Results for 'Sc Scheer'

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  1. Obliterate inscriptions and Cunning alphabets+ article review of Hart, Kevin trespass-of-the-sign.Sc Scheer - 1992 - Semiotica 90 (3-4):279-293.
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    Sorgfalt des Denkens: festschrift für Brigitte Scheer.Brigitte Scheer, Siegfried Blasche, Wolfgang R. Köhler, Peter Rohs & Josef Früchtl (eds.) - 1995 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  3. Are emotions a kind of practice (and is that what makes them have a history)? A Bourdieuian approach to understanding emotion.Monique Scheer - 2012 - History and Theory 51 (2):193-220.
    The term “emotional practices” is gaining currency in the historical study of emotions. This essay discusses the theoretical and methodological implications of this concept. A definition of emotion informed by practice theory promises to bridge persistent dichotomies with which historians of emotion grapple, such as body and mind, structure and agency, as well as expression and experience. Practice theory emphasizes the importance of habituation and social context and is thus consistent with, and could enrich, psychological models of situated, distributed, and (...)
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  4. Un criterio di giustificazione del diritto: la prospettiva ontofenomenologica di Sergio Cotta.Sc Sagnotti - 1993 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 70 (3):461-472.
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  5. Hegels Auffassung von der Sprache im Licht seiner Philosophie der Kunst.Brigitte Scheer - 1982 - In Brigitte Scheer & Günter Wohlfart (eds.), Dimensionen der Sprache in der Philosophie des Deutschen Idealismus. Würzburg: Königshausen + Neumann.
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    The development of the concept of tissue respiration.Bradley T. Scheer - 1939 - Annals of Science 4 (3):295-305.
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    Verification and the performatory theory of truth.Richard K. Scheer - 1960 - Mind 69 (276):568.
  8. Space errors in the method of pair comparisons.Sc Masin & A. Agostini - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):487-487.
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    Wittgenstein's Indeterminism.Richard K. Scheer - 1991 - Philosophy 66 (255):5 - 23.
    Does it follow from Wittgenstein's views about indeterminism that irregularities of nature could take place? Did he believe that chairs could simply disappear and reappear, that water could behave differently than it has, and that a man throwing a fair die might throw ones for a week? Or are these things only imaginable? Is his view simply that if we adopted an indeterministic point of view we would no longer look for causes, or would not always look for causes, because (...)
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    Thinking and Working.R. K. Scheer - 1991 - Philosophical Investigations 14 (4):293-310.
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    Remembering Grandmother.R. Scheer - 1983 - Philosophical Investigations 6 (3):192-199.
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  12. Ästhetik als Rationalitätskritik bei Arthur Schopenhauer.Brigitte Scheer - 1988 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 69:213-227.
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  13. Dr. Fr. E. Benekes pädagogik im verhältnis zu seiner moral-philosophie..Kurt Scheer - 1909 - Weida i. Th.,: Druck von Thomas & Hubert.
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    Knowledge of the future.R. K. Scheer - 1971 - Mind 80 (318):212-226.
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  15. La Société sans maître: essai sur la société de masse.Léo Scheer - 1978 - Paris: Éditions Galilée.
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    Predictions of events.Richard K. Scheer - 1967 - Philosophical Quarterly 17 (68):257-261.
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    The extent of self-deception.Richard Scheer - 1999 - Philosophical Investigations 22 (4):330-334.
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    The Illusion of Reading.Steven C. Scheer - 1988 - Semiotics:298-302.
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    The evolution of the still.F. Sherwood Taylor PhD. M. A. B. Sc - 1945 - Annals of Science 5 (3):185-202.
  20.  69
    Was Wittgenstein an anti-realist?Richard Scheer - 2009 - Philosophical Investigations 32 (4):319-328.
    William Child has said that Wittgenstein is an anti-realist with respect to a person's dreams, recent thoughts that he has consciously entertained and other things. I discuss Wittgenstein's comments about these matters in order to show that they do not commit him to an anti-realist view or a realist view. He wished to discredit the idea that when a person reports his dream or his thoughts, or past intentions, the person is reading off the contents of his mind or memory. (...)
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    Zur Begründung von Kants Ästhetik und ihrem Korrektiv in der asthetischen Idee.Brigitte Scheer - 1971 - Frankfurt (am Main): Heiderhoff.
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    Happy Enough to Relax? How Positive and Negative Emotions Activate Different Muscular Regions in the Back - an Explorative Study.Clara Scheer, Simone Kubowitsch, Sebastian Dendorfer & Petra Jansen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Embodiment theories have proposed a reciprocal relationship between emotional state and bodily reactions. Besides large body postures, recent studies have found emotions to affect rather subtle bodily expressions, such as slumped or upright sitting posture. This study investigated back muscle activity as an indication of an effect of positive and negative emotions on the sitting position. The electromyography activity of six back muscles was recorded in 31 healthy subjects during exposure to positive and negative affective pictures. A resting period was (...)
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  23. Theories and goals of education.Sc Dube - 1975 - Paideia 4.
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    Conditional Intentions.Richard Scheer - 1989 - Philosophical Investigations 12 (1):52-62.
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    What I Will Do and What I Intend to Do.Richard K. Scheer - 1996 - Philosophy 71 (278):531 - 539.
    If one thinks of intentions as entities of some sort, states or dispositions, for example, it should eventually strike him that there are peculiar difficulties with the idea. For example, he will have trouble counting his intentions. In a particular situation, we ask someone, ‘What are you going to do about that? And this?’ And his answer might be, ‘My intention is to pay that, and, as for this, my intention is to ignore it.’ But of course he may have (...)
