Results for 'Nonlinear Cognition'

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  1.  70
    Nonlinear cobweb of cognition.Helena Knyazeva - 2009 - Foundations of Science 14 (3):167-179.
    The modern conception of enactive cognition is under discussion from the standpoint concerning the notions of nonlinear dynamics and synergetics. The contribution of Francisco Varela and his precursors is considered. It is shown that the perceptual and mental processes are bound up with the “architecture” of human body and nonlinear and circular connecting links between the subject of cognition and the world constructed by him can be metaphorically called a nonlinear cobweb of cognition. (...) is an autopoietic activity because it is directed to the search of elements that are missed; it serves to completing integral structures. (shrink)
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    Nonlinear computation and dynamic cognitive generalities.Robert A. M. Gregson - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):688-689.
    Although one can endorse the complexity of the data and processes that Phillips & Singer (P&S) review, their mathematical suggestions can be compared critically with cases in nonlinear psychophysics, where the theoretician is faced with analogous problems. Owing to P&S's failure adequately to recognise both the intricate properties of nonlinear dynamics in networks and the constraints of metabolic demands on the temporal generation of patterns in biological nets their conclusions fail to meet the problems they properly address.
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  3. Nonlinear science and the cognitive hierarchy.Alwyn Scott - 2007 - In Nancey Murphy & William R. Stoeger, Evolution and emergence: systems, organisms, persons. New York: Oxford University Press.
  4.  21
    Cognitive dependence on linear and nonlinear cues.Kenneth R. Hammond & David A. Summers - 1965 - Psychological Review 72 (3):215-224.
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  5. The Cognitive Architecture of Embodied Mind.Helena Knyazeva - 2011 - International Journal of the Humanities 8 (12):1-10.
    The dynamic approach to understanding of the human consciousness, its cognitive activities and cognitive architecture is one of the most promising approaches in the modern epistemology and cognitive science. The conception of embodied mind is under discussion in the light of nonlinear dynamics and of the idea co-evolution of complex systems developed by the Moscow scientific school. The cognitive architecture of the embodied mind is rather complex: data from senses and products of rational thinking, the verbal and the pictorial, (...)
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    Dynamics, Synergetics, Autonomous Agents: Nonlinear Systems Approaches to Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Science.Wolfgang Tschacher & J.-P. Dauwalder (eds.) - 1999 - Singapore: World Scientific.
    This volume focuses on the modeling of cognition, and brings together contributions from psychologists and researchers in the field of cognitive science.
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  7.  74
    Understanding Cognition via Complexity Science.Luis H. Favela - 2015 - Dissertation, University of Cincinnati
    Mechanistic frameworks of investigation and explanation dominate the cognitive, neural, and psychological sciences. In this dissertation, I argue that mechanistic frameworks cannot, in principle, explain some kinds of cognition. In its place, I argue that complexity science has methods and theories more appropriate for investigating and explaining some cognitive phenomena. -/- I begin with an examination of the term 'cognition.' I defend the idea that "cognition" has been a moving target of investigation in the relevant sciences. As (...)
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  8. Abstract Concepts Require Concrete Models: Why Cognitive Scientists Have Not Yet Embraced Nonlinearly Coupled, Dynamical, Self-Organized Critical, Synergistic, Scale-Free, Exquisitely Context-Sensitive, Interaction-Dominant, Multifractal, Interdependent Brain-Body-Niche Systems.Eric-Jan Wagenmakers, Han L. J. van der Maas & Simon Farrell - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (1):87-93.
    After more than 15 years of study, the 1/f noise or complex-systems approach to cognitive science has delivered promises of progress, colorful verbiage, and statistical analyses of phenomena whose relevance for cognition remains unclear. What the complex-systems approach has arguably failed to deliver are concrete insights about how people perceive, think, decide, and act. Without formal models that implement the proposed abstract concepts, the complex-systems approach to cognitive science runs the danger of becoming a philosophical exercise in futility. The (...)
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  9.  39
    Reframing Cognitive Science as a Complexity Science.Luis H. Favela & Mary Jean Amon - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (4):e13280.
    Complexity science is an investigative framework that stems from a number of tried and tested disciplines—including systems theory, nonlinear dynamical systems theory, and synergetics—and extends a common set of concepts, methods, and principles to understand how natural systems operate. By quantitatively employing concepts, such as emergence, nonlinearity, and self‐organization, complexity science offers a way to understand the structures and operations of natural cognitive systems in a manner that is conceptually compelling and mathematically rigorous. Thus, complexity science both transforms understandings (...)
