Results for 'Russell Matheson'

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  1.  91
    Husserl: a guide for the perplexed.Matheson Russell - 2006 - New York, NY: Continuum.
    The critique of psychologism -- Phenomenology and other 'eidetic sciences' -- Phenomenology and transcendental philosophy -- The transcendental reduction -- The structure of intentionality -- Intuition, evidence, and truth -- Categorial intuition and ideation (eidetic seeing) -- Time-consciousness -- The ego and selfhood -- Intersubjectivity -- The crisis of the sciences and the idea of the 'lifeworld' -- Conclusion: mastering Husserl.
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  2. Transcendental Arguments About Other Minds and Intersubjectivity.Matheson Russell & Jack Reynolds - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (5):300-311.
    This article describes some of the main arguments for the existence of other minds, and intersubjectivity more generally, that depend upon a transcendental justification. This means that our focus will be largely on ‘continental’ philosophy, not only because of the abiding interest in this tradition in thematising intersubjectivity, but also because transcendental reasoning is close to ubiquitous in continental philosophy. Neither point holds for analytic philosophy. As such, this essay will introduce some of the important contributions of Edmund Husserl, Martin (...)
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    Habermas and Politics: A Critical Introduction.Matheson Russell - 2019 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Focusing on theme of power, the book guides you through the sociological and philosophical perspectives that are essential to Jürgen Habermas's political theory. It situates the Habermas' political thinking in relation to key Continental theorists such as Carl Schmitt and Michel Foucault and current debates in political philosophy.
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  4. Is there a hermeneutics of suspicion in being and time?Matheson Russell - 2008 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 51 (1):97 – 118.
    Hubert Dreyfus has claimed that Heidegger's phenomenological method involves a “hermeneutics of suspicion”. This is an intriguing suggestion, and if it were correct it would indicate that the standard interpretations overlook a significant aspect of the methodology of Being and Time. But is there really a hermeneutics of suspicion in Being and Time? Leslie MacAvoy has offered the most sustained challenge to Dreyfus on this point, arguing that his “hermeneutics of suspicion thesis” misconstrues both the overarching project and the methodological (...)
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    The Rationality of Political Disagreement: Rancière's Critique of Habermas.Matheson Russell & Andrew Montin - 2015 - Constellations 22 (4):543-554.
    It is hard to gauge the significance of Jacques Rancière’s conception of politics for contemporary political theory without addressing his attempt to break with the Habermasian linguistic-pragmatic paradigm and to set up an alternative model of political speech (“dissensus”) which “has the rationality of disagreement as its very own rationality.” But Rancière’s departure from Habermas’s theory of communicative action is subtle and difficult to assess. In this essay we aim to explicate and examine their disagreement. In doing so we also (...)
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  6. On Habermas’s Critique of Husserl.Matheson Russell - 2011 - Husserl Studies 27 (1):41-62.
    Over four decades, Habermas has put to paper many critical remarks on Husserl’s work as occasion has demanded. These scattered critical engagements nonetheless do add up to a coherent (if contestable) position regarding the project of transcendental phenomenology. This essay provides a comprehensive reconstruction of the arguments Habermas makes and offers a critical assessment of them. With an eye in particular to the theme of intersubjectivity (a theme of fundamental interest to both thinkers), it is argued that Habermas’s arguments do (...)
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    Phenomenology and Theology: Situating Heidegger’s Philosophy of Religion.Matheson Russell - 2011 - Sophia 50 (4):641-655.
    This essay considers the philosophical and theological significance of the phenomenological analysis of Christian faith offered by the early Heidegger. It shows, first, that Heidegger poses a radical and controversial challenge to philosophers by calling them to do without God in an unfettered pursuit of the question of being (through his ‘destruction of onto-theology’); and, second, that this exclusion nonetheless leaves room for a form of philosophical reflection upon the nature of faith and discourse concerning God, namely for a philosophy (...)
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  8. The Politics of the Third Person: Esposito’s Third Person and Rancière’s Disagreement.Matheson Russell - 2014 - Critical Horizons 15 (3):211-230.
    Against the enthusiasm for dialogue and deliberation in recent democratic theory, the Italian philosopher Roberto Esposito and French philosopher Jacques Rancière construct their political philosophies around the nondialogical figure of the third person. The strikingly different deployments of the figure of the third person offered by Esposito and Rancière present a crystallization of their respective approaches to political philosophy. In this essay, the divergent analyses of the third person offered by these two thinkers are considered in terms of the critical (...)
