Results for 'Matthias Grothe'

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  1.  44
    Connectivity-Based Predictions of Hand Motor Outcome for Patients at the Subacute Stage After Stroke.Julia Lindow, Martin Domin, Matthias Grothe, Ulrike Horn, Simon B. Eickhoff & Martin Lotze - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:179766.
  2.  25
    The Phenomenology of Religious Life. [REVIEW]Miles Groth - 2004 - Review of Metaphysics 58 (2):442-445.
    The present volume is a translation of Volume 60 of the Collected Edition of Heidegger’s works, Phänomenologie des religiösen Lebens, which was first published in 1995 edited by Matthias Jung, Thomas Regehly and Claudius Strube. It consists of three parts: an “approximation of the train of thought and articulation” of a course of lectures Heidegger gave in the winter semester 1920–21 entitled “Introduction to the Phenomenology of Religion,” edited by Jung and Regehly; the actual text of his summer semester (...)
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    Working Wonders? Investigating insight with magic tricks.Amory H. Danek, Thomas Fraps, Albrecht von Müller, Benedikt Grothe & Michael Öllinger - 2014 - Cognition 130 (2):174-185.
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    In quest of justice? Clinical prioritisation in healthcare for the aged.R. Pedersen, P. Nortvedt, M. Nordhaug, A. Slettebo, K. H. Grothe, M. Kirkevold, B. S. Brinchmann & B. Andersen - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (4):230-235.
    Background: A fair distribution of healthcare services for older patients is an important challenge, but qualitative research exploring clinicians’ consideration in daily clinical prioritisation in healthcare services for the aged is scarce.Objectives: To explore what kind of criteria, values, and other relevant considerations are important in clinical prioritisations in healthcare services for older patients.Design: A semi-structured interview-guide was used to interview 45 clinicians working with older patients. The interviews were analysed qualitatively using hermeneutical content analysis and template organising style.Participants: 20 (...)
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    Matthias Neuber: Die Grenzen des Revisionismus. Schlick, Cassirer und das ‚Raumproblem‘.Matthias Wille - 2014 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 67 (2):124-129.
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    Translation, Matthias Vogel's Media of Reason: A Theory of Rationality.Darrell Arnold & Matthias Vogel - 2013 - Columbia U P.
    Matthias Vogel challenges the belief, dominant in contemporary philosophy, that reason is determined solely by our discursive, linguistic abilities as communicative beings. In his view, the medium of language is not the only force of reason. Music, art, and other nonlinguistic forms of communication and understanding are also significant. Introducing an expansive theory of mind that accounts for highly sophisticated, penetrative media, Vogel advances a novel conception of rationality while freeing philosophy from its exclusive attachment to linguistics. Vogel's media (...)
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  7.  19
    Secular humanists return to Washington.Grothe Dj - 2003 - Free Inquiry 23 (2):62.
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    Matthias Wunsch: Fragen nach dem Menschen. Philosophische Anthropologie, Daseinsontologie und Kulturphilosophie.Matthias Wunsch & Steffen Kluck - 2015 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 68 (1):033-038.
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    Atheism is not a civil rights issue.Grothe Dj & Dacey Austin - 2004 - Free Inquiry 24 (2).
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  10. Die Frau als Rohstoffquelle: Zur Nutzung fötalen Gewebes.Sylvia Groth - 1989 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 30:31-34.
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    Clinical prioritisations of healthcare for the aged—professional roles.P. Nortvedt, R. Pedersen, K. H. Grothe, M. Nordhaug, M. Kirkevold, A. Slettebo, B. S. Brinchmann & B. Andersen - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (5):332-335.
    Background: Although fair distribution of healthcare services for older patients is an important challenge, qualitative research exploring clinicians’ considerations in clinical prioritisation within this field is scarce. Objectives: To explore how clinicians understand their professional role in clinical prioritisations in healthcare services for old patients. Design: A semi-structured interview-guide was employed to interview 45 clinicians working with older patients. The interviews were analysed qualitatively using hermeneutical content analysis. Participants: 20 physicians and 25 nurses working in public hospitals and nursing homes (...)
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  12.  10
    Das Sein des Werkes.Otto Groth - 1961 - De Gruyter.
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  13. Safanski, R.-Martin Heidegger.M. Groth - 1999 - Philosophical Books 40:33-34.
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  14.  62
    The debate over food biotechnology in the united states: Is a societal consensus achievable?Edward Groth - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (3):327-346.
    Unless the public comes to agree that the benefits of food biotechnology are desirable and the associated risks are acceptable, our society may fail to realize much of the potential benefits. Three historical cases of major technological innovations whose benefits and risks were the subject of heated public controversy are examined, in search of lessons that may suggest a path toward consensus in the biotechnology debate. In each of the cases—water fluoridation, nuclear power and pesticides—proponents of the technology gathered scientific (...)