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  10. Extended Cognition & the Causal‐Constitutive Fallacy: In Search for a Diachronic and Dynamical Conception of Constitution.Michael David Kirchhoff - 2013 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 90 (2):320-360.
    Philosophical accounts of the constitution relation have been explicated in terms of synchronic relations between higher‐ and lower‐level entities. Such accounts, I argue, are temporally austere or impoverished, and are consequently unable to make sense of the diachronic and dynamic character of constitution in dynamical systems generally and dynamically extended cognitive processes in particular. In this paper, my target domain is extended cognition based on insights from nonlinear dynamics. Contrariwise to the mainstream literature in both analytical metaphysics and (...)
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  11.  71
    Radical embodied cognitive science and “Real Cognition”.Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira, Vicente Raja & Anthony Chemero - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 1):115-136.
    A persistent criticism of radical embodied cognitive science is that it will be impossible to explain “real cognition” without invoking mental representations. This paper provides an account of explicit, real-time thinking of the kind we engage in when we imagine counter-factual situations, remember the past, and plan for the future. We first present a very general non-representational account of explicit thinking, based on pragmatist philosophy of science. We then present a more detailed instantiation of this general account drawing on (...)
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  12.  30
    Concurrent Cognitive Task Modulates Coordination Dynamics.Geraldine L. Pellecchia, Kevin Shockley & M. T. Turvey - 2005 - Cognitive Science 29 (4):531-557.
    Does a concurrent cognitive task affect the dynamics of bimanual rhythmic coordination? In‐phase coordination was performed under manipulations of phase detuning and movement frequency and either singly or in combination with an arithmetic task. Predicted direction‐specific shifts in stable relative phase from 0° due to detuning and movement frequency were amplified by the cognitive task. Nonlinear cross‐recurrence analysis suggested that this cognitive influence on the locations of the stable points or attractors of coordination entailed a magnification of attractor noise (...)
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  13.  43
    A Cognitive Model of Dynamic Cooperation With Varied Interdependency Information.Cleotilde Gonzalez, Noam Ben-Asher, Jolie M. Martin & Varun Dutt - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (3):457-495.
    We analyze the dynamics of repeated interaction of two players in the Prisoner's Dilemma under various levels of interdependency information and propose an instance-based learning cognitive model to explain how cooperation emerges over time. Six hypotheses are tested regarding how a player accounts for an opponent's outcomes: the selfish hypothesis suggests ignoring information about the opponent and utilizing only the player's own outcomes; the extreme fairness hypothesis weighs the player's own and the opponent's outcomes equally; the moderate fairness hypothesis weighs (...)
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  14.  65
    Empirical Evidence for Extended Cognitive Systems.Luis H. Favela, Mary Jean Amon, Lorena Lobo & Anthony Chemero - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (11):e13060.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2021.
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  15.  75
    Dynamical systems theory in cognitive science and neuroscience.Luis H. Favela - 2020 - Philosophy Compass 15 (8):e12695.
    Dynamical systems theory (DST) is a branch of mathematics that assesses abstract or physical systems that change over time. It has a quantitative part (mathematical equations) and a related qualitative part (plotting equations in a state space). Nonlinear dynamical systems theory applies the same tools in research involving phenomena such as chaos and hysteresis. These approaches have provided different ways of investigating and understanding cognitive systems in cognitive science and neuroscience. The ‘dynamical hypothesis’ claims that cognition is and (...)
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  16.  65
    A Nonlinear Method for Measuring the Effects of Environmental Variations.Mihaela D. Iftime - 2011 - Foundations of Science 16 (4):353-361.
    Ever wonder if it is possible to construct a numeric scale for environmental variables, like one does for the temperature? This paper is an attempt to construct one. There are two main parts: section “Statistical Analysis of Variations” presents a general statistical strategy for environmental factor selection. Section “Nonlinear Analytical Geometric Model of Variations” develops an analytical geometric representation of system variations in response to environmental changes. The model is used to quantify the effects of environmental interactions. The paper (...)
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  17.  24
    Freeman's Nonlinear Brain Dynamics and Consciousness.M. Mannino & S. L. Bressler - 2018 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 25 (1-2):64-88.
    Walter Freeman's theory of nonlinear neurodynamics has had a major impact on brain dynamics in modern cognitive neuroscience. Steven Bressler's theory of neurocognitive networks follows from Freeman's work, and his empirical evidence for the coordination of cortical areas by phase-coupled beta rhythms in large-scale cognitive brain networks supports Freeman's ideas on nonlinear brain dynamics. Bressler's work, taking Freeman's concepts into the realm of cognitive neurodynamics, also supports Scott Kelso's theory of metastability in coordination dynamics. The aims of the (...)