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  9. Phenomenological Reduction in Heidegger's Sein Und Zeit: A New Proposal.Matheson Russell - 2008 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 39 (3):229-248.
    In Phenomenological Reduction in Heidegger's Sein und Zeit: a New Proposal, Matheson Russell investigates the indebtedness of the Heidegger of Being and Time to Husserl's transcendental phenomenology by way of distinguishing in it differing types of transcendental reduction. He supplies an overview of recent attempts to identify such reductions in order then to propose a new interpretation locating two levels of reduction in Heidegger's fundamental ontology. These concern, first, an enquiry going back to the horizon of 'existence', and, (...)
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    Introduction.Matheson Russell - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (2):111-112.
    Thanks to pioneering work in the mid to late twentieth century by the likes of Elizabeth Anscombe, Alasdair MacIntyre, Michael Slote, Philippa Foot, and Rosalind Hursthouse, virtue ethics has estab...
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    Habermas and the "presupposition" of the common objective world.Russell Matheson - 2017 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 5 (1):171-203.
    Habermas asserts that the ‘presupposition’ of the common objective world is thrust upon us by the pragmatics of language use. However, this is a dubious claim. A pre-linguistic relation to the world as common and objective is required for language acquisition. What’s more, Husserl’s analyses indicate that aspects of our experience of the common world are grounded in experiences of spatio-temporal horizonality and of the co-presence of others within that world-horizon. This is not to negate the importance of communicatively achieved (...)
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  12.  9
    Human reasoning.Russell Revlin & Richard E. Mayer (eds.) - 1978 - New York: distributed solely by Halsted Press.
  13.  79
    Rethinking “Disease”: a fresh diagnosis and a new philosophical treatment.Russell Powell & Eric Scarffe - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (9):579-588.
    Despite several decades of debate, the concept of disease remains hotly contested. The debate is typically cast as one between naturalism and normativism, with a hybrid view that combines elements of each staked out in between. In light of a number of widely discussed problems with existing accounts, some theorists argue that the concept of disease is beyond repair and thus recommend eliminating it in a wide range of practical medical contexts. Any attempt to reframe the ‘disease’ discussion should answer (...)
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    Agency: Its Role in Mental Development.James Russell - 1996 - Psychology Press.
    The idea behind this book is that developing a conception of the physical world and a conception of mind is impossible without the exercise of agency, meaning "the power to alter at will one's perceptual inputs". The thesis is derived from a philosophical account of the role of agency in knowledge - the first time this has been attempted in the context of developmental psychology. The book is divided into three parts. In Part One, Russell argues that purely "representational" (...)
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  15. Possible Patterns.Jeffery Sanford Russell & John Hawthrone - 2018 - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 11:149-192.
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  16. Creation and Culture: Introduction to the Special Issue on “Toward a Liturgical Critique of Modernity”.Russell Berman - 1999 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 113.
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  17. (1 other version)The Power of the Press: Danny Gets the Goods.Russell A. Berman - 1991 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 87:158.
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    On investigating inner experience: Contrasting Moore & Schwitzgebel and Brouwers et al.Russell T. Hurlburt - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 63:146-150.
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  19. Histoire des Idées au XIXe siècle, Liberté et Organisation.Bertrand Russell & A. Petitjean - 1939 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 46 (3):525-526.
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    Individual Voice in the Collective Discourse: Literary Innovation in Postmodern American Fiction.Charles Russell - 1980 - Substance 9 (2):29.
  21. Living systems - autonomous unities.David Russell & Lloyd Fell - unknown
    The question which is never entirely resolved is: what is life? Biology, claims to stand for the study of life and living things, yet we would say that it cannot make a thoroughly clear distinction between living and non living, except in some very obvious cases. There are textbook definitions, of course, based on certain notable properties such as the ability to metabolize or reproduce, but these are arbitrary. If we are familiar with the characteristics of a particular animal or (...)
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  22. Irreligion and the Impartial Spectator in Smith’s Moral System.Paul Russell - 2021 - In Recasting Hume and Early Modern Philosophy: Selected Essays. New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press. pp. 384-402.
