles that are optimal for all players in some plausible sense. Such sets are often found by recursive algorithms like iterated removal of strictly dominated strategies in strategic games, or backward induction in extensive games. Standard logical analyses of solution sets use assumptions about players in fixed epistemic models for a given game, such as mutual knowledge of rationality. In this paper, we propose a different perspective, analyzing solution algorithms as processes of learning (...)
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  4. Preference logic, conditionals and solution concepts in games.Johan van Benthem - unknown
    Preference is a basic notion in human behaviour, underlying such varied phenomena as individual rationality in the philosophy of action and game theory, obligations in deontic logic (we should aim for the best of all possible worlds), or collective decisions in social choice theory. Also, in a more abstract sense, preference orderings are used in conditional logic or non-monotonic reasoning as a way of arranging worlds into more or less plausible ones. The field of preference logic (cf. Hansson [10]) studies (...)
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    Reduction axioms for epistemic actions.Johan van Benthem & Barteld Kooi - unknown
    Current dynamic epistemic logics often become cumbersome and opaque when common knowledge is added. In this paper we propose new versions that extend the underlying static epistemic language in such a way that dynamic completeness proofs can be obtained by perspicuous reduction axioms.
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    An Inquiry into the Study of Corporate Codes of Ethics.Sven Helin & Johan Sandström - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 75 (3):253-271.
    This paper takes its point of departure in an article by Stevens [Stevens, B.: 1994, Journal of Business Ethics 54, 163–171], in which she identified a lack of knowledge regarding how corporate codes of ethics are communicated and affect behavior in organizations. Taking heed of this suggested gap, we review studies on corporate codes of ethics with an empirical content, published since 1994. The conclusion of the review is that we still lack knowledge on how codes work, how they are (...)
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    Wijsbegeerte van het recht.Johan Jacob von Schmid - 1946 - Den Haag,: Servire.
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  8. For Better or for Worse: Dynamic Logics of Preference.Johan van Benthem - unknown
    In the last few years, preference logic and in particular, the dynamic logic of preference change, has suddenly become a live topic in my Amsterdam and Stanford environments. At the request of the editors, this article explains how this interest came about, and what is happening. I mainly present a story around some recent dissertations and supporting papers, which are found in the references. There is no pretense at complete coverage of preference logic (for that, see Hanson 2001) or even (...)
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  9.  21
    The Tree of Knowledge in Action: Towards a Common Perspective.Johan van Benthem & Eric Pacuit - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 87-106.
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    Distinction between euthanasia and palliative sedation is clear-cut.Lars Johan Materstvedt - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (1):55-56.
    This article is a response to Thomas David Riisfeldt’s paper entitled ‘Weakening the ethical distinction between euthanasia, palliative opioid use and palliative sedation’. It is shown that as far as euthanasia and palliative sedation are concerned, Riisfeldt has not established that a common ground, or a similarity, between the two is the relief of suffering. Quite the contrary, this is not characteristic of euthanasia, neither by definition nor from a clinical point of view. Hence, the argument hinges on a conceptually (...)
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  11. Can forgiveness be morally wrong.Arne Johan Vetlesen - 2011 - In Christel Fricke (ed.), The Ethics of Forgiveness: A Collection of Essays. New York: Routledge.
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  12. Logics for Analyzing Games.Johan Van Benthem & Dominik Klein - 2019 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Codes, Ethics and Cross-Cultural Differences: Stories from the Implementation of a Corporate Code of Ethics in a MNC Subsidiary.Sven Helin & Johan Sandström - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (2):281-291.
    In this article, we focus on the cross-cultural aspects of the implementation of an American company's code of ethics into its Swedish subsidiary. We identify the cross-cultural stories that the receivers in the subsidiary use when trying to explain the parent's code and conceptualize these stories as part of an emerging narrative of national belonging and differences. The receivers resisted the code by amplifying the importance of national identity. Rather than stimulating a discussion on ethics that might have strengthened the (...)
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  14. Towards a computational semantics.Johan van Benthem - 1987 - In Peter Gärdenfors (ed.), Generalized Quantifiers. Reidel Publishing Company. pp. 31--71.
  15.  20
    Toward a better approach to goodness: Comments on Van der Helm and Leeuwenberg (1996).Johan Wagemans - 1999 - Psychological Review 106 (3):610-621.