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  18. A mechanism for cognitive dynamics: neuronal communication through neuronal coherence.Pascal Fries - 2005 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9 (10):474-480.
  19.  78
    Linking Linear/Nonlinear Thinking Style Balance and Managerial Ethical Decision-Making.Kevin Groves, Charles Vance & Yongsun Paik - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (2):305-325.
    This study presents the results of an empirical analysis of the relationship between managerial thinking style and ethical decision-making. Data from 200 managers across multiple organizations and industries demonstrated that managers predominantly adopt a utilitarian perspective when forming ethical intent across a series of business ethics vignettes. Consistent with expectations, managers utilizing a balanced linear/nonlinear thinking style demonstrated a greater overall willingness to provide ethical decisions across ethics vignettes compared to managers with a predominantly linear thinking style. However, results (...)
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  20. Sense-Making and Symmetry-Breaking: Merleau-Ponty, Cognitive Science, and Dynamic Systems Theory.Noah Moss Brender - 2013 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 17 (2):247-273.
    From his earliest work forward, phenomenologist Maurice Merleau-Ponty attempted to develop a new ontology of nature that would avoid the antinomies of realism and idealism by showing that nature has its own intrinsic sense which is prior to reflection. The key to this new ontology was the concept of form, which he appropriated from Gestalt psychology. However, Merleau-Ponty struggled to give a positive characterization of the phenomenon of form which would clarify its ontological status. Evan Thompson has recently taken up (...)
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  21.  47
    Dynamics of Phonological Cognition.Adamantios I. Gafos & Stefan Benus - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (5):905-943.
    A fundamental problem in spoken language is the duality between the continuous aspects of phonetic performance and the discrete aspects of phonological competence. We study 2 instances of this problem from the phenomenon of voicing neutralization and vowel harmony. In each case, we present a model where the experimentally observed continuous distinctions are linked to the discreteness of phonological form using the mathematics of nonlinear dynamics.
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  22. Nonlinear dynamics and the explanation of mental and behavioral development.Paul vanGeert - 1997 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 18 (2-3):269-290.
    This article argues that the process of development as such explains a great deal of the forms and properties of individual developmental trajectories, without the necessity of having to rely on either external or internal factors or causes. Both the problem of developmental change and invariance can be explained by employing a dynamic systems conceptualization of development. It is shown that dynamic systems models on the one hand and those of the genuine developmental models in psychology on the other, share (...)
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  23.  18
    New Perspectives in Nonlinearity or What to Do When the Whole is More Than the Sum of Its Parts.John H. Holland - 1976 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1976:240 - 255.
    This paper presents a theory of algorithms designed to optimize highly interactive systems (multi-diminsional, multi-peak, nonlinear functions). Two applications are discussed: one concerns cognitive systems capable of learning and generalization, and one concerns calculations dealing with the "origin of life" from "organic soups". The algorithms are intrinsically parallel--each function argument processed serves as a carrier for information about a tremendous number of regions (hyperplanes) in the function's domain. Each region is automatically ranked according to the estimated average value of (...)
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  24. The role of frontocingulate pathways in the emotion-cognition interface: Emerging clues from depression.Diego A. Pizzagalli - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):214-215.
    By emphasizing nonlinear dynamics between appraisal and emotions, Lewis's model provides a valuable platform for integrating psychological and neural perspectives on the emotion-cognition interface. In this commentary, I discuss the role of neuroscience in shaping new conceptualizations of emotion and the putative role of theta oscillation within frontocingulate pathways in depression, a syndrome in which emotion-cognition relations are dysfunctional.
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  25.  47
    Cold and hot cognition: Quantum probability theory and realistic psychological modeling.Philip J. Corr - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):282 - 283.
    Typically, human decision making is emotionally and does not conform to classical probability (CP) theory. As quantum probability (QP) theory emphasises order, context, superimposition states, and nonlinear dynamic effects, one of its major strengths may be its power to unify formal modeling and realistic psychological theory (e.g., information uncertainty, anxiety, and indecision, as seen in the Prisoner's Dilemma).
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  26.  35
    Thinking Through Tools: What Can Tool-Use Tell Us About Distributed Cognition?Chris Baber - 2015 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 41 (1):25-40.