    [First published in Italian as: “L’irreligione e lo spettatore imparziale nel sistema morale di Adam Smith”, in Rivista di Filosofia 3 (3):375-403 (2005). -/- Translated by E. Lecaldano.] -/- A number of commentators on Smith’s philosophy have observed that the relationship between his moral theory and his theological beliefs is “exceedingly difficult to unravel.” The available evidence, as generally presented, suggests that although Smith was not entirely orthodox by contemporary standards, he has no obvious or significant irreligious commitments or orientation. (...)
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  23. Values and Policy in American Society.Russell E. Bayliff, Eugene Clark, Loyd Easton, Blaine E. Grimes, David H. Jennings & Norman H. Leonard - 1955 - Philosophy of Science 22 (1):66-66.
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    (1 other version)Cultural Revolutions?Russell A. Berman - 2013 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2013 (163):3-6.
    ExcerptProfound change in society may involve shifting control of political power, the character of economic systems, or access to resources, but it can also have to do with the structures of meaning we bundle together in various understandings of culture. This issue of Telos looks at the explosive forces located specifically in the intangible dimensions of culture and how they may play out in revolutionary or counter-revolutionary processes. No process has been more disruptive of inherited traditions and stable structures than (...)
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  25. Conspiracy Theories: Szondi on Hölderlin's Jacobinism.Russell A. Berman - 2007 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2007 (140):116-129.
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  26. September 11.Russell A. Berman - 2001 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2001 (120):163-170.
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  27. Universalism: Nationhood and Solidarity'.Russell‘Beyond Localism Berman & Beyond Localism - 1995 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 105.
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    PALO: a probabilistic hill-climbing algorithm.Russell Greiner - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 84 (1-2):177-208.
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  29. Robots and reality: a reply to Robert Sparrow.Russell Blackford - 2012 - Ethics and Information Technology 14 (1):41-51.
    We commonly identify something seriously defective in a human life that is lived in ignorance of important but unpalatable truths. At the same time, some degree of misapprehension of reality may be necessary for individual health and success. Morally speaking, it is unclear just how insistent we should be about seeking the truth. Robert Sparrow has considered such issues in discussing the manufacture and marketing of robot ‘pets’, such as Sony’s doglike ‘AIBO’ toy and whatever more advanced devices may supersede (...)
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    Latin philosophy, 1200-1350.Russell L. Friedman - 2011 - In John Marenbon (ed.), The Oxford Handbook to Medieval Philosophy. Oxford Up. pp. 192.
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    Organism and Environment: Inheritance and Subjectivity in the Life Sciences.Russell Winslow - 2017 - Lexington Books.
    In this book, Russell Winslow analyzes contemporary discourses in microbiology and evolutionary inheritance theory to foreground the metaphysical prejudices that unreflectively subtend these discourses, highlight and illuminate an emergent prejudice of an ecological ontology in microbiology, and determine what interpretive possibilities it affords.
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  32. Editorial: Of Minds and Machines.Russell Blackford - 2011 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 22 (1):i-ii.
    This special issue of JET deals with questions relating to our radically enhanced future selves or our possible “mind children” – conscious beings that we might bring about through the development of advanced computers and robots. Our mind children might exceed human levels of cognition, and avoid many human limitations and vulnerabilities. In a call for papers earlier this year, the editors asked how far we ought to go with processes that might ultimately convert humans to some sort of post-biological (...)
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    Beyond the Laws of Nature.Russell Berg - 2012 - Philosophy Now 88:24-26.
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    Empire, State, Nation: Glory to Ukraine.Russell A. Berman - 2022 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2022 (201):189-200.
    ExcerptThe high-water mark of globalization has passed. New competitions continue to emerge in a decidedly multipolar international system. As the United States views China and Russia as strategic competitors or worse, an array of mid-level powers—Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, India, the BRICS, and so forth—try to navigate this complex system and pursue their national interests. Meanwhile, no matter how much the United States and the European Union both believe themselves part of a single “West,” divergent interests tend to (...)
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  35. Preface to the Telos press edition of Ernst junger's "on pain".Russell A. Berman - 2008 - In Ernst Jünger (ed.), On Pain. Telos Press.
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    Confucius.Russell Roberts - 2013 - Hockessin, Delaware: Mitchell Lane Publishers.
    A biography of Confucius, a Chinese philosopher of the ancient world.
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    Hematology, the Blossoming of a Science: A Story of Inspiration and Effort. Maxwell M. Wintrobe.Russell Maulitz - 1986 - Isis 77 (4):708-709.
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    In the clinic: Framing disease at the Paris hospital.Russell C. Maulitz - 1990 - Annals of Science 47 (2):127-137.