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  15. Wolfgang Edelstein Matthias Grundmann Alexandra Mies.Matthias Grundmann - 2000 - In Walter J. Perrig & Alexander Grob, Control of Human Behavior, Mental Processes, and Consciousness: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of August Flammer. Erlbaum. pp. 348.
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  16. Die Identität ist der Teufel in Person": Wittgenstein un das Problem des Sinns von Identität.Matthias Tichy - 1994 - Wittgenstein-Studien 1 (2).
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    Sraffa's Impact on Wittgenstein.Matthias Unterhuber - 2007 - In Herbert Hrachovec, Alois Pichler & Joseph Wang, Papers of the 30th International Wittgenstein Symposium 5-11 August 2007. Philosophie der Informationsgesellschaft - Philosophy of the Information Society. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society.
    Sraffa was one of two persons whom Wittgenstein explicitly acknowledged in the preface of the Philosophical Investigations. However, little is known of Sraffa’s influence on Wittgenstein. On the basis on the yet unpublished letters from Wittgenstein to Sraffa and interviews with Georg Kreisel, the influence of Sraffa on Wittgenstein is investigated.
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  18.  41
    The time course of reading processes in children with and without dyslexia: an ERP study.Sandra Hasko, Katarina Groth, Jennifer Bruder, Jürgen Bartling & Gerd Schulte-Körne - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  19.  58
    Matthias Koßler (Hg.): Musik als Wille und Welt. Schopenhauers Philosophie der Musik.Regina Schidel & Matthias Neuber - 2011 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 64 (4):349-355.
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    Primer on an ethics of AI-based decision support systems in the clinic.Matthias Braun, Patrik Hummel, Susanne Beck & Peter Dabrock - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):3-3.
    Making good decisions in extremely complex and difficult processes and situations has always been both a key task as well as a challenge in the clinic and has led to a large amount of clinical, legal and ethical routines, protocols and reflections in order to guarantee fair, participatory and up-to-date pathways for clinical decision-making. Nevertheless, the complexity of processes and physical phenomena, time as well as economic constraints and not least further endeavours as well as achievements in medicine and healthcare (...)
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  21.  23
    The Sociology of Theodor Adorno.Matthias Benzer - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Theodor Adorno is a widely-studied figure, but most often with regard to his work on cultural theory, philosophy and aesthetics. The Sociology of Theodor Adorno provides the first thorough English-language account of Adorno's sociological thinking. Matthias Benzer reads Adorno's sociology through six major themes: the problem of conceptualising capitalist society; empirical research; theoretical analysis; social critique; the sociological text; and the question of the non-social. Benzer explains the methodological and theoretical ideas informing Adorno's reflections on sociology and illustrates Adorno's (...)
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  22.  6
    Werdegänge: Ideengeschichte in Gesprächen.Matthias Bormuth - 2019 - Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag. Edited by Malte Maria Unverzagt.
    Die biographischen Dialoge entfalten ideengeschichtliches Denken als eigene Kunst des Verstehens. Sie zeigen Gestalten der Nachdenklichkeit zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft. Karl Jaspers" Buch "Die Psychologie der Weltanschauungen" (1919) entwickelte 1919 ein philosophisches Interesse an der inneren Dynamik moderner Menschen. Seinem interdisziplinären Blick folgen die zwölf Gespräche, die Matthias Bormuth als Ideenhistoriker mit Wissenschaftlern, Künstlern und Schriftstellern führte. Unter anderem in den Werdegängen von Johannes Grützke, Inge Jens, Hartmut Lange, Michael Triegel, Michael Krüger und Martin Warnke verbinden sich individuelle und (...)
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  23.  51
    You Reap What You Sow: How MBA Programs Undermine Ethics.Matthias Philip Hühn - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (4):527-541.
    This paper argues that the MBA, probably the most successful academic program of the last 50 years, negatively affects the theory and practice of management with regard to ethics through its pedagogy, structure, and its underlying epistemic assumptions. In particular I seek to demonstrate how the syllabus, the pedagogy and the epistemological assumptions of MBA programs together make managers/leaders unable and unwilling to deal with ethics. I also argue that while the what and the how play a very important role, (...)
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  24.  8
    Environmental challenges in Europe at the turn of the century.Matthias Döbler - 1995 - History of European Ideas 21 (1):3-16.
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    A method for inferring inequalities for probability values applied to complex networks.Matthias Dehmer & Yongtang Shi - 2016 - Complexity 21 (S1):113-115.
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    Les phénomènes successifs Causalité et téléologie.Matthias Matschinski - 1960 - Revue de Synthèse 81 (19-20):289-297.
