Results for 'Nicholas Salupo'

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  1.  10
    The Grandview Medical Center Bioethics Consultation Service Perspective on the Peril of Isolated and Vulnerable Individuals due to COVID-19.Jeffrey Kaufhold, Sharon Merryman, Leland Cancilla & Nicholas Salupo - 2021 - Asian Bioethics Review 13 (4):463-471.
    We present the perspective of a Bioethics Consultation Service operating in an urban hospital in Dayton, Ohio, USA, as it adapted to treating Sars-CoV-2 patients throughout 2020. Since the first case of COVID-19 was reported in Ohio on 9 March 2020, until 1 January 2021, the Bioethics Consultation Service was consulted 60 times, a 22.5% increase from the same period of 2019. The most common diagnoses requiring consultation included end-stage renal disease requiring dialysis, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, and sepsis. Only 10% (...)
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  2. On Sportsmanship and “Running Up the Score”.Nicholas Dixon - 1992 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 19 (1):1-13.
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    A Levinasian Meditation on Shakespeare’s Macbeth.Nicholas Doenges - 2010 - Levinas Studies 5:167-187.
  4. (1 other version)On Winning and Athletic Superiority.Nicholas Dixon - 1999 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 26 (1):10-26.
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    Rorty, Performance-Enhancing Drugs, and Change in Sport.Nicholas Dixon - 2001 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 28 (1):78-88.
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    Newman's London: A Pilgrim Handbook by Joanna Bogle.Nicholas Schofield - 2020 - Newman Studies Journal 17 (2):127-128.
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    A Critique of Violent Retaliation in Sport.Nicholas Dixon - 2010 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 37 (1):1-10.
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    Trash Talking as Irrelevant to Athletic Excellence: Response to Summers.Nicholas Dixon - 2008 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 35 (1):90-96.
  9. The Agony of Defeat?Nicholas Silins - 2014 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 88 (3):505-532.
  10.  30
    Nietzsche and Habermas.Nicholas Davey - 1997 - New Nietzsche Studies 2 (1-2):61-83.
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    The Language of Hermeneutics, Gadamer and Heidegger in Dialogue, by Rod Coltman.Nicholas Davey - 2002 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 33 (1):108-109.
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    Reduction of emotional responses as a function of verbal satiation and paired-associate techniques.Nicholas S. Dicaprio - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (2):145-147.
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    Issues in the analysis of contemporary farm protest.Nicholas R. Ellig - 1985 - Agriculture and Human Values 2 (2):44-47.
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    Military Ethics: Guidelines for Peace and War.Nicholas Fotion & Gerard Elfstrom - 1986 - Philosophy 62 (241):401-403.
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    Commentary on ‘Hamlethics in Planning’.Nicholas Fotion - 1987 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 6 (2):79-82.
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    Derrida à la lettre: éthique et politique du «perverformatif» dans La Carte postale et au­‑delà.Nicholas Cotton - 2019 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 28 (56):433-458.
    Neste artigo, interessamo-‑nos pelo neologismo «perverformatif» [«performativo»] usado por Jacques Derrida em La Carte postale e em Marx & Sons. Se Derrida é um outro «mestre do performativo», título que ele reservava ao «Plato» de La Carte Postale não é por negar a Lei ou a sua «verdade», mas porque tem necessidade delas para assegurar a incidência de um desafio. O que performativamente se põe em obra e em abismo nos «Envios» passa assim por um desejo «perverso» de fazer advir (...)
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    Jacques Derrida.Nicholas Royle - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    In this entertaining and provocative introduction, Royle offers lucid explanations of various key ideas, including deconstruction, undecidability, iterability, differance, aporia, the pharmakon, the supplement, a new enlightenment, and the democracy to come. He also gives attention, however, to a range of less obvious key ideas of Derrida, such as earthquakes, animals and animality, ghosts, monstrosity, the poematic, drugs, gifts, secrets, war, and mourning. Derrida is seen as an extraordinarily inventive thinker, as well as a brilliantly imaginative and often very funny (...)
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    (1 other version)The Acts of the Apostles [review of Paul Levy, Moore: G.E. Moore and the Cambridge Apostles ].Nicholas Griffin - 1981 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 1 (1):71.