    The programme of physicians and surgeons during the ‘late’ phase of the Paris Hospital incorporated efforts to codify the most efficient ways of defining disease. Those efforts involved reckoning the probability, the specificity, and most consistently, the localization of disease entities. One of the most frequently encountered of such entities was pleuritis. Pleuritis is therefore used here as a ‘marker’ through which to investigate how Auguste Chomel and others carried forward the programme of codification. A conspicuous feature of that programme (...)
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    Municipia.Russell Meiggs - 1951 - The Classical Review 1 (01):38-.
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  40. The Death Penalty for Corporations Comes of Age.Russell Mokhiber - 1998 - Business Ethics 12 (6).
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    The Reluctant Patron: Science and the State in Britain, 1850-1920. Peter Alter, Angela Davies.Russell Moseley - 1990 - Isis 81 (3):542-543.
  42. (1 other version)Roger Boisjoly and the Challenger disaster: A case study in management practice, corporate loyalty and business ethics.Russell P. Boisjoly & Ellen Foster Curtis - forthcoming - Business Ethics.
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    La méthode scientifique en philosophie: Notre connaissance du monde extérieur.Bertrand Russell - 2018 - Éditions Payot.
    Huit conférences du philosophe prix Nobel, et une question : la philosophie peut-elle être une science? Pour assurer la validité de ses recherches, la philosophie doit s'appuyer sur une méthode, "quelque chose de parfaitement défini, susceptible de se ramasser en formules, et capable de fournir toute la connaissance scientifique objective qu'il est possible d'atteindre". Tel est l'objectif de ce recueil consacré aux notions de logique, d'infini, de connaissance du monde extérieur, et de liberté, qui comprend notamment une conférence devenue célèbre, (...)
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    Climate Change and the Everyday: Becoming Present to Precarity.Russell Duvernoy - 2020 - Ethics and the Environment 25 (2):73.
    Abstract:Concepts of the everyday typically correlate with the normal and regular, while narratives of climate change are structured by predictions that exceed the normal. Since extreme events of climate change are not assimilable into the everyday, their destabilizing effects heighten destructive feedback loops mediated through fear. Developing psychic and social resilience necessary for re-routing climate change predictions from their direst outcomes thus requires transformed relations to the everyday. After analyzing how a default conception of the everyday hinders existential adaptation, I (...)
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    Where Data Meets Action: Linking Health Surveillance with Community Partnership.Ashley Brooks-Russell, Christine K. Mulitauopele & Emily Fine - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (10):63-65.
    Volume 20, Issue 10, October 2020, Page 63-65.
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    Mysticism and Logic: Including a Free Man's Worship.Bertrand Russell - 1917 - London: Routledge.
    Contents Include: Mysticism and Logic - The Place of Science in a Liberal Education - A Free Man's Worship - The Study of mathematics - Mathematics and the Metaphysicians - On Scientific Method in Philosophy - The Ultimate Constituents of Matter - The Relation of Sense-Data to Physics - On the Notion of Cause - Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description.
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  47. Pharmacists, the Pharmaceutical Industry, and Ethics.Barbara Russell - 2009 - Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 4:1-5.
    Considerable ethics-related focus has been directed to the pharmaceutical industry’s relationship with physicians, in part because physicians have the only profession able to prescribe much of what the industry manufactures. In Alberta, however, pharmacists have recently been permitted to modify physician prescriptions for a patient and even to prescribe without physician involvement. This paper will examine how this change in responsibilities could change pharmacists’ relationships with the industry.
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    The Minotaur Gives A Lesson in the Natural History of Man.McKinney Russell - 1991 - Between the Species 7 (3):17.
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    Introducing Prophetic Pragmatism: A Dialogue on Hope, the Philosophy of Race, and the Spiritual Blues.Russell P. Johnson - 2021 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 42 (3):80-83.
    How does one categorize Cornel West? He describes himself on multiple occasions as a "neo-Gramscian pragmatist," a "Jesus-centered intellectual bluesman," and a "card-carrying Kierkegaardian—with a strong Chekhovian twist—and a Marxist-informed radical democrat with a tragicomic sense of life." West seems intentionally cagy about being sorted into a particular school of thought. The resources he draws upon are too eclectic and the work he does with them too creative to treat him as a denizen of any one -ism. As he once (...)
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  50. (2 other versions)Problèmes de philosophie.Bertrand Russell - 1966 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 21 (2):288-289.
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