Results for 'Natalia Alexandrov'

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  1.  44
    An investigation of synchrony in transport networks.Rex K. Kincaid, Natalia Alexandrov & Michael J. Holroyd - 2009 - Complexity 14 (4):34-43.
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    The other platonist beginning: Heidegger and neoplatonism.Emile Alexandrov - 2024 - Oxford: Peter Lang Publishing.
    This book founds an other Platonist beginning by repositioning Plato and Neoplatonism in Heidegger's history of metaphysics. This beginning begins with Plato and culminates in Heidegger. By revisiting Heidegger's interpretation of Plato and retrieving Neoplatonist approaches to non-discursive thinking, the other beginning that has hitherto remained dormant within the history of thought is established. The author re-thinks Heidegger's attribution of the collapse of truth (alētheia) to Plato by recovering the dialogues' deep topography, myths and inspired expression. The re-interpretation of Plato (...)
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    Перспектива существования метафизики и философии в XXI веке.Alexandrov Vladimir Ivanovich - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 4:109-116.
    The keynote idea of the theses is contained in the author’s assumption that modern philosophy doesn’t meet its claiming pretensions: to be universal form of knowledge. First of all philosophy is connected not with knowledge but with ideas and secondly being authentic it “exists only in everyday life”.1 In orderthat philosophy could realize its innate essence corresponding conditions of social being should exist but they are still absent and therefore philosophy is absent as well. Its place is occupied by metaphysics (...)
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    Testimonios Y sitio de memoria: Acerca de Los usos Del testimonio en la construcción de las narrativas Y relatos Del museo de sitio Del archivo provincial de la memoria.Natalia Soledad Magrin & Roberto Martinez - 2012 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 9.
    Partiendo de afirmar que la memoria es ante todo un relato, el presente texto intenta analizar el lugar del testimonio en la construcción de las narrativas que constituyen el relato de los recorridos y guías en el Museo de Sitio del Archivo Provincial de la Memoria. En este sentido, partiendo de las categorías propuestas por Pollak (1989) y Ricoeur (2010) acerca del testimonio en relación con la historia y las memorias, intentaremos pensar sobre las tensiones y conflictos que emergen en (...)
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    Sobre la igualdad humana en la filosofía de Benito Feijoo: una lectura en clave ética de su Teatro Crítico Universal.Natalia Sabater - 2021 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 15:43-53.
    El objetivo del presente trabajo es abordar el pensamiento del padre Benito Feijoo a partir del análisis de un elemento central que, sin embargo, no ha sido frecuentemente trabajado: su dimensión ética. Sostendremos que la apuesta de Feijoo por un ejercicio pleno y autónomo de la razón, por una filosofía como actividad crítica, entraña un compromiso ético y humano fundamental, representa un horizonte de lucha contra la superstición y la discriminación, que posee un valor singular indudable. Argumentaremos que esta dimensión (...)
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    (1 other version)An Artifactual Perspective on Idealization: Constant Capacitance and the Hodgkin and Huxley Model.Natalia Carrillo & Tarja Knuuttila - 2021 - In Alejandro Cassini & Juan Redmond (eds.), Models and Idealizations in Science: Artifactual and Fictional Approaches. Springer Verlag. pp. 51-70.
    Natalia Carrillo and Tarja Knuuttila claim that there are two traditions of thinking about idealization offering almost opposite views on their functioning and epistemic status. While one tradition views idealizations as epistemic deficiencies, the other one highlights the epistemic benefits of idealization. Both of them treat idealizations as deliberate misrepresentations, however. They then argue for an artifactual account of idealization, comparing it to the traditional accounts of idealization, and exemplifying it through the Hodgkin and Huxley model of the nerve (...)
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  7. .Natalia Fast - unknown
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  8. Emotion and consciousness: Ends of a continuum.Yuri I. Alexandrov & Mikko E. Sams - 2005 - Cognitive Brain Research 25 (2):387-405.
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    Sanctity phenomenon of St. Feodosiy Pecherskyi in context of holy persons life.Natalia Kovalchuk - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 74:170-176.