    In this paper, I question the notion that tool-use must be driven by an internal representation which specifies the “motor program” enacted in the behaviour of the tool-user. Rather, it makes more sense to define tool-use in terms of characteristics of the dynamics of this behaviour. As the behaviour needs to be adjusted to suit changes in context, so there is unlikely to be a one-to-one, linear mapping between an action and its effect. Thus, tool-use can best be described using (...)
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  27.  24
    Nonlinear decision weights or moment-based preferences? A model competition involving described and experienced skewness.Leonidas Spiliopoulos & Ralph Hertwig - 2019 - Cognition 183 (C):99-123.
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  28.  31
    Unsupervised Discovery of Nonlinear Structure Using Contrastive Backpropagation.Geoffrey Hinton, Simon Osindero, Max Welling & Yee-Whye Teh - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (4):725-731.
    We describe a way of modeling high‐dimensional data vectors by using an unsupervised, nonlinear, multilayer neural network in which the activity of each neuron‐like unit makes an additive contribution to a global energy score that indicates how surprised the network is by the data vector. The connection weights that determine how the activity of each unit depends on the activities in earlier layers are learned by minimizing the energy assigned to data vectors that are actually observed and maximizing the (...)
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    Composition as Nonlinear Combination in Semantic Space: A Computational Characterization of Compound Processing.Tianqi Wang & Xu Xu - 2025 - Cognitive Science 49 (2):e70039.
    Most Chinese words are compounds formed through the combination of meaningful characters. Yet, due to compositional complexity, it is poorly understood how this combinatorial process affects the access to the whole‐word meaning. In the present study, we turned to the recent development in compositional distributional semantics, and employed a deep neural network to learn the less‐than‐systematic relationship between the constituent characters and the compound words. Based on the compositional representations derived from the computational model, we investigated the combinatorial process in (...)
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  30.  87
    AI and the tyranny of Galen, or why evolutionary psychology and cognitive ethology are important to artificial intelligence.Eric Dietrich - 1994 - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 6 (4):325-330.
    Concern over the nature of AI is, for the tastes many AI scientists, probably overdone. In this they are like all other scientists. Working scientists worry about experiments, data, and theories, not foundational issues such as what their work is really about or whether their discipline is methodologically healthy. However, most scientists aren’t in a field that is approximately fifty years old. Even relatively new fields such as nonlinear dynamics or branches of biochemistry are in fact advances in older (...)
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  31.  72
    Towards a new science of the mind: Wide content and the metaphysics of organizational properties in nonlinear dynamic models.Cliff A. Hooker & Wayne D. Christensen - 1998 - Mind and Language 13 (1):98-109.
    Tim van Gelder, following Brandom, Collins and others, uses the so‐called wide content of capacities which support social, norm governed activities, such as language, to argue for their anti‐natural, abstract, but socially instituted nature and thence for the failure of the entire traditional mind‐body discussion as ill‐posed. We argue that his former conclusion is wrong, that such properties are naturalisable, complicated organisational properties of the complexly organised, non‐linearly interactive systems that human beings are. This analysis also provides principled support, but (...)
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  32.  37
    Modeling beat perception with a nonlinear oscillator.Edward W. Large - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 18--420.
  33.  63
    Optimality and Some of Its Discontents: Successes and Shortcomings of Existing Models for Binary Decisions.Philip Holmes & Jonathan D. Cohen - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (2):258-278.
    We review how leaky competing accumulators (LCAs) can be used to model decision making in two‐alternative, forced‐choice tasks, and we show how they reduce to drift diffusion (DD) processes in special cases. As continuum limits of the sequential probability ratio test, DD processes are optimal in producing decisions of specified accuracy in the shortest possible time. Furthermore, the DD model can be used to derive a speed–accuracy trade‐off that optimizes reward rate for a restricted class of two alternative forced‐choice decision (...)
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  34. Reflections on the role of emotions in consciousness and subjectivity, from the perspective of affect-logic.Luc Ciompi - 2003 - Consciousness and Emotion 4 (2):181-196.
    The phenomena of human consciousness and subjectivity are explored from the perspective of affect-logic, a comprehensive meta-theory of the interactions between emotion and cognition based mainly on cognitive and social psychology, psychopathology, neurobiology Piaget?s genetic epistemology, psychoanalysis, and evolutionary science. According to this theory, overt or covert affective-cognitive interactions are obligatorily present in all mental activity, seemingly ?neutral? thinking included. Emotions continually exert numerous so-called operator-effects, both linear and nonlinear, on attention, on memory and on comprehensive thought, or (...)
