Results for 'Said Saillant'

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  1.  42
    The Strength of Relationships.Said Saillant - 2010 - Stance 3:33-38.
    I endeavor to show that Descartes’ attribute-mode distinction cannot be characterized in terms of the determinable-determinate relation. I identify the latter’s formal and modal properties in order to determine whether the former shares them, which ultimately shows distinctness. I then indicate which property accounts for the differences. I conclude that the relation that unites modes under an attribute is weaker than that which groups determinates under some determinable, respectively, the relations of inherence and incompatibility.
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    Femmes et soins dans la société post-moderne.Franchie Saillant - 1994 - Philosophiques 21 (2):381-392.
    L'apport des femmes à la production des soins revêt un caractère essentiel et universel tant dans l'histoire que dans la société actuelle, selon deux axes d'articulation : la protection du corps et le soutien par l'entraide et l'accompagnement. Les orientations actuelles des systèmes de santé occidentaux, comprenant une promotion idéologique de l'autonomie ayant pour conséquence la déqualification de certaines valeurs, notamment celle de l'interdépendance, compromettent l'avenir des soins dans la mesure où il n'existe pas de soin sans l'existence simultanée de (...)
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  3. Chapter Twelve Said, Derrida And the Undecidable Human: In the Name Of Inhabitancy Robert P. Marzec.Edward Said - 2008 - In Mina Karavanta & Nina Morgan (eds.), Edward Said and Jacques Derrida: reconstellating humanism and the global hybrid. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 304.
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  4. Principes de la littérature.Charles Batteux, Jean Desaint & Charles Saillant - 1775 - Genéve,: Slatkine Reprints.
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    De la responsabilité: éthique et politique.Éric Gagnon & Francine Saillant (eds.) - 2006 - Montréal: Liber.
    Cet ouvrage se propose de décrire la place et le sens de la responsabilité dans le monde contemporain. Depuis quelques années, la notion est en effet omniprésente dans les discussions sur l'éthique. On l'invoque à propos de l'écologie, de l'aide aux personnes dépendantes, de l'éducation, de l'intervention humanitaire et ainsi de suite. Pourtant, cet usage répandu, loin de traduire une large adhésion à ce qui irait de soi, témoigne plutôt que la responsabilité est devenue problématique : elle devient incertaine lorsque (...)
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  6. Representing the Colonized: Anthropology's Interlocutors.Edward W. Said - 1989 - Critical Inquiry 15 (2):205-225.
    At this point I should say something about one of the frequent criticisms addressed to me, and to which I have always wanted to respond, that in the process of characterizing the production of Europe’s inferior Others, my work is only negative polemic which does not advance a new epistemological approach or method, and expresses only desperation at the possibility of ever dealing seriously with other cultures. These criticisms are related to the matters I’ve been discussing so far, and while (...)
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  7. Foucault and the Imagination of Power.Edward Said - 1986 - In Michel Foucault & David Couzens Hoy (eds.), Foucault: a critical reader. New York, NY, USA: Blackwell. pp. 149--155.
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  8. Interview: Edward Said: Orientalism and After.Anne Beezer, Peter Osborne & Edward Said - 1993 - Radical Philosophy 63.
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    Ghazālī's politics in context.Yazeed Said - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    Imam Abü Hamid al-Ghazalı is perhaps the most celebrated Muslim theologian of medieval Islam yet little attention has been paid to his personal theology. This book sets out to investigate the relationship between law and politics in the writings of Ghazalı and aims to establish the extent to which this relationship explains Ghazalı’s political theology. Articles concerned with Ghazalı’s political thought have invariably paid little attention to his theology and his thinking about God, neglecting to ask what role these have (...)
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    The Problem of Textuality: Two Exemplary Positions.Edward W. Said - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 4 (4):673-714.
    Derrida and Foucault are opposed to each other on a number of grounds, and perhaps the one specially singled out in Foucault's attack on Derrida—that Derrida is concerned only with "reading" a text and that a text is nothing more than the "traces" found there by the reader—would be the appropriate one to begin with here.1 According to Foucault, if the text is important for Derrida because its real situation is literally an abysmally textual element, l'écriture en abîme with which (...)
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    Interview: Edward W. Said.Edward W. Said - 1976 - Diacritics 6 (3):30.
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  12. Modelling the mind.K. A. Mohyeldin Said, W. H. Newton Smith, R. Viale & K. V. Wilkes - 1992 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 182 (4):489-490.
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    Response to Stanley Fish.Edward W. Said - 1983 - Critical Inquiry 10 (2):371-373.
    At one point Fish says that a profession produces no “real” commodity but offers only a service. But surely the increasing reification of services and even of knowledge has made them a commodity as well. And indeed the logical extension of Fish’s position on professionalism is not that it is something done or lived but something produced and reproduced, albeit with redistributed and redeployed values. What those are, Fish doesn’t say. Then again he makes the rather telling remarks that he (...)
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    A Method for Thinking About Just Peace.Edward Said - 2006 - In Alexis Keller (ed.), What is a Just Peace? Oxford University Press.