    In the article of Natalia Kovalchuk «Sanctity phenomenon of St. Feodosiy Pecherskyi in context of holy persons life» the spiritual way of St. Feodosiy Pecherksyi as a search of time, which bring him closer to the sanctity and search of his personal dimension as a holy place are regarded. Through the analysis of food and cloth, which connect St. Feodosiy with world, his life is researched. Spiritual way of St. Feodosiy Pecherskyi brings him closer to the sanctity.
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    The Code of Pain in Chekhov Natalia Pervukhina-Kamyshnikova.Natalia Pervukhina-Kamyshnikova - 2012 - In Esther Cohen (ed.), Knowledge and pain. New York, NY: Rodopi. pp. 84--169.
  11.  48
    Is the multi-joint pointing movement model applicable to equilibrium control during upper trunk movements?Alexey Alexandrov, Alexander Frolov & Jean Massion - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):745-746.
    Two aspects of the target article, (1) the extension of the equilibrium point theory to multi-joint movements, and (2) the consequence that the EMG pattern is not directly controlled by the central nervous system (CNS), are discussed in light of the experiments on upper trunk bending in humans. The principle component kinematic analysis and the analysis of the EMG data, obtained under microgravity and additional loading conditions, support the application of Feldman and Levin's for multi-joint pointing movement to equilibrium control (...)
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  12.  18
    (1 other version)Frameshifting.Natalia Knoblock - 2020 - Pragmatics and Cognition 27 (2):364-386.
    The article discusses the cognitive-linguistic technique of frameshifting and its potential for deliberate impoliteness in antagonistic politically charged discourse. Frameshifting involves the construction of utterances in such a way that their comprehension involves two stages: the reader is first led to invoke one mental frame and then is forced to discard it and to invoke a different frame, with the final message being deliberately insulting. The article demonstrates that frameshifting, which has been studied predominantly in humorous discourse, can also be (...)
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    La tercera persona: una propuesta antropológico-filosófica delimitada frente al planteamiento sociológico.Natalia S. García Pérez - 2016 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 41 (1):55-77.
    Frente al paradigma diádico preponderante en la teoría social, recientes propuestas reivindican la función del tercero. En estas teorías, el tercero personaliza el orden social normativo –surgido en la relación diádica– y atribuye empíricamente el reconocimiento como persona. Frente a este planteamiento empírico, proponemos un enfoque trascendental antropológico-filosófico, según el cual la estructura tri-posicional de las relaciones sociales constituye la condición de posibilidad de la cultura normativa y del modo de ser propio del hombre en cuanto que persona.
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    Interrogatorios en las cárceles salvadoreñas: Diálogos Y negociación femenina en Los márgenes de la revolución.Natalia Ruiz - 2007 - Alpha (Osorno) 24.
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    Measuring Cognitive Load Using In-Game Metrics of a Serious Simulation Game.Natalia Sevcenko, Manuel Ninaus, Franz Wortha, Korbinian Moeller & Peter Gerjets - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Serious games have become an important tool to train individuals in a range of different skills. Importantly, serious games or gamified scenarios allow for simulating realistic time-critical situations to train and also assess individual performance. In this context, determining the user’s cognitive load during training seems crucial for predicting performance and potential adaptation of the training environment to improve training effectiveness. Therefore, it is important to identify in-game metrics sensitive to users’ cognitive load. According to Barrouillets’ time-based resource-sharing model, particularly (...)
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  16.  54
    Early and parallel processing of pragmatic and semantic information in speech acts: neurophysiological evidence.Natalia Egorova, Yury Shtyrov & Friedemann Pulvermüller - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    The Normative Role of Negative Affects and Bodily Experience in Adorno.Natalia Baeza - 2015 - Constellations 22 (3):354-368.
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    Perceived emotional intelligence facilitates cognitive-emotional processes of adaptation to an acute stressor.Natalia S. Ramos, Pablo Fernandez-Berrocal & Natalio Extremera - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (4):758-772.
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    Culturally Unbound: Cross-Cultural Cognitive Diversity and the Science of Psychopathology.Natalia Washington - 2016 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 23 (2):165-179.
    It is now taken for granted in many circles that substantial psychological variability exists across human populations; we do not merely differ in the ways we behave, but in the ways we think, as well. Versions of this view have been around since early interest in ‘cultural relativism’ in cultural psychology and anthropology, but Joe Henrich, Steven Heine, and Ara Norenzayan’s 2010 paper, ‘The Weirdest People in the World?’ has had an exciting and catalyzing impact on the field, getting researchers (...)