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    Transcendentalist Aesthetics in Emerson, Peirce, and Nineteenth-Century American Landscape Painting.Nicholas Guardiano - unknown
    My thesis is that there is an aesthetic dimension of nature that is metaphysically significant, qualitatively pluralistic, and artistically creative, and that this accounts for the sensuous complexity of experience, as well as the possibility of discovering new qualitative features about the world and expressing them in novel forms, as exemplified in art. I call the philosophy that endorses the reality of this dimension Transcendentalist Aesthetics. The term "Transcendentalist" recalls the philosophy of New England Transcendentalism with its core in Ralph (...)
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    The Nostalgic Imagination: History in English Criticism.Nicholas Halmi - 2021 - Common Knowledge 27 (2):318-320.
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    Virilio, Stelarc and Terminal Technoculture.Nicholas Zurbrugg - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (5-6):177-199.
    Comparing the ways in which the French cultural theorist Paul Virilio and the Australian cybernetic performance artist Stelarc criticize or defend technological cultural practices, this article argues that Virilio's ambiguous responses to avant-garde art highlight his key ideas far move clearly than his single-minded critique of 'termninal' mass-cultural practices - without any relationship to art - in Polar Inertia and Open Sky. Virlio's The Art of the Motor attacks the strategies of 20th-century technological avant- gardes (such as Futurism and the (...)
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    Encapsulation, inference and utterance interpretation.Nicholas Allott - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    1. People standardly communicate by uttering phrases or sentences with certain intonation patterns, accompanied by facial expressions, eye contact and often a variety of gestures. If all goes well...
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  23.  14
    Why change? A practitioner's perspective on why and how universities tackle organisational change.Nicholas M. Rogers - 2019 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 23 (4):152-157.
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    Corporations and rights.Nicholas J. Caste - 1992 - Journal of Value Inquiry 26 (2):199-209.
    Corporations despite their status as legally fictitious persons are not such, and to confound them with real persons in even the minimal legal sense is to negate much of the force of the concept of rights when applied to the society. When corporations have rights individual rights become meaningless. While corporations may need some form of protection to make them financially feasible investments, they need not be given the full protection of rights which are assigned to the individual. A much (...)
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    Considering the trinity.Nicholas Lash - 1986 - Modern Theology 2 (3):183-196.
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    Hoping against hope or Abraham's dilemma.Nicholas Lash - 1994 - Modern Theology 10 (3):233-246.
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    Optimalism and the Rationality of the Real.Nicholas Rescher - 2006 - Review of Metaphysics 59 (3):503-516.
    IS THE REAL RATIONAL? Can we ever manage to explain the nature of reality—the make-up of the universe as a whole? Is there not an insuperable obstacle here—an infeasibility that was discerned already by Immanuel Kant who argued roughly as follows.
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    Editors' Introduction.Nicholas Brown & Tadhg Larabee - 2020 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 27:5-6.
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  29. Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 181, 2010-2011 Lectures.Canny Nicholas - 2012
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    Cents and Sensibility: What Economics Can Learn from the Humanities.Nicholas Capaldi - 2018 - The European Legacy 23 (5):579-581.
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  31. The Enlightenment the Proper Study of Mankind, an Anthology.Nicholas Capaldi - 1967 - Putnam.
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    Should IRBs Monitor Research More Strictly?Nicholas A. Christakis - 1988 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 10 (2):8.
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    The Motion of the Earth.Nicholas Copernicus - 2009 - In Timothy McGrew, Marc Alspector-Kelly & Fritz Allhoff (eds.), The philosophy of science: an historical anthology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 112.
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    Truth, Method, and Transcendence.Nicholas Davey - 2010 - In Jeff Malpas & Santiago Zabala (eds.), Consequences of hermeneutics: fifty years after Gadamer's Truth and method. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press. pp. 25.
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    The Philosophy of Gadamer, by Jean Grondin.Nicholas Davey - 2003 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 34 (3):328-330.
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    Orientalism in Louis Xiv's France.Nicholas Dew - 2009 - Oxford University Press.
    Orientalism in Louis XIV's France presents a history of Oriental studies in seventeenth-century France, mapping the place within the intellectual culture of the period that was given to studies of Arabic, Persian, Turkish, and Chinese texts, as well as writings on Mughal India.
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    SILENCING AND SPEAKER VULNERABILITY: undoing an oppressive form of (wilful) ignorance.Nicholas Bunnin & Pamela Sue Anderson - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (1):36-45.
    The French feminist philosopher Michèle Le Doeuff has taught us something about “the collectivity,” which she discovers in women’s struggle for access to the philosophical, but also about “the unknown” and “the unthought.” It is the unthought which will matter most to what I intend to say today about a fundamental ignorance on which speaker vulnerability is built. On International Women’s Day, it seems appropriate to speak about – or, at least, to evoke – the silencing which has been imposed (...)
