Results for 'Sean Ledwith'

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    Gramsci’s Spatial Dialectics.Sean Ledwith - 2017 - Historical Materialism 25 (2):161-179.
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  2. Ethics codes and sales professionals' perceptions of their organizations' ethical values.Sean Valentine & Tim Barnett - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 40 (3):191 - 200.
    Most large companies and many smaller ones have adopted ethics codes, but the evidence is mixed as to whether they have a positive impact on the behavior of employees. We suggest that one way that ethics codes could contribute to ethical behavior is by influencing the perceptions that employees have about the ethical values of organizations. We examine whether a group of sales professionals in organizations with ethics codes perceive that their organizational context is more supportive of ethical behavior than (...)
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  3. A solution for Russellians to a puzzle about belief.Sean Crawford - 2004 - Analysis 64 (3):223-29.
    According to Russellianism (or Millianism), the two sentences ‘Ralph believes George Eliot is a novelist’ and ‘Ralph believes Mary Ann Evans is a novelist’ cannot diverge in truth-value, since they express the same proposition. The problem for the Russellian (or Millian) is that a puzzle of Kaplan’s seems to show that they can diverge in truth-value and that therefore, since the Russellian holds that they express the same proposition, the Russellian view is contradictory. I argue that the standard Russellian appeal (...)
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  4. Merleau–ponty on the body.Sean Dorrance Kelly - 2002 - Ratio 15 (4):376–391.
    The French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty claims that there are two distinct ways in which we can understand the place of an object when we are visually apprehending it. The first involves an intentional relation to the object that is essentially cognitive or can serve as the input to cognitive processes; the second irreducibly involves a bodily set or preparation to deal with the object. Because of its essential bodily component, Merleau-Ponty calls this second kind of understanding ‘motor intentional’. In this (...)
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    Affective Dynamics in Psychopathology.Timothy J. Trull, Sean P. Lane, Peter Koval & Ulrich W. Ebner-Priemer - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (4):355-361.
    We discuss three varieties of affective dynamics ( affective instability, emotional inertia, and emotional differentiation). In each case, we suggest how these affective dynamics should be operationalized and measured in daily life using time-intensive methods, like ecological momentary assessment or ambulatory assessment, and recommend time-sensitive analyses that take into account not only the variability but also the temporal dependency of reports. Studies that explore how these affective dynamics are associated with psychological disorders and symptoms are reviewed, and we emphasize that (...)
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    The Shifting Sands of Radiation Safety.Craig Sean McConnell - 2003 - Metascience 12 (2):265-266.
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    Longevity and the long arm of epigenetics: Acquired parental marks influence lifespan across several generations.Shanshan Pang & Sean P. Curran - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (8):652-654.
    Graphical AbstractA recent study reported that longevity in Caenorhabditits elegans can be inherited over several generations. This is probably achieved through the following epigenetic mechanism: inherited demethylated histones at some central loci, such as miRNA, transcription factors or signaling regulators affect the expression of certain genes leading to the longevity phenotype.
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  8. Grasping at straws: Motor intentionality and the cognitive science of skillful action.Sean D. Kelly - 2000 - In Essays in Honor of Hubert Dreyfus, Vol. II. MIT Press.
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  9. Quantifiers and propositional attitudes: Quine revisited.Sean Crawford - 2008 - Synthese 160 (1):75 - 96.
    Quine introduced a famous distinction between the ‘notional’ sense and the ‘relational’ sense of certain attitude verbs. The distinction is both intuitive and sound but is often conflated with another distinction Quine draws between ‘dyadic’ and ‘triadic’ (or higher degree) attitudes. I argue that this conflation is largely responsible for the mistaken view that Quine’s account of attitudes is undermined by the problem of the ‘exportation’ of singular terms within attitude contexts. Quine’s system is also supposed to suffer from the (...)
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  10. Pneuma and the Pneumatist School of Medicine.Sean Coughlin & Orly Lewis - 2020 - In Sean Coughlin, David Leith & Orly Lewis (eds.), The Concept of Pneuma after Aristotle. Berlin: Edition Topoi. pp. 203-236.