    In this chapter, Said argues that in the case of the Palestinians and Israelis, histories and cultures are inextricably linked ‘contrapuntally’ in symbiotic rather than mutually exclusive terms. When this understanding of circumstances occurs, it no longer seems viable to eliminate the opposition because there will always be a tomorrow in which retribution will be demanded by those who feel that an injustice had been forced upon family members or previous generations. Said emphasizes the need to think about (...)
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    New Nonlinear Takagi–Sugeno Vehicle Model for State and Road Curvature Estimation via a Nonlinear PMI Observer.Said Djennoune, Said Mammar, Naima Ait Oufroukh, Dalil Ichalal & Zedjiga Yacine - 2014 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 23 (2):155-170.
    The present article deals with an observer design for nonlinear vehicle lateral dynamics. The contributions of the article concern the nonconsideration of any force model and the consideration that the longitudinal velocity is time varying, which is more realistic than the assumption that it is constant. The vehicle model is then represented by an exact Takagi–Sugeno model via the sector nonlinearity transformation. A proportional multiple integral observer based on the TS model is designed to estimate simultaneously the state vector and (...)
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    Cooperative Global Politics.Abdul Aziz Said - 1988 - The Acorn 3 (2):14-17.
  17.  44
    Literary Criticism and Politics?Edward W. Said - 2020 - Philosophy and Literature 44 (2):395-401.
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    Civil Society and the Rule of Law in the Constitutional Politics of Iran under Khatami.Said Arjomand - 2000 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 67.
  19.  15
    Beberapa qissah utama.Mohammad Said - 1963 - Bandung,: Almaʻarif.
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  20. Ak̲h̲lāqiyāt-i Nabavī: maqālāt-i Muz̲ākarah-yi Millī Ak̲h̲lāqiyāt-i Nabavī, Karācī, 1402 Hijrī.Hakim Mohammad Said (ed.) - 1982 - Karācī: Hamdard Fāʼūnḍeshan Prais.
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    The Islam and Democracy Debate after 2011.Saïd Amir Arjomand - 2013 - Constellations 20 (2):297-311.
  22. Les épouses étrangères des Minéens.S. Al-Said - 2009 - Topoi: Revista de História 10:97.
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    The rise of interdisciplinary studies in social sciences and humanities and the challenge of comparative sociology.Saïd Amir Arjomand - 2017 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (2):292-306.
    After briefly surveying three generations of comparative sociologists, interdisciplinary regional and trans-regional studies are shown to complement the work of the third generation of comparative sociologists on civilizational analysis and multiple modernities. Drawing examples from the interdisciplinary Persianate studies, promoted by the Association for the Study of Persianate Societies in the last two decades, and by other recent interdisciplinary studies of performance and world literature as well as Caribbean regional studies, it is argued that the rise of interdisciplinary studies in (...)
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    Opponents, Audiences, Constituencies, and Community.Edward W. Said - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 9 (1):1-26.
    I do not want to be misunderstood as saying that the cultural situation I describe here caused Reagan, or that it typifies Reaganism, or that everything about it can be ascribed or referred back to the personality of Ronald Reagan. What I argue is that a particular situation within the field we call "criticism" is not merely related to but is an integral part of the currents of thought and practice that play a role within the Reagan era. Moreover, I (...)
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  25.  21
    Orientalism.Edward W. Said - 1978 - Vintage.
    A provocative critique of Western attitudes about the Orient, this history examines the ways in which the West has discovered, invented, and sought to control the East from the 1700s to the present.
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    Amalfitano O la Rosa ilimitada de Los vientos: La nación imaginaria en Los sinsabores Del verdadero policía, de Roberto bolaño.Samir Said Soto - 2017 - Alpha (Osorno) 44:105-118.
    Resumen: El presente estudio intenta demostrar que mediante la novela Los sinsabores del verdadero policía, Roberto Bolaño construye una alegoría de las fisuras que se provocan en las tramas simbólicas de la geografía global mediante la figura de su protagonista Oscar Amalfitano. A partir de este personaje en constante tránsito por distintos territorios, el autor deja en evidencia la situación diaspórica de un sujeto que representa el conflicto de aquellos individuos que traspasan las fronteras establecidas en la lógica del mapa (...)
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  27. Essays on science: felicitation volume in honour of Dr. M.D. Shami.Hakim Mohammad Said - 1991 - Karachi: Hamdard Foundation Press. Edited by M. D. Shami.
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    Türk Dizilerinin Kazak-Türk Kültürel Etkileşimine Ve Türkçenin Yaygınlaşmasına Etkisi.Mehmed Said Arbatli - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 2):31-31.
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    The effect of visual and informational complexity of news website designs on comprehension and memorization among undergraduate students.Nidal Al Said & Khaleel M. Al-Said - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (1):401-409.
    The importance of web designs for commercial and informational use has been a focus of research for over a decade and a half. At present, findings concerning the influence of news website designs on the perception and recall of information are rather contradictory. This study aims to identify how the basic web designs aesthetically affect users. A total of 214 students from Arab universities were shown three news sites with different designs and asked to complete two tests to determine their (...)