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  20. I Don't Want to Change Your Mind: A Reply to Sherman.Natalia Washington - 2016 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective.
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    Some Remarks on Heidegger’s Interpretation of Kant.Natalia Artemenko - 2015 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 4 (2):186-202.
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  22. Libertad, historia y política en" Fenomenología de la percepción".Natalia Bustelo - 2009 - A Parte Rei 62:2.
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  23.  14
    Ciencia e ideología. Entrecruzamientos críticos en la obra de Herbert Marcuse.Natalia Fischetti - 2014 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 19 (1).
    La ideología producida por la ciencia y la tecnología, por la racionalidad tecnológica, es el concepto que estructura gran parte del pensamiento de Herbert Marcuse. La noción de ideología vinculada a la ciencia y la tecnología interviene en el debate contemporáneo recuperando una lectura de los Grundrisse de 1857-1858 de Marx que coloca la noción de automatización como elemento clave para comprender dialécticamente el vínculo entre la ciencia, la tecnología y la ideología, actualizando la función crítica de ésta última. Proponemos (...)
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  24.  15
    El camino platónico hacia la concepción tripartita de la ψυχή.Natàlia Rodríguez Inda - 2022 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 98:127-138.
    El presente ensayo se ocupa de la concepción de la psykhé en Platón e poner de relieve la contradicción que subyace en las diferentes formas en que el autor trata la naturaleza de la misma en los diálogos del Fedón y de la República. Una de las nociones clave para entender el salto que da Platón del alma simple al alma com-puesta es la alteración en el concepto de stásis (conflicto). Dicho salto dará lugar a una concepción diferente de la (...)
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  25.  30
    Divine Providence and Free Will in the De Angelo Perdito by Gilbert Crispin. An Interpretation in Light of the Consolation of philosophy.Natalia G. Jakubecki - 2018 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 60:9-28.
    This article focuses on the sections 49-56 of the De angelo perdito by Gilbert Crispin, where he intended to solve the problem between free will and divine Providence. It aims to show how Gilbert draws on the argumentative scheme of the fifth book of the Consolatio philosophiae, and uses this source in a personal manner. On that basis, its purpose is both to highlight the lack of references to Boethius in the apparatus fontium of the critical edition and to provide (...)
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    Ulepszanie człowieka — perspektywa filozoficzna.Natalia Kaleta - 2018 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 24 (2):132-138.
    Ulepszanie człowieka — perspektywa filozoficzna.
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    How can we learn leadership? The vision of the Europe-wide University.Natalia Kobza, Torben Schaefer, Robert Glawar & Dietrich Brandt - 2016 - AI and Society 31 (3):413-429.
  28. La comunidad acéfala: dimensiones de la hostilidad y la hospitalidad.Natalia Lorio - 2006 - In Carlos Balzi & César Marchesino (eds.), Hostilidad/hospitalidad. [Córdoba, Argentina]: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Area de Filosofía del Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades.
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    Roman Geography and Ethnography in the Carolingian Empire.Natalia Lozovsky - 2006 - Speculum 81 (2):325-364.
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    The interplay between transcription factors and microRNAs in genome‐scale regulatory networks.Natalia J. Martinez & Albertha J. M. Walhout - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (4):435-445.
    Metazoan genomes contain thousands of protein‐coding and non‐coding RNA genes, most of which are differentially expressed, i.e., at different locations, at different times during development, or in response to environmental signals. Differential gene expression is achieved through complex regulatory networks that are controlled in part by two types of trans‐regulators: transcription factors (TFs) and microRNAs (miRNAs). TFs bind to cis‐regulatory DNA elements that are often located in or near their target genes, while miRNAs hybridize to cis‐regulatory RNA elements mostly located (...)
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    Діалог культур як діалог цінностей.Natalia Mokan & Ivan Chornomordenko - 2021 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 1 (1):139-154.