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  35.  61
    Emotion and the Interactive Brain: Insights From Comparative Neuroanatomy and Complex Systems.Luiz Pessoa - 2018 - Emotion Review 10 (3):204-216.
    Although emotion is closely associated with motivation, and interacts with perception, cognition, and action, many conceptualizations still treat emotion as separate from these domains. Here, a comparative/evolutionary anatomy framework is presented to motivate the idea that long-range, distributed circuits involving the midbrain, thalamus, and forebrain are central to emotional processing. It is proposed that emotion can be understood in terms of large-scale network interactions spanning the neuroaxis that form “functionally integrated systems.” At the broadest level, the argument is made (...)
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  36.  52
    Rethinking Epistemology, Philosophy of Science and Technology.E. Backsansky Oleg - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 53:335-342.
    Modern cognitive approach represents the interdisciplinary branch of scientific reflection uniting researchers of knowledge, studying laws of purchase, transformation, representation, storages and reproduction of the information. People react to own experience, instead of "objective" reality. Cognitive map of the world according to which we operate, our feelings, belief and life experience create. We have no direct access to a "objective" reality, therefore our cognitive map is for us this unique "real" reality. Cognitive science widely uses methodology of synergetic approach successfully (...)
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  37. In Search of Ontological Emergence: Diachronic, But Non-supervenient.Michael Kirchhoff - 2014 - Axiomathes 24 (1):89-116.
    Most philosophical accounts of emergence are based on supervenience, with supervenience being an ontologically synchronic relation of determination. This conception of emergence as a relation of supervenience, I will argue, is unable to make sense of the kinds of emergence that are widespread in self-organizing and nonlinear dynamical systems, including distributed cognitive systems. In these dynamical systems, an emergent property is ontological and diachronic.
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  38. Symmetry-breaking dynamics in development.Noah Moss Brender - 2017 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16 (4):585-596.
    Recognition of the plasticity of development — from gene expression to neuroplasticity — is increasingly undermining the traditional distinction between structure and function, or anatomy and behavior. At the same time, dynamic systems theory — a set of tools and concepts drawn from the physical sciences — has emerged as a way of describing what Maurice Merleau-Ponty calls the “dynamic anatomy” of the living organism. This article surveys and synthesizes dynamic systems models of development from biology, neuroscience, and psychology in (...)
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  39. The Synergetic View of Human Creativity.Helena Knyazeva - 1998 - Evolution and Cognition 4 (2):145-155.
    The heuristic value of synergetic models of evolving and self-organizing complex systems as well as their application to epistemological problems is shown in this paper. Nonlinear synergetic models turn out to be fruitful in comprehending epistemological problems such as the nature of human creativity, the functioning of human intuition and imagination, the historical development of science and culture. In the light of synergetics creative thinking can be viewed as a selforganization and self-completion of images and thoughts, filling up gaps (...)
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  40.  44
    (1 other version)Reductionism revisited.A. C. Scott - 1998 - Journal of Consciousness Studies (2):51-68.
    From the perspective of nonlinear science, it is argued that one may accept physicalism and reject substance dualism without being forced into reductionism. This permits a property dualism under which biological and mental phenomena may emerge from intricate positive feedback networks, involving many levels of both the biological and cognitive hierarchies.
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    An emerging dialogue among social scientists and neuroscientists on the causal bases of emotion.Marc D. Lewis - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):223-234.
    The target article developed a dynamic systems framework that viewed the causal basis of emotion as a self-organizing process giving rise to cognitive appraisal concurrently. Commentators on the article evaluated this framework and the principles and mechanisms it incorporated. They also suggested additional principles, mechanisms, modeling strategies, and phenomena related to emotion and appraisal, in place of or extending from those already proposed. There was general agreement that nonlinear causal processes are fundamental to the psychology and neurobiology of emotion.
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  42.  35
    Control of chaos and memory dynamics.Richard A. Heath - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):817-818.
    Neurally inspired models of human cognition exude explanatory power without necessarily making predictions that can be verified behaviorally. This is the case for Tsuda's dynamic model. It is suggested that a simpler principle based on the nonlinear dynamic interaction between modules based on control of chaos, can achieve a similar theoretical goal in a cognitively verifiable way.
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    (1 other version)Sand Talk: Process Philosophy and Indigenous Knowledges.Julien Tempone-Wiltshire - forthcoming - Process Studies 53 (1):42-68.