    The Pneumatist school of medicine has the distinction of being the only medical school in antiquity named for a belief in a part of a human being. Unlike the Herophileans or the Asclepiadeans, their name does not pick out the founder of the school. Unlike the Dogmatists, Empiricists, or Methodists, their name does not pick out a specific approach to medicine. Instead, the name picks out a belief: the fact that pneuma is of paramount importance, both for explaining health and (...)
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  11. Athenaeus of Attalia on the Psychological Causes of Bodily Health.Sean Coughlin - 2018 - In Chiara Thumiger & Peter N. Singer (eds.), Mental Illness in Ancient Medicine: From Celsus to Paul of Aegina. Studies in Ancient Medicine. pp. 107-142.
    Athenaeus of Attalia distinguishes two types of exercise or training (γυμνασία) that are required at each stage of life: training of the body and training of the soul. He says that training of the body includes activities like physical exercises, eating, drinking, bathing and sleep. Training of the soul, on the other hand, consists of thinking, education, and emotional regulation (in other words, 'philosophy'). The notion of 'training of the soul' and the contrast between 'bodily' and 'psychic' exercise is common (...)
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    Against the spiritual turn: Marxism, realism and critical theory.Sean Creaven - 2010 - New York: Routledge.
    Bhaskar's "Spiritual turn" : logical and conceptual problems -- Meta-reality, critical realism, and Marxism -- Secularism, agnosticism, and theism -- Critical realism, transcendence, and God -- Humanism, spiritualism, and critical theory.
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    Interpretation in Political Theory.Clement Fatovic & Sean Noah Walsh (eds.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Theorists interested in learning more about any given interpretive approach are often required to navigate a dizzying array of sources, with no clear sense of where to begin. The prose of many primary sources is often steeped in dense and technical argot that novices find intimidating or even impenetrable. Interpretation in Political Theory provide students of political theory a single introductory reference guide to major approaches to interpretation available in the field today. Comprehensive and clearly written, the book includes: A (...)
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  14. Q&A 13 Science Sampler 14 Herp Perspectives 15 New Products 17 Book Corner 18.Bill Love, Sean McKeown, Roger Klingenberg & Philippe de Vosjoli - 1998 - Vivarium 9:4.
  15. Complex Experience, Relativity and Abandoning Simultaneity.Sean Enda Power - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (3-4):231-256.
    Starting from the special theory of relativity it is argued that the structure of an experience is extended over time, making experience dynamic rather than static. The paper describes and explains what is meant by phenomenal parts and outlines opposing positions on the experience of time. Time according to he special theory of relativity is defined and the possibility of static experience shown to be implausible, leading to the conclusion that experience is dynamic. Some implications of this for the relationship (...)
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    Expanding the scope of memory search: Modeling intralist and interlist effects in free recall.Lynn J. Lohnas, Sean M. Polyn & Michael J. Kahana - 2015 - Psychological Review 122 (2):337-363.
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  17. (1 other version)Aristotle's definition of nature.Sean Kelsey - 2003 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 25:59-87.
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  18. An aristotelian account of virtue ethics: An essay in moral taxonomy.Sean Mcaleer - 2007 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 88 (2):208–225.
    I argue that a virtue ethics takes virtue to be more basic than rightness and at least as basic as goodness. My account is Aristotelian because it avoids the excessive inclusivity of Martha Nussbaum's account and the deficient inclusivity of Gary Watson's account. I defend the account against the objection that Aristotle does not have a virtue ethics by its lights, and conclude with some remarks on moral taxonomy.
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  19. Cohesive Causes in Ancient Greek Philosophy and Medicine.Sean Coughlin - 2020 - In Chiara Thumiger (ed.), Holism in Ancient Medicine and Its Reception. Studies in Ancient Medicine. pp. 237-267.
    This paper is about the history of a question in ancient Greek philosophy and medicine: what holds the parts of a whole together? The idea that there is a single cause responsible for cohesion is usually associated with the Stoics. They refer to it as the synectic cause (αἴτιον συνεκτικόν), a term variously translated as ‘cohesive cause,’ ‘containing cause’ or ‘sustaining cause.’ The Stoics, however, are neither the first nor the only thinkers to raise this question or to propose a (...)
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    Mortality Differences Between Traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage: A Risk-Adjusted Assessment Using Claims Data.Roy A. Beveridge, Sean M. Mendes, Arial Caplan, Teresa L. Rogstad, Vanessa Olson, Meredith C. Williams, Jacquelyn M. McRae & Stefan Vargas - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801770910.