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  16. Law and the space of appearance in Arendt's thought.Johan van der Walt - 2012 - In Marco Goldoni & Christopher McCorkindale (eds.), Hannah Arendt and the law. Portland, Or.: Hart Pub.2.
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  17. Information in Natural Language.Johan van Benthem - unknown
    Natural languages are vehicles of information, arguably the most important, certainly the most ubiquitous that humans possess. Our everyday interactions with the world, with each other and with ourselves depend on them. And even where in the specialised contexts of science we use dedicated formalisms to convey information, their use is embedded in natural language. This omnipresence of natural language is due in large part to its flexibility, which is almost always a virtue, sometimes a vice. Natural languages are able (...)
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  18. Logica in actie.Johan van Benthem, Hans van Ditmarsch & Jan van Eijck - unknown
    Meer informatie over de uitgaven van Sdu Uitgevers en Academic Service kunt u verkrijgen bij: Sdu Klantenservice Postbus 20014 2500 EA Den Haag tel.: (070) 378 98 80
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  19. Part IV. lexical, constructional and discourse semantics: Prohibition: Constructions and markers.Johan van der Auwera - 2009 - In Dingfang Shu & Ken Turner (eds.), Contrasting Meanings in Languages of the East and West. Peter Lang.
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  20. Common Knowledge in Update Logics.Johan van Benthem - unknown
    Current dynamic epistemic logics often become cumbersome and opaque when common knowledge is added for groups of agents. Still, postconditions regarding common knowledge express the essence of what communication achieves. We present some methods that yield so-called reduction axioms for common knowledge. We investigate the expressive power of public announcement logic with relativized common knowledge, and present reduction axioms that give a detailed account of the dynamics of common knowledge in some major communication types.
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    Preferential processing of visual trauma-film reminders predicts subsequent intrusive memories.Johan Verwoerd, Ineke Wessel, Peter J. de Jong & Maurice Mw Nieuwenhuis - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (8):1537-1551.
  22.  27
    Misconstrual of EAPC's position paper on euthanasia.Lars Johan Materstvedt - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (8):655-656.
  23.  21
    Een toekomst voor esthetica in de kunstfilosofie?Johan Veldeman - 2013 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 105 (3):183-194.
    Has art still something to do with aesthetics? Traditional aesthetic theories were abandoned under influence of the arguments of Morris Weitz. It seems that there is no longer a place for aesthetics in the philosophy of art. Furthermore, a lot of contemporary art seems to be radically anti-aesthetic. It is argued that there is nonetheless a central role to be played for aesthetic experience in art.
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    Narrativity and Hermeneutics in Applied Ethics.Johan Verstraeten - 1994 - Ethical Perspectives 1 (2):51-56.
    ‘Narrativity and Hermeneutics’ is not an obvious subject to mark the fifth anniversary of a centre devoted to applied ethics. Narrative tradition and the interpretation of texts are not the main concern of handbooks on biomedical ethics, engineering ethics, business ethics or ecological ethics. The reasons are evident; most practitioners of applied ethics see their area of research as a functionally differentiated discipline, a carefully circumscribed field wherein only specialists are competent. In their textbooks they adopt the view of ethical (...)
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    Recensie: War, morality and autonomy: An investigation in just war theory/Daniel S. Zupan (Aldershot, 2004).Johan Verstraeten - 2005 - Ethical Perspectives 12 (4):535-536.
  26.  11
    Towards a Theological Ethics of Migration.Johan Verstraeten - 2017 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 14 (1):3-7.
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    The Tension Between 'Gesinnungsethik' and 'Verantwortungsethik'.Johan Verstraeten - 1995 - Ethical Perspectives 2 (4):180-187.
    A consensus exists in the Christian tradition concerning the idea that a faith conviction based on the gospel also has ethical and political implications. Much disunity remains, however, with respect to the interpretation of the relationship between the two. Throughout the history of theological thought we can find a variety of hypotheses on the question ranging from ideas of theocracy and ‘status confessionis’ declarations to manifold interpretations of the ‘two kingdom’ theory.In the political praxis of modern secularised society, the latter (...)
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  28.  32
    Schemas and bridging gaps in the behavioral and brain sciences.Johan P. Wagemans - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (3):449-450.