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  30.  10
    Medieval Arabic Translation.Said Faiq - 2005 - Mediaevalia 26 (2):99-110.
  31. Budaya ilmu.Ahmad Muhammad Said - 1990 - In MohdIdris Jauzi (ed.), Faham ilmu: pertumbuhan dan implikasi. Kuala Lumpur: Nurin Enterprise.
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    Yerelden Evrensele İki Yol Arkadaşı: Cen.Mehmed Said Arbatli - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 4):179-192.
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  33. Nekotorye voprosy marksistsko-leninskoĭ ėtiki: [Sb. stateĭ.Said Shermukhamedov (ed.) - 1978 - Tashkent: Uzbekistan.
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    Numerical Intelligence for Mobility and Communication: Tendencies in Automatics and Control.Said Mammar, Dominique Gruyer & Vincent Vigneron - 2014 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 23 (2):109-111.
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    From world religions to axial civilizations and beyond.Saïd Amir Arjomand & Stephen Kalberg (eds.) - 2021 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Essays in the field of comparative world religions and corresponding axial civilizations.
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  36. Dio's Use of mythology”.Suzanne Said - 2000 - In Simon Swain (ed.), Dio Chrysostom: politics, letters, and philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 161--86.
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    Orientalism.Peter Gran & Edward Said - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (3):328.
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    “The Strange” Reaction Of The Caricaturists.Said COŞAR - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:1543-1587.
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    Stochastic Travelling Advisor Problem Simulation with a Case Study: A Novel Binary Gaining-Sharing Knowledge-Based Optimization Algorithm.Said Ali Hassan, Yousra Mohamed Ayman, Khalid Alnowibet, Prachi Agrawal & Ali Wagdy Mohamed - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-15.
    This article proposes a new problem which is called the Stochastic Travelling Advisor Problem in network optimization, and it is defined for an advisory group who wants to choose a subset of candidate workplaces comprising the most profitable route within the time limit of day working hours. A nonlinear binary mathematical model is formulated and a real application case study in the occupational health and safety field is presented. The problem has a stochastic nature in travelling and advising times since (...)
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    35 orientalism reconsidered.Edward Said - 2019 - In A. L. Macfie (ed.), Orientalism: A Reader. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 343-362.
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    After the Last Sky: Palestinian Lives.Edward W. Said - 1999 - Columbia University Press.
    A searing portrait in words and photographs of Palestinian life and identity that is at once an exploration of Edward Said's own dislocated past and a testimony to the lives of those living in exile.
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    Kızıl îcâz: (Abdurrahman Ahdarî'nin süllem'ül- münevrak isimli eserine Bedîüzzaman'ın şerhi): Şerh.Said Nursi - 2019 - Fatih, İstanbul: Osmanlı Araştırmaları Vakfı. Edited by Ahmet Akgündüz.
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    Ta'lîkât: (Gelenbevî'nin mantık ilmine ait Burhân isimli kitâbı üzerine) = Taʻlīqāt ʻalá Burhān al-Kalnabawī fī al-manṭiq.Said Nursi - 2019 - Fatih, İstanbul: Osmanlı Araştırmaları Vakfı. Edited by Said Nursi & Ahmed Akgündüz.
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  44. A Just Peace.Edward Said - 2006 - In Alexis Keller (ed.), What is a Just Peace? Oxford University Press.
  45. Vydai︠u︡shchiĭsi︠a︡ uchenyĭ-filosof: [k 70-letii︠u︡ so dni︠a︡ rozhdenii︠a︡ I. M. Muminova].Said Shermukhamedov - 1978 - Tashkent: Uzbekistan.
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    Mining Top-k motifs with a SAT-based framework.Said Jabbour, Lakhdar Sais & Yakoub Salhi - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 244 (C):30-47.
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    The Last Taboo in American Discourse.Edward W. Said - 2001 - Radical Philosophy Review 3 (2):118-121.
    Media coverage of the recent explosion of violence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is so thoroughly biased in favor of Israel, argues Edward Said, that Israel itself is made to appear as the victim, despite the fact that it is using missiles, tanks, and helicopter gunships against stone-throwing civilians rebelling, in their own towns, against their continued oppression. American Zionism is so successful, Said adds, that it has rendered impermissible any public discussion of Israeli policy, making this the (...)
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  48. Developmental patterns and processes in Islamicate civilization and the impact of modernization.Said Arjomand - 2010 - In Hans Joas (ed.), The benefit of broad horizons: intellectual and institutional preconditions for a global social science: festschrift for Bjorn Wittrock on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Leiden [etc.]: Brill.
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    Middle Eastern Constitutional and Ideological Revolutions and the Rise of Juristocracy.Said Amir Arjomand - 2012 - Constellations 19 (2):204-215.
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    Rationalizing Myth in Antiquity.Suzanne Saïd - 2015 - Kernos 28:290-292.
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