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    Scaling Up: The Institution of Chemical Engineers and the Rise of a New Profession.Colin Divall & Sean F. Johnston - 2000 - Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
    Chemical engineering - as a recognised skill in the workplace, as an academic discipline, and as an acknowledged profession - is scarcely a century old. Yet from a contested existence before the First World War, chemical engineering had become one of the 'big four' engineering professions in Britain, and a major contributor to Western economies, by the end of the twentieth century. The subject had distinct national trajectories. In Britain - too long seen as shaped by American experiences - the (...)
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    Introduction to the Special Issue: Foundations of Mind II: A Dialogue of World-Views.Seán Ó Nualláin - 2015 - Cosmos and History 11 (2):1-7.
    This is the introduction to the Special Issue: Foundations of Mind II: A Dialogue of World-Views.
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    Semiotic Promiscuity and the Paradox of Apocalypse: Pre-millennial Tension i n the Christian Apocalyptic Movement.Sean O'Callaghan - 2014 - Semiotics:321-328.
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    Preliminary evidence for the factor structure, concurrent validity, and construct validity of the Roommate Relationship Scale in a college sample.Mairéad A. Willis & Sean P. Lane - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Roommate relationships are fundamental to the social environment of many emerging adults. However, no validated, widely used, measure of roommate relationship quality exists for examining the impact of these relationships on individual functioning and health. In this report, we present preliminary evidence of the factor structure, concurrent validity, and construct validity of the Roommate Relationship Scale as a measure of roommate relationship quality using a sample of U.S. college students who participated in a multi-wave study. An exploratory factor analysis at (...)
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  25. Do subliminal stimuli enter the mind unnoticed? Tests with a new method.Anthony G. Greenwald & Sean Draine - 1997 - In Jonathan D. Cohen & Jonathan W. Schooler (eds.), Scientific Approaches to Consciousness. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 83--108.
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    The origin, patterning and evolution of insect appendages.Jim A. Williams & Sean B. Carroll - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (9):567-577.
    The appendages of the adult fruit fly and other insects and Arthropods develop from secondary embryonic fields that form after the primary anterior/posterior and dorsal/ventral axes of the embryo have been determined. In Drosophila, the position and fate of the different fields formed within each segment are determined by genes acting along both embryonic axes, within individual segments, and within specific fields. Since the major architectural differences between most Arthropod classes and orders involve variations in the number, type and morphology (...)
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    Organizational ethical pressure as a threat to employee health: The buffering roles of ethical leadership and employee ethical efficacy.Zhen Wang & Sean T. Hannah - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Competitive pressures, resource constraints, high shareholder/stakeholder expectations, and other dynamics may lead to organizations putting pressure on employees to act unethically to meet goals. Yet, the effects of this pressure on employee health and factors that can abate it are unclear. Based on the job demands-resources model, this study examines whether, how, and when organizational ethical pressure harms employees' psychological and physical health and what factors can buffer its negative effects. According to the findings of a two-wave lagged data study (...)
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  28. The Place of I 7 in the Argument of Physics I.Sean Kelsey - 2008 - Phronesis 53 (2):180 - 208.
    Aristotle introduces Physics I as an inquiry into principles; in this paper I ask where he argues for the position he reaches in I 7. Many hold that his definitive argument is found in the first half of I 7 itself; I argue that this view is mistaken: the considerations raised there do not form the basis of any self-standing argument for Aristotle's doctrine of principles, but rather play a subordinate role in a larger argument begun in earnest in I (...)
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    ‘Two Cultures,’ One Frontier.Lee-Anne Broadhead & Sean Howard - 2011 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 15 (1):23-35.
    This paper approaches the ‘Drexler-Smalley’ debate on nanotechnology from a neglected angle – the common denominator of ‘the frontier’ as a metaphor for scientific exploration. For Bensaude-Vincent, the debate exemplifies the clash of ‘two cultures’ – the ‘artificialist’ and biomimetic’ schools. For us, the portrayal of nanosphere as ‘new frontier’ stymies the prospect of genuine inter-cultural debate on the direction of molecular engineering. Drawing on Brandon, the‘dominium’ impulse of European imperialism is contrasted to the ‘communitas’ tradition of Native America. Proposing (...)