  29.  44
    Ways of coloring the ecological approach.Johan Wagemans & Charles M. M. de Weert - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (1):54-56.
  30.  12
    Games, Norms and Reasons: Logic at the Crossroads.Johan van Benthem, Amitabha Gupta & Eric Pacuit (eds.) - 2011 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Games, Norms, and Reasons: Logic at the Crossroads provides an overview of modern logic focusing on its relationships with other disciplines, including new interfaces with rational choice theory, epistemology, game theory and informatics. This book continues a series called "Logic at the Crossroads" whose title reflects a view that the deep insights from the classical phase of mathematical logic can form a harmonious mixture with a new, more ambitious research agenda of understanding and enhancing human reasoning and intelligent interaction. The (...)
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  31. Logic Across the University: Foundations and Applications.Johan Van Benthem & Fenrong Lui (eds.) - 2013 - College Publications.
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  32. Logic, information and agency.Johan van Benthem - 2025 - Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
    This is an introduction for readers with some basic knowledge of logic to contemporary logical analyses of information flow and multi-agent activity with an emphasis on new perspectives and new research directions. The first major topic are dynamic-epistemic logics for analyzing information dynamics and information update based on new observations, as well as the induced processes of knowledge change and belief revision. The second part of the book connects these dynamic-epistemic logics to richer mathematical models coming from dependence logic, topology (...)
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  33. Theoretical aspects of rationality and knowledge.Johan van Benthem (ed.) - 2001
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  34.  7
    Den Europeiske filosofi: Johan Fredrik Bjelkes forelesninger.Johan Fredrik Bjelke & Jan Tormod Dege - 1972 - Oslo,: Universitetsforlaget. Edited by Jan Tormod Dege.
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    In memoriam Hendrik Johan Adriaanse (1940-2012).Johan Goud - 2013 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 75 (1):189-192.
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    Author-Meets-Critics: Johan Dahlbeck, Spinoza: Fiction and Manipulation in Civic Education.Johan Dahlbeck - unknown
    This book is a philosophical enquiry into the educational consequences of Spinoza’s political theory. Spinoza’s political theory is of particular interest for educational thought as it brings together the normative aims of his ethical theory with his realistic depiction of human psychology and the ramifications of this for successful political governance. As such, the book aims to introduce the reader to Spinoza’s original vision of civic education, as a project that ultimately aims at the ethical flourishing of individuals, while being (...)
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    Treatise on intuitionistic type theory.Johan Georg Granström - 2011 - New York: Springer.
    Prolegomena It is fitting to begin this book on intuitionistic type theory by putting the subject matter into perspective. The purpose of this chapter is to ...
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    Enjeux de l'éthique professionnelle.Johane Patenaude & Georges A. Legault (eds.) - 1996 - Sainte-Foy, Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec.
    t. 1. Codes et comités d'éthique -- t. 2. L'expérience québécoise.
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    Intuisjon og erkjennelse: til Johan Fredrik Bjelke på sekstiårsdagen 31. januar 1976.Johan Fredrik Bjelke (ed.) - 1976 - Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo, Institutt for filosofi.
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    Spinoza: Fiction and Manipulation in Civic Education.Johan Dahlbeck - 2021 - Singapore: Springer.
    This book is a philosophical enquiry into the educational consequences of Spinoza’s political theory. Spinoza’s political theory is of particular interest for educational thought as it brings together the normative aims of his ethical theory with his realistic depiction of human psychology and the ramifications of this for successful political governance. As such, this book aims to introduce the reader to Spinoza’s original vision of civic education, as a project that ultimately aims at the ethical flourishing of individuals, while being (...)
  41.  49
    Leviathan Inc.: Hobbes on the nature and person of the state.Johan Olsthoorn - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (1):17-32.
    ABSTRACT This article aspires to make two original contributions to the vast literature on Hobbes’s account of the nature and person of the commonwealth: (1) I provide the first systematic analysis of his changing conception of ‘person’; and (2) use it to show that those who claim that the Hobbesian commonwealth is created by personation by fiction misconstrue his theory of the state. Whereas Elements/de Cive advance a metaphysics-based distinction between individuals (‘natural persons’) and corporations (‘civil persons’), from Leviathan onwards (...)
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  42. A Simpler, More Compelling Money Pump with Foresight.Johan E. Gustafsson & Wlodek Rabinowicz - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy 117 (10):578-589.