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  26. La filosofia del diritto tra normativismo e metaetica secondo Gaetano Carcaterra.Sc Sagnotti - 1993 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 70 (3):473-485.
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  27. Die Bedeutung der Sprache im Verhältnis von Kunst und Wissenschaft bei Nietzsche.Brigitte Scheer - 1986 - In Mihailo Đurić & Josef Simon (eds.), Kunst und Wissenschaft bei Nietzsche. Würzburg: Köningshausen + Neumann.
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  28. Kunst und Wissenschaft als Formen der Welterschliessung: überlegungen zu Kants erster und dritter Kritik.Brigitte Scheer - 2003 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 48 (1):99-109.
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    Milette Gaifman, Aniconism in Greek Antiquity.Tanja Susanne Scheer - 2015 - Klio 97 (2):741-744.
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    "Text/Intertext.Steven C. Scheer - 1985 - Semiotics:584-594.
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    The origin of intentions.Richard Scheer & Professor Emeritus - 2006 - Philosophical Investigations 29 (4):358–368.
    In contemporary discussions of the concept of intention, the assumption is made that an intention results from a person's decision, or resolution, or plan, or the like. And the intention persists, generally, until the appropriate action is carried out. However, intentions cannot be said to have temporal duration, or beginnings, or endings. And it is not necessary for a person who is intending to do something to have made a decision to do it, or a resolution, or anything else. It (...)
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    Two puzzles about intentions.Richard K. Scheer - 2003 - Philosophical Investigations 26 (2):97–108.
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    Problems of spiritual experience.W. R. Gibson M. A. D. Sc - 1925 - Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy 3 (2):91-98.
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  34. Word onset versus word specification in spoken and visual word recognition.Sc Wayland & A. Wingfield - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):492-492.
  35.  64
    The debt of gratitude: Dissociating gratitude and indebtedness.Philip Watkins, Jason Scheer, Melinda Ovnicek & Russell Kolts - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (2):217-241.
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    What if Something Really Unheard-of Happened?R. K. Scheer - 1990 - Philosophical Investigations 13 (2):154-164.
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    Présentation du volume. En quoi la phonologie est vraiment différente.Tobias Scheer - 2004 - Corpus 3.
    1. IntroductionUn collègue niçois, Marcel Vuillaume, m'a dit souvent que la phonologie, en comparaison avec la sémantique à laquelle il s'intéresse, a cet avantage d'être ancrée dans le réel : elle peut s'appuyer sur la phonétique et donc décrire les catégories qui sont pertinentes pour elle de manière objective. La pauvre sémantique, elle, doit se servir, pour la description de ses observables, de son propre objet d'étude. En conséquence, la circularité la guette en permanence. Les phonologu...
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  38.  45
    Le corpus heuristique : un outil qui montre mais ne démontre pas.Tobias Scheer - 2004 - Corpus 3.
    Le présent article met en évidence deux fonctions distinctes du corpus : heuristique et validante. Chacun connaît la seconde : un corpus est utilisé afin de démontrer la plausibilité ou la véracité d'une hypothèse qui a une existence indépendante. A la différence de celle-ci, la première fonction montre, plutôt qu’elle ne démontre. Le linguiste ne cherche plus ici à convaincre ; il cherche à comprendre. Il part à la rencontre de l'inconnu avec un questionnement, mais sans solution, même hypothétique, pour (...)
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    Les Problèmes de l'État dans le De Iure Belli ac Pacis de H. Grotius.Sc Vladimir Hanga - 1981 - Grotiana 2 (1):30-43.
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    R. PETER [1934] Uber den Zussammenhang der verschiedenen Begriffe der rekursiven Funktion, Math. Ann.Sc Kleene, El Post, M. Kline, M. Lerman, L. Lowenheim, D. Normann, P. Odifreddi, G. Peano, Cs Peirce & R. Penrose - 1999 - In Edward R. Griffor (ed.), Handbook of computability theory. New York: Elsevier. pp. 34.
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  41. ADR Seminar.Purnell Sc, Angela Weber & Michael Flynn Michael Flynn Solicitor - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Edward Daniel Clarke, 1769–1822, and his rôle in the history of the blow-pipe.D. R. Oldroyd M. A. M. Sc - 1972 - Annals of Science 29 (3):213-235.
  43.  15
    Dimensionen der Sprache in der Philosophie des Deutschen Idealismus.Brigitte Scheer & Günter Wohlfart (eds.) - 1982 - Würzburg: Königshausen + Neumann.
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    Functional and dynamic aspects of the mammalian nucleolus.Ulrich Scheer & Ricardo Benavente - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (1):14-21.
    Nucleoli are the sites of ribosome biogenesis. Transcription of the ribosomal RNA genes as well as processing and initial packaging of their transcripts with ribosomal and non‐ribosomal proteins all occur within the nucleolus in an ordered manner and under defined topological conditions. Components of the nucleolus have been localized by immunocytochemistry and their functional aspects investigated by microinjection of antibodies directed against the enzyme responsible for rDNA transcription, RNA polymerase I. The role of nascent transcripts in postmitotic formation of nucleoli (...)
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    How to criticize an incorrigibility thesis.Richard Scheer - 1998 - Philosophical Investigations 21 (4):359-368.
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    La Société sans maître: essai sur la société de masse.Léo Scheer - 1978 - Paris: Editions Galilée.
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    Margolis on remembering.Richard K. Scheer - 1979 - Mind 88 (April):280-281.
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    Statements about the past.Richard K. Scheer - 1967 - Mind 76 (303):432-434.
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    The Truth of Predictions.R. K. Scheer - 1972 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):129-134.
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    Unfixing 'The Fixation of Belief'.Steven C. Scheer - 1984 - Semiotics:333-340.
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