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    Why the NHS should abandon the search for the universal outcome measure.Reva Berman Brown, Sean McCartney & Louise Bell - 1995 - Health Care Analysis 3 (3):191-195.
    This paper considers the use of outcome measures in the British National Health Service (NHS). Measuring outcomes is a major conceptual and practical problem. Many different measures are currently available yet no consensus has been reached on which should be preferred over others, or about which should take priority when they conflict. Some currently used measures are described, the relationship between these measures and the measured activities are discussed, and fundamental problems with both the measures and their use are revealed. (...)
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    Book Reviews Section 2.Robert Cowen, Sean D. Healy, Edgar B. Gumbert, Geoffrey M. Ibim, Fannie R. Cooley, Stuart J. Cohen, Maurice F. Freehill, Evan R. Powell, Virginia K. Wiegand, Geraldine Johncich Clifford, Charles E. Mcclelland, George C. Stone, Glenn C. Atkyns, Barbara Finkelstein, Gene P. Agre, Alton Harrison Jr & William G. Williams - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (4):210-221.
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    A Conversation at Sea.Matt Packer & Sean Lynch - 2010 - Utopian Studies 21 (1):16-23.
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    "Apiqoros": the last essays of Salomon Maimon.Timothy Sean Quinn - 2021 - Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press. Edited by Salomon Maimon.
    An introduction to the work and life of the 18th c. philosopher Salomon Maimon, followed by translations (the first into English) of Maimon's final essays.
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    Mustn't God Create For The Best?Michael Sean Quinn - 1973 - Journal of Critical Analysis 5 (1):2-8.
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  35. Catechizing the head and the heart: An integrated model for confirmation ministry.Sean M. Salai - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (4):569-595.
    In catechesis for adolescents seeking confirmation in the Roman Catholic Church, a dualistic bias unconsciously dichotomizes objective doctrine and subjective psychology. This is problematic because if a catechist does not communicate mind-independent truth, no seed of Catholic faith will have been planted in a student. At the same time, if a catechist does not affirm a student's subjectivity, the seed cannot find receptive soil. I believe the key to integrating these intellectual and affective elements – the head and the heart (...)
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    The Evolving Peace and Conflict Studies Discipline.Robert Chrismas & Sean Byrne - 2017 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 27 (2):98-118.
    This discussion paper draws on previous literature, and new primary research into human trafficking and sexual exploitation, outlining how the discipline of Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS) has evolved over the past fifty years. The discipline has moved through the following six distinct schools of thought: (1) Peace Studies (disarmament, nonviolence), (2) Conflict Management (ADR), (3) Conflict Resolution (problem solving, human needs), (4) Conflict Transformation (reconciliation, local people’s culture), (5) Peace and Conflict Studies (peacebuilding), and (6) Critical and Emancipatory Peacebuilding (...)
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  37. Until all are free: total liberation through revolutionary decolonization, groundless solidarity, and a relationship framework.Sarat Colling, Sean Parson & Alessandro Arrigoni - 2014 - In Anthony J. Nocella (ed.), Defining critical animal studies: an intersectional social justice approach for liberation. New York: Peter Lang.
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    Laboratory sample turnaround times: do they cause delays in the ED?Dipender Gill, Sean Galvin, Mark Ponsford, David Bruce, John Reicher, Laura Preston, Stephani Bernard, Jessica Lafferty, Andrew Robertson, Anna Rose-Morris, Simon Stoneham, Romelie Rieu, Sophie Pooley, Alison Weetch & Lloyd McCann - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (1):121-127.
  39.  6
    Worlding and Reworlding of Weltliteratur as Place and Value: From Asia into Oceania.Rob Sean Wilson - 2024 - Philosophy and Literature 48 (1):80-95.
    World literature entangled in the forms, values, terms, and genres of comparative poetics makes the literatures of sites like Asia Pacific, India, and Oceania better recognized in world creativity and border-crossing archipelagic agency. World literature can become enframed not just along "borderlands" of nations and regions but also across "borderwaters" of entangled places, regions, and zones. Given the increasing recognition of this postcolonial world-literary creativity and agency—which implies taking seriously the reworlding power of these literatures—world poetics will have to revise (...)
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    Introduction.Fred Block & Sean O'Riain - 2003 - Politics and Society 31 (2):187-191.