    One might think that money pumps directed at agents with cyclic preferences can be avoided by foresight. This view was challenged two decades ago by the discovery of a money pump with foresight, which works against agents who use backward induction. But backward induction implausibly assumes that the agent would act rationally and retain her trust in her future rationality even at choice nodes that could only be reached if she were to act irrationally. This worry does not apply to (...)
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  43.  49
    Spinoza and Education: Freedom, Understanding and Empowerment.Johan Dahlbeck - 2016 - Abingdon: Routledge.
    Spinoza and Education offers a comprehensive investigation into the educational implications of Spinoza’s moral theory. Taking Spinoza’s naturalism as its point of departure, it constructs a considered account of education, taking special care to investigate the educational implications of Spinoza’s psychological egoism. What emerges is a counterintuitive form of education grounded in the egoistic striving of the teacher to persevere and to flourish in existence while still catering to the ethical demands of the students and the greater community. -/- In (...)
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  44.  23
    Team autonomy and digital transformation.Johan E. Ravn, Nils Brede Moe, Viktoria Stray & Eva Amdahl Seim - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):701-710.
    The organizational theory literature is reasonably unanimous that team autonomy is a key factor for employee well-being and motivation as well as organizational performance. However, team autonomy is challenged when its processes and outputs need to be aligned with actors and factors external to a team. There are likely challenges and conflicts between team autonomy and the need for coherence in the wider system. Team autonomy has a range of implications and is challenged by a number of factors, such as (...)
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    Sourcing ethics in the textile sector: The case of c&a.Johan J. Graafland - 2002 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 11 (3):282–294.
    During the last years competition in the textile sector has increased, putting financial returns under considerable pressure. As a result, production has shifted to low wage countries in the third world. This has raised the relevance of ethical procedures. This paper analyses how C&A, as one of the largest Western apparel companies, organises its sourcing ethics, notwithstanding the financial pressure in the market. Based on interviews with Asian suppliers of C&A during the second half of 2000, we review the opinions (...)
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  46.  41
    Getting into the engine room: a blueprint to investigate the shadowy steps of AI ethics.Johan Rochel & Florian Evéquoz - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (2):609-622.
    Enacting an AI system typically requires three iterative phases where AI engineers are in command: selection and preparation of the data, selection and configuration of algorithmic tools, and fine-tuning of the different parameters on the basis of intermediate results. Our main hypothesis is that these phases involve practices with ethical questions. This paper maps these ethical questions and proposes a way to address them in light of a neo-republican understanding of freedom, defined as absence of domination. We thereby identify different (...)
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  47.  54
    Situations and inference.Johan Benthem - 1985 - Linguistics and Philosophy 8 (1):3 - 8.
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  48.  36
    Do Peace Studies Reach Out, Including Others?Johan Galtung - 2010 - Dilemata 3.
    This paper presents various personal reflections made about Peace studies find its new challenges, which will help to understand the reality and peace research from new globalizing dimensions. From the transnational and interdisciplinary perspective, we aim to go beyond what is established in order to open new ways to analyze and offer other benchmarks, such as equality and equity. In this sense, the text develops a convergence of different approaches to this research: sociology of peace, development, politics and culture, the (...)
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  49.  10
    Vetenskapsakademiens Herschel-teleskop: En instrumentbiografi.Johan Kärnfelt - 2020 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 81:133-154.
    _The Herschel Telescope of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences: An Instrument Biography_ The so called Herschel telescope is one of the key items in the artefact collection of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science. The optics was commissioned from William Herschel in England in the mid-1780s and arrived a couple of years later, but the telescope as such was not finished until 1812. Even if it amounted to a considerable investment for the Academy, scientific speaking it turned out to (...)
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  50.  12
    Encyclopedia of Technological Progress, 2nd Edition: A Systematic Overview of Theories and Opinions.Johan Hendrik van der Pot - 2004 - Eburon Publishers, Delft.
    The scientific advances made in the last two centuries have drastically improved the quality and structure of human existence. Exploring the history of that technological progress, and the numerous and complex elements that propelled its development, the _Encyclopedia of Technological Progress_ attempts to comprehensively classify the theories and hypotheses proposed in modern human history on the effects, meaning, and control of these advances. This massive and learned reference work draws on a wide range of disciplines in its study of technological (...)
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