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  38. The transmutations of a young Averroist : Agostino Nifo's commentary on the Destructio Destructionem of Averroes and the nature of celestial influences.Nicholas Holland - 2013 - In Anna Akasoy & Guido Giglioni (eds.), Renaissance Averroism and its aftermath: Arabic philosophy in early modern Europe. New York: Springer.
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    Plls.Nicholas Horsfall - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (02):270-.
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    10. Entering the Soul Niche.Nicholas Humphrey - 2011 - In Soul Dust: The Magic of Consciousness. London: Princeton University Press. pp. 155-164.
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  41. Getting the measure of consciousness.Nicholas Humphrey - manuscript
    The hard problem of consciousness is to explain the experience of qualia. But everything gets easier once we realise that what has to be explained is not how qualia can exist as objective entities but rather why the conscious subject should believe that they exist. This essay lays out a programme for doing this. It makes radical proposals as to how the “qualia illusion” is created, and why sustaining this illusion is biologically adaptive.
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    (2 other versions)Locke. Volume 1: Epistemology. Volume II: Ontology.Nicholas Jolley - 1992 - Philosophical Books 33 (4):205-208.
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    Ethics as a Work of Charity: Thomas Aquinas and Pagan Virtue.Nicholas Kahm - 2014 - Augustinian Studies 46 (2):261-265.
  44. Legal accountability at the tactical level and the Overseas Operations Act.Nicholas Mercer - 2024 - In Frank Ledwidge, Helen Parr & Aaron Edwards (eds.), Ground truth: the moral component in contemporary British warfare. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Faces of Moderation: The art of Balance in an age of Extremes.Nicholas Mithen - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (2):363-367.
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  46. History and Critique: A Response to Habermas's Misreading of Hegel.Nicholas Mowad - 2012 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 42 (1):53-72.
    Habermas has alleged: (1) that Hegel has given a social theory that is abstract and technical, separating theory from practice ; and (2) that the criticism Hegel exercises at times is compromised by his uncritical acceptance of modern western culture. Both allegations amount to the claim that in some way Hegel proscribes internal critique, a citizen’s critique of her own nation-state. However, this charge is based on a misunderstanding of the role that history plays in Hegel’s account, and the difference (...)
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    The Moral Image of Therapy.Nicholas Agar - 2004 - In Liberal Eugenics: In Defence of Human Enhancement. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 64–87.
    This chapter contains section titled: The Biotechnological Solution to Disease Who Benefits from Gene Therapy? Are we Essentially Human Beings or Essentially Persons, and does it Matter? Genetic Influences, Environmental Influences and the Formation of Human Identities Interactionism's Implications for Identity The Scope of Therapy and the Notion of Disease Buchanan, Brock, Daniels and Wikler on Protecting Normal Functioning Therapy, Obligation and Procreative Liberty's Diminishment.
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    Word, Image, and Concept.Nicholas Davey - 2015 - In Niall Keane & Chris Lawn (eds.), A Companion to Hermeneutics. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 242–247.
    As words, images, and concepts are the media through which hermeneutic understanding takes place, reflection on their nature is central to any appreciation of how hermeneutics operates. The joy of coming to recognition entails the knowing of something again that we already know as if for the first time. In the image, what we already know (pre‐reflectively) emerges as if illuminated, from all the contingent and variable circumstances that condition it; it is grasped in its essence. It is known as (...)
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    Socratic Film.Nicholas Diehl - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 74 (1):23-34.
    This article is about a relationship between the Socratic practice of philosophy and the aesthetic practice of watching and appreciating film. The conclusion that I defend is that certain narrative films, like the elenctic method in the hands of Socrates, are philosophical tools for examining our cognitive and emotional life and thus for gaining insight into aspects of our character. In the early sections of the article I construct an analogy between the practice of watching narrative film and the practice (...)
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    Eclipse of Grace: Divine and Human Action in Hegel.Nicholas Adams - 2013 - Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Eclipse of Grace offers original insights into the roots of modern theology by introducing systematic theologians and Christian ethicists to Hegel through a focus on three of his seminal texts: Phenomenology of Spirit, Science of Logic, and Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion. Presents brilliant and original insights into Hegel’s significance for modern theology Argues that, theologically, Hegel has been misconstrued and that much more can be gained by focusing on the logic that he develops out of an engagement with (...)
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