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    Utilization of social sciences in public discourse: Labeling problems.Matthias Wingens & Ansgar Weymann - 1988 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 1 (3):80-97.
  28.  48
    Taking Turns with the Earth: Phenomenology, Deconstruction, and Intergenerational Justice.Matthias Fritsch - 2018 - Stanford, CA, USA: Stanford University Press.
    The environmental crisis, one of the great challenges of our time, tends to disenfranchise those who come after us. Arguing that as temporary inhabitants of the earth, we cannot be indifferent to future generations, this book draws on the resources of phenomenology and poststructuralism to help us conceive of moral relations in connection with human temporality. Demonstrating that moral and political normativity emerge with generational time, the time of birth and death, this book proposes two related models of intergenerational and (...)
  29.  74
    Represent me: please! Towards an ethics of digital twins in medicine.Matthias Braun - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (6):394-400.
    Simulations are used in very different contexts and for very different purposes. An emerging development is the possibility of using simulations to obtain a more or less representative reproduction of organs or even entire persons. Such simulations are framed and discussed using the term ‘digital twin’. This paper unpacks and scrutinises the current use of such digital twins in medicine and the ideas embedded in this practice. First, the paper maps the different types of digital twins. A special focus is (...)
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  30.  10
    Karl von Rotteck und Karl Theodor Welcker: liberale Professoren, Politiker und Publizisten.Hans-Peter Becht & Ewald Grothe (eds.) - 2018 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
  31.  29
    Replication stress, a source of epigenetic aberrations in cancer?Zuzana Jasencakova & Anja Groth - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (10):847-855.
    Cancer cells accumulate widespread local and global chromatin changes and the source of this instability remains a key question. Here we hypothesize that chromatin alterations including unscheduled silencing can arise as a consequence of perturbed histone dynamics in response to replication stress. Chromatin organization is transiently disrupted during DNA replication and maintenance of epigenetic information thus relies on faithful restoration of chromatin on the new daughter strands. Acute replication stress challenges proper chromatin restoration by deregulating histone H3 lysine 9 mono‐methylation (...)
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  32.  28
    The Strategic Impact of Stakeholders’ Perceptions: A Single Case Study from the Pharmaceutical Industry.Sybille Sachs, Ruth Schmitt & Hans Groth - 2008 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 19:441-452.
    The paper develops a framework to evaluate a network's stakeholders' perceptions concerning an issue which is highly relevant for all stakeholders. The framework helps us to understand how stakeholder networks impact perceptions and vice versa, which will result in a better understanding of the interrelatedness of a network. On the other hand, it helps corporations to become more effective increating wealth with and for their stakeholders.
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    Dialektik und Medizin.Hans-Jürgen Stöhr & Friedrich Groth (eds.) - 1981 - Rostock: Die Universität.
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  34.  43
    Belief, perception, and the laws of appearance.Philip Douglas Groth - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Some philosophers claim that there are certain laws that restrict what kinds of things we can perceptually represent. Those laws do not apply, however, to beliefs. To be a representationalist is to hold that there is a similarity between perception and belief. If this is the case, why do the laws apply to one kind of mental state, but not the other? I argue that the puzzle is not a puzzle for representationalists in general, but only for some forms of (...)
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    Begriffsrealismus als sprachwissenschaftliches Problem.Matthias Attig - 2018 - In Andreas Gardt & Ekkehard Felder, Wirklichkeit Oder Konstruktion?: Sprachtheoretische Und Interdisziplinäre Aspekte Einer Brisanten Alternative. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 324-343.
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    Philosophie als Wissenschaft?Jung Matthias - 2019 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2019 (2):45-63.
    This paper begins by pointing out the commonality of phenomenology and pragmatism, particularly by referring to Husserl and Dewey, respectively, but it soon turns to fundamental differences. The common starting point is the acknowledgement of everyday experience as the basis of any scientific proposition as well as any non-scientific notion of the world. Phenomenology and pragmatism are allies in their rejection of scientism. However, while Husserl reflects on the structure of experience in order to establish a theoretical view that allows (...)
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    Kapitel I.1: Der hier zunächst verwendete Raumbegriff und mögliche Erweiterungen.Matthias C. Müller - 2017 - In Selbst Und Raum: Eine Raumtheoretische Grundlegung der Subjektivität. Transcript Verlag. pp. 47-58.
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  38. Theology and metaphysics : friends, rivals, or enemies? : spotlights on Albrecht Ritschl's struggle with metaphysics.Matthias Neugebauer - 2014 - In Hartmut von Sass & Eric E. Hall, Groundless gods: the theological prospects of post-metaphysical thought. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications.