    Статтю присвячено визначенню ролі цінностей у діалозі культур. Цінності, присутні в міжкультурному діалозі, є важливою складовою культурної ідентичності, здатною об’єднати учасників діалогу. Питання розгляду діалогу культур як діалогу цінностей актуалізується у світлі сучасного глобалізуючого світу та наукових визначень поняття «культура» через цінності. Надзвичайно важливо аналізувати діалог культур, представники яких діють саме з позиції носіїв цінностей, не зосереджуючись на проблемах мовного та етнічного вимірів ідентичності. Зрештою, універсальний характер індивідуальних цінностей має об’єднуючу силу загального прагнення людства до добра, краси, свободи, а отже, (...)
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    Types of professional observation skills of future preschool teachers.Tsybuliak Natalia - 2017 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 23 (7):16-21.
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    Reseña "Méthodes quantitatives pour l' historien" de Claire Lemercier and Claire Zarc.Natalia Rizzo - 2010 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 15 (50):131-132.
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    Odio, corrección política y poesía. Tres notas a propósito de la relación entre lo siniestro y lo sublime.Natalia Romé - 2023 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 70:47-68.
    A partir del tratamiento que Slavoj Žižek realiza del concepto lacaniano de jouissance para problematizar la ética kantiana, se exploran los alcances y las posibilidades del vínculo entre ética y política en el presente. Con ese fin se retoma la gravitación althusseriana en el pensamiento de Žižek y se propone un contrapunto con los aportes de Michel Pêcheux en torno a los vínculos entre goce y fantasma. Finalmente, se despliega una conjetura respecto a la politicidad inherente a la dimensión poética (...)
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    Cortesana, Hetaira: la heroína filósofa de Sade.Natalia L. Zorrilla - 2021 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 2 (53):141-152.
    Este artículo se propone examinar la caracterización ficcional de la mujer filósofa durante el siglo XVIII, concentrándose en la novela Histoire de Juliette, ou les prospérités du vice de Donatien Alphonse François de Sade. Sostendremos como hipótesis que las heroínas filósofas de Histoire de Juliette se habrían construido a base de la exaltación de la figura de la hetaira de la Grecia Clásica. Analizaremos dos referencias a las hetairai que aparecen en la obra: la caracterización de Clairwil, una de las (...)
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    Practices of self-knowledge in Buddhism and modern philosophical education.Natalia Dyadyk - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 4:71-81.
    Introduction. The article is focused on studying the self-knowledge techniques used in Buddhism and their application in teaching philosophy. The relevance of the study is due to the search for new approaches to studying philosophy, including approaches related to philosophical practice, as well as the interest of modern scientists in the problem of consciousness. The problem of consciousness is interdisciplinary and its study is of practical importance for philosophers, psychologists, linguists, specialists in artificial intelligence. Buddhism as a philosophical doctrine provides (...)
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    Luigi Caranti, Kant’s Political Legacy: Human Rights, Peace, Progress, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2017.Natalia Lerussi - 2018 - Filozofija I Društvo 29 (4):629-633.
    Luigi Caranti, Kant’s Political Legacy: Human Rights, Peace, Progress, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2017 Natalia Lerussi.
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    Self-tracking, background(s) and hermeneutics. A qualitative approach to quantification and datafication of activity.Natalia Juchniewicz & Michał Wieczorek - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (1):133-154.
    In this article, we address the case of self-tracking as a practice in which two meaningful backgrounds (physical world and technological infrastructure) play an important role as the spatial dimension of human practices. Using a (post)phenomenological approach, we show how quantification multiplies backgrounds, while at the same time generating data about the user. As a result, we can no longer speak of a unified background of human activity, but of multiple dimensions of this background, which, additionally, is perceived as having (...)
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    Stakeholder Perspectives on CSR of Mining MNCs in Argentina.Natalia Yakovleva & Diego Vazquez-Brust - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 106 (2):191-211.
    This article examines the conceptualisation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the context of mining multinationals (MNCs) in Argentina. It explores the suitability of CSR for addressing social, environmental and economic issues associated with mining in the country. The study is based on interviews with four stakeholder groups in the country: government, civil society, international financial organisations, and mining industry. These are analysed using content and interpretative techniques and supplemented by the content analysis of secondary data from headquarters of mining (...)
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  40. Who’s Responsible for This? Moral Responsibility, Externalism, and Knowledge about Implicit Bias.Natalia Washington & Daniel Kelly - 2016 - In Michael Brownstein & Jennifer Saul (eds.), Implicit Bias and Philosophy, Volume 2: Moral Responsibility, Structural Injustice, and Ethics. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    In this paper we aim to think systematically about, formulate, and begin addressing some of the challenges to applying theories of moral responsibility to behaviors shaped by a particular subset of unsettling psychological complexities: namely, implicit biases.