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    Collected Essays in Speculative Philosophy.James Bradley & Sean McGrath - 2021 - Edinburgh University Press.
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  42. Individual and Society in Marx and Hegel: Beyond the Communitarian Critique of Liberalism.Sean Sayers - 2007 - Science and Society 71 (1):84 - 102.
    Marx's concepts of individual and society have their roots in Hegel's philosophy. Like recent communitarian philosophers, both Marx and Hegel reject the idea that the individual is an atomic entity, an idea that runs through liberal social philosophy and classical economics. Human productive activity is essentially social. However, Marx shows that the liberal concepts of individuality and society are not simply philosophical errors; they are products and expressions of the social alienation of free market conditions. Marx's theory develops from Hegel's (...)
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  43. Research on nurse staffing and its outcomes : Challenges and risks.Sean Clarke - 2006 - In Sioban Nelson & Suzanne Gordon (eds.), The Complexities of Care: Nursing Reconsidered. Cornell University Press.
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    Husserl and phenomenology.Sean D. Kelly - 2002 - In Robert Solomon & David Sherman (eds.), Blackwell Guide to Continental Philosophy. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 12--112.
  45. What makes perceptual content non-conceptual?Sean D. Kelly - 2002 - Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy.
    the world. 1 Whereas the content of our beliefs, thoughts, and judgements necessarily involves "conceptualization" or "concept application", the content of our perceptual experiences is, according to Evans, "non-conceptual". Because Evans takes it for granted that we are often able to entertain thoughts about an object in virtue of having perceived it, a central problem in.
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    Patrick Henry-Onslow Debate: Liberty and Republicanism in American Political Thought.H. Lee Cheek, Sean R. Busick & Carey M. Roberts (eds.) - 2013 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    In 1826 Americans witnessed the spectacle of President John Quincy Adams and Vice-President John C. Calhoun taking to the press to debate the nature of power and liberty under the pseudonyms "Patrick Henry" and "Onslow". In the course of this exchange some of the most salient issues within American politics and liberty are debated, including the nature of political order, democracy, and the diffusion of political power.
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    Luminescent Threads: Connections to Octavia E. Butler ed. Alexandra Pierce and Mimi Mondal.Sean Guynes-Vishniac - 2018 - Utopian Studies 29 (2):280-284.
    Octavia E. Butler was notoriously skeptical of utopian science fiction, and though she desired very much to write it, she found herself unable to do so "because I don't believe imperfect humans can form a perfect society."1 In interviews and in practice through her fiction Butler rejected the possibility of an ideal society and instead found her way to what Jim Miller has called "a post-apocalyptic hoping informed by the lessons of the past."2 This is to say that, as a (...)
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  48. The Concept of Pneuma after Aristotle.Sean Coughlin, David Leith & Orly Lewis (eds.) - 2020 - Berlin: Edition Topoi.
    This volume explores the versatility of the concept of pneuma in philosophical and medical theories in the wake of Aristotle’s physics. It offers fourteen separate studies of how the concept of pneuma was used in a range of physical, physiological, psychological, cosmological and ethical inquiries. The focus is on individual thinkers or traditions and the specific questions they sought to address, including early Peripatetic sources, the Stoics, the major Hellenistic medical traditions, Galen, as well as Proclus in Late Antiquity and (...)
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    From Waiting for the Bus to Storming the Bastille: From Sartrean seriality to the relationships that form classroom communities.Sean Blenkinsop - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (2):183-195.
    One of the tasks of Jean-Paul Sartre's later work was to consider how an individual could live freely within a free community. This paper examines how Sartre describes the process of group formation and the implications of this discussion for education. The paper begins with his metaphor of a bus queue in order to describe a series. Then, by means of Sartre's analysis of the storming of the Bastille, the discussion expands to show how a series becomes a genuine group. (...)
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    Hart, Raz and the concept of a legal system.Sean Coyle - 2002 - Law and Philosophy 21 (3):275-304.
    An underpinning assumption of modern legal positivism is that the question of how legal standards differ from normative standards in other spheres of human thought is resolved via the concept of a legal system and the notion of internal logic, through use of contextual definition. This approach is seen to lead to an untenable form of structuralism altogether at odds with the positivist's intentions. An alternative strategy is offered which allows the positivists to retain their deepest insights, though at a (...)
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