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  39. Belief control and intentionality.Matthias Steup - 2012 - Synthese 188 (2):145-163.
    In this paper, I argue that the rejection of doxastic voluntarism is not as straightforward as its opponents take it to be. I begin with a critical examination of William Alston's defense of involuntarism and then focus on the question of whether belief is intentional.
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    A Leap of Faith: Is There a Formula for “Trustworthy” AI?Matthias Braun, Hannah Bleher & Patrik Hummel - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (3):17-22.
    Trust is one of the big buzzwords in debates about the shaping of society, democracy, and emerging technologies. For example, one prominent idea put forward by the High‐Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence appointed by the European Commission is that artificial intelligence should be trustworthy. In this essay, we explore the notion of trust and argue that both proponents and critics of trustworthy AI have flawed pictures of the nature of trust. We develop an approach to understanding trust in AI (...)
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    Nasicas Widerspruch gegen die Zerstörung Karthagos.Matthias Geizer - 1931 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 86 (1-4):264-302.
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  42. (1 other version)Democratizing the Middle East: A Conservative Perspective?Alexander J. Groth - 2005 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 19 (4):3.
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  43.  30
    Introduction to Phenomenological Research. [REVIEW]Miles Groth - 2007 - Review of Metaphysics 60 (3):658-660.
  44.  32
    The Will to Technology and the Culture of Nihilism. [REVIEW]Miles Groth - 2005 - Review of Metaphysics 59 (2):435-437.
    It may seem remarkable that Professor Kroker also cites with nearly equivalent reverence Bill Gates’s Business @ the Speed of Thought, but the incongruity is eased when one realizes that, for the author, Gates is the living clue to the Heidegger–Marx/heidegger–nietzsche connections he identifies. In Kroker’s analysis, Gates plays the role of both heroic visionary and subtly sinister harbinger of the end of the fully human. Moreover, “[w]hat is disclosed in [Gates’s] book is nothing less than a general political philosophy” (...)
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  45. Matthias Koßler, Substantielles Wissen und subjektives Handeln. Dargestellt in einem Vergleich von Hegel und Schopenhauer. [REVIEW]Matthias Koßler - 1992 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch:167-172.
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    Blindness or insight? Kittler on culture.Matthias Bickenbach - 2011 - Thesis Eleven 107 (1):39-46.
    For a long time, ‘culture’ appears only to be an effect of the power of discourses and media in Friedrich Kittler’s works. But in his Berlin lecture series on the cultural history of cultural studies, he discusses the historical formations in which a discrete science of culture could emerge. His perspective not only highlights the historical foundations but also the blind spots of cultural studies.
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  47. Future Design: Incorporating Preferences of Future Generations for Sustainability.Matthias Fritsch (ed.) - 2020 - Springer.
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  48. Heidegger's Dao and the sources of critique.Matthias Fritsch - 2022 - In Hiroshi Abe, Matthias Fritsch & Mario Wenning, Environmental Philosophy and East Asia: Nature, Time, Responsibility. London: Routledge.
    This chapter looks at Daoism from Heidegger’s perspective, seeing what use he makes of “way” and “dao” in reference to the critical understanding of what he calls technology. As I am not a scholar of Daoism, my goal is not to contribute to our understanding of Daoism; nor am I doing what I think is standard work in “comparative philosophy.” My goal is more focused: I am interested in the conceptual work carried out for Heidegger by the notion of dao, (...)
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  49. Heidegger's Philosophy of Translation.Miles Groth - 1997 - Dissertation, Fordham University
    Translation is an early and ongoing, but as yet for the most part unexamined, theme of Heidegger's lecture courses and essays. According to Heidegger, translation became a central philosophical issue in the Western tradition soon after its beginnings when a number of the basic words of the early Greek thinkers were sometimes mistranslated into Latin and that, as a result, the thought of the pre-Socratics and the classic Greek philosophers, especially Aristotle, has remained obscure. ;For Heidegger, because of the relation (...)
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    Drei Formen der Ersten Person Plural.Matthias Haase - 2007 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 55 (2):225-243.
    Stanley Cavell vertritt die These, dass man nur verstehen kann, was eine Sprache ist, wenn man die Grammatik der Aussagen untersucht, mit der Muttersprachler ihre Sprache artikulieren: Es sind Aussagen in der Ersten Person Plural, die kein Beobachtungswissen, sondern eine Form von Selbstbewusstsein zum Ausdruck bringen. Während Cavells These, das Wesen von Sprache zeige sich in der Grammatik jener Aussagen, eine tiefe Einsicht darstellt, ist seine Analyse ihrer Form verfehlt. Cavell verwechselt verschiedene Formen der Ersten Person Plural und in der (...)
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