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    For Theory: Althusser and the Politics of Time.Natalia Romé - 2021 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    For Theory aims to open a discussion on the weakening of the production of theory in left-wing thought since the 1970s, based on Louis Althusser's ideas of overdetermination, plural temporality, conjuncture, and theoretical practice.
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    Externalist perspectives on meaning change and conceptual stability.Anton Alexandrov - 2020 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 63 (9-10):1023-1035.
    ABSTRACT In recent debates about conceptual engineering, it appears that the internalist has an explanatory advantage when it comes to accounting for meaning change and conceptual change. In this paper, I argue against this impression. I show how two different varieties of externalism, originalism and anti-individualism, can coherently explain various cases of meaning change, irrespective of whether they involve proper names or kind terms; and also irrespective of whether they occur in everyday, legal, or scientific contexts. I point out which (...)
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  43. Questioning Greece with Heidegger and Simone Weil, by Maria Villela-Petit.Emile Alexandrov - 2025 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion:1-5.
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    Unconventional critical behaviour of fermions hybridized with bosons.A. S. Alexandrov - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (30):3299-3304.
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    Comentarios.Natalia Bustelo, Guillermo Vázquez, Fernando Diego Rodríguez & Ana Clarisa Agüero Y. Diego García - forthcoming - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
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  46. The Ethos of Cool.Natalia Cornwall - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Колективні емоційні стани як чинник легітимації і мотивації: природні засади і соціальні горизонти.Natalia Fialko - 2023 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 1 (1):79-93.
    Колективні емоційні стани раніше досліджували переважно як чинники соціальної аномії, тоді як соціальну норму асоціювали переважно з втіленням понять у соціальні норми. Цей підхід останні роки зазнає суттєвих коректив: українські та закордонні дослідники розглядають колективні емоційні стани як соціальну норму і постійну основу для досягнення стійкого раціонального консенсуса. Більше того, дослідники вже не стільки протиставляють емоції з інтелектом, скільки виявляють все більше взаємозв’язків і взаємозалежностей між ними. Це змінює уявлення про сутність легітимації та статус мотивації у перебігу соціальних процесів. Мотивація (...)
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    Religious education in the context of means of formation of inter-confessional accord.Natalia Gavrilova - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 70:45-53.
    At the beginning of the 21st century, when mankind faced with persistent misconceptions and misunderstandings and contradictions in the field of religion and culture, issues of tolerance and non-discrimination, freedom of religion and belief, the place of religion and educational technologies in the formation of interfaith agreement became relevant. It should be noted that education has always played a leading role in the transfer from generation to generation and consolidation of historically stable cultural and religious values, in training people in (...)
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    Politics of memory, urban space and the discourse of counterhegemonic commemoration: a discourse-ethnographic analysis of the ‘Living Memorial’ in Budapest’s ‘Liberty Square’.Natalia Krzyżanowska - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (5):540-560.
    This study analyses of the Living Memorial: a counter-monumental installation located since 2014 in the highly contested Szabadság (‘Liberty’) Square in central Budapest, Hungary. The focus on the LM allows showcasing it as a unique type of commemorative installation that not only contests the current Hungarian top-down, hegemonic narrations and practices of memory but also counteracts the country’s politicised and ideologised narrations of the past. The LM is explored as a dialogical ‘nexus’ of, on the one hand, individual, lived experiences (...)
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    Communicative Model – Author, Hero, Text, Recipient in a Postmodern Novel.Natalia Levchenko, Pecherskyh Lubov, Olena Varenikova & Nataliya Torkut - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3):96-106.
    The study deals with the communicative interaction between the author, the hero, the text, the reader in a postmodern novel. A similar and ambiguous reality, on the one hand, sometimes led to the subjectivist hypertrophy, absolutizing the author’s world view, and at times minimized and devaluated the author’s identity, on the other. Therefore, from the end of the 1990s the ways of expressing author’s “Self” changed dramatically, which directly affected the means of creating a hero in the contemporary Ukrainian literature. (...)
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