    Through a close study of T. Yunkaporta's 2019’s Sand Talk, this article explores fractal thinking and the pattern of creation in Indigenous cosmology; the role of custodianship in respectful interaction between living systems; alternative Indigenous understandings of nonlinearity, time, and transience; the process-panpsychism and animism present in Indigenous perceptions of cosmos as living Country, illustrated in the Dreaming and Turnaround creation event; the role of embodied cognition and haptic and situated knowledge in Indigenous science; Indigenous holistic reasoning and the (...)
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    When peers are not peers and don't know it: The Dunning‐Kruger effect and self‐fulfilling prophecy in peer‐review.Sui Huang - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (5):414-416.
    The fateful combination of (i) the Dunning‐Kruger effect (ignorance of one's own ignorance) with (ii) the nonlinear dynamics of the echo‐chamber between reviewers and editors fuels a self‐reinforcing collective delusion system that sometimes spirals uncontrollably away from objectivity and truth. Escape from this subconscious meta‐ignorance is a formidable challenge but if achieved will help correct a central deficit of the peer‐review process that stifles innovation and paradigm shifts.
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    Mead and the Emergence of the Joint Intentional Self.Lawrence Cahoone - 2019 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 11 (2).
    What is the core of the distinctiveness of Homo sapiens? Some of the most famous hypotheses include tool use and tool making, language, free will and moral agency, self-consciousness, mind itself, and reason or rational problem-solving. All these answers are partly true. But recent work in comparative psychology, primatology, and cognitive science have converged on a conception of human distinctiveness that underlies these. Remarkably, it was explored a century ago by George Herbert Mead. The American pragmatists played a special role (...)
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  46. A Brief Review of Neural Networks Based Learning and Control and Their Applications for Robots.Yiming Jiang, Chenguang Yang, Jing Na, Guang Li, Yanan Li & Junpei Zhong - 2017 - Complexity:1-14.
    As an imitation of the biological nervous systems, neural networks, which have been characterized as powerful learning tools, are employed in a wide range of applications, such as control of complex nonlinear systems, optimization, system identification, and patterns recognition. This article aims to bring a brief review of the state-of-the-art NNs for the complex nonlinear systems by summarizing recent progress of NNs in both theory and practical applications. Specifically, this survey also reviews a number of NN based robot (...)
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    A Computational Model of Oncogenesis using the Systemic Approach.Sorinel A. Oprisan - 2006 - Axiomathes 16 (1):155-163.
    A new theoretical model of oncogenesis that incorporates a systemic view of biodynamics was developed and analyzed. According to our model, the emergent behavior at the cell population level is the result of nonlinear interactions between the neoplastic and immune subsystems. Our approach allows subsequent extensions of the model to span multiple levels of biological organization. The model opens the possibility of a flexible connection between the molecular and tissue level descriptions of oncogenesis.
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    Brain Entropy During Aging Through a Free Energy Principle Approach.Filippo Cieri, Xiaowei Zhuang, Jessica Z. K. Caldwell & Dietmar Cordes - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Neural complexity and brain entropy have gained greater interest in recent years. The dynamics of neural signals and their relations with information processing continue to be investigated through different measures in a variety of noteworthy studies. The BEN of spontaneous neural activity decreases during states of reduced consciousness. This evidence has been showed in primary consciousness states, such as psychedelic states, under the name of “the entropic brain hypothesis.” In this manuscript we propose an extension of this hypothesis to physiological (...)
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  49. Emergence, self-organization, and social interaction: Arousal-dependent structure in social systems.Thomas S. Smith & Gregory T. Stevens - 1996 - Sociological Theory 14 (2):131-153.
    The understanding of emergent, self-organizing phenomena has been immensely deepened in recent years on the basis of simulation-based theoretical research. We discuss these new ideas, and illustrate them using examples from several fields. Our discussion serves to introduce equivalent self-organized phenomena in social interaction. Interaction systems appear to be structured partly by virtue of such emergents. These appear under specific conditions: When cognitive buffering is inadequate relative to the levels of stress persons are subjected to, anxiety-spreading has the potential of (...)
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    Унікальність як форма зв’язку та заперечення у розвитку типів раціональності.Oleksandra Tsyra - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 76:56-68.
    The article explores the unique, its essence and role in the development of types of rationality. The unique is explained as unrepeatable, which does not fit into the actual implemented reversibility, repeatability and cyclicality. This is a universal property that is inherent in the individual education and is expressed in the individual and unique elements, properties and relations. The purpose of the research is to reveal the unique as a scientific concept, apply it to the rationale for the processes of (...)
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