Results for 'Walter Júnior'

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  1.  18
    A Bernard o que é de Bernard: resgatando o significado de “vida livre”.Laurival Antonio De Luca Junior - 2022 - Filosofia E História da Biologia 17 (2):181-194.
    Uma avaliação crítica recente da “homeostase”, elaborada por Walter Cannon (1871-1945), identifica contradições intrínsecas à associação condicional, feita por Claude Bernard (1813-1878), entre “constância do meio interno” e “vida livre”. Por um lado, a avaliação reitera a importância do “meio interno” - líquido onde vivem as células dos tecidos, estendendo-a à evolução dos compartimentos líquidos corporais. Entretanto, ela também mostra que a associação condicional não tem suporte empírico nem lógico. Portanto, é inválido assumir que “constância do meio interno” seja (...)
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    Pinturas parietais, narrativa e imaginação.Ana Elisa Antunes Viviani & Norval Baitello Junior - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 29:123-137.
    Neste trabalho investigamos a natureza da imagem tendo como objeto empírico os registros rupestres de tempos pré-coloniais localizados na região da Serra do Cipó, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Tradicionalmente estudadas pela ciencia arqueológica que interpreta tais imagens com o rigor metodológico e as teorías que lhe embasam, neste trabalho propomos analisá-las como resultante de uma triangulação entre corpo, meio e ambiente, tendo como horizonte teórico a Antropología da Imagem, de Hans Belting, e a Teoria da Cultura, de Ivan Bystrina. (...)
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    The controversy between Schelling and Jacobi.Lewis S. Ford - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (1):75-89.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Controversy Between Schelling and Jacobi LEWIS S. FORD SCHELLING, ALONGWITH FICHTE, has suffered the fate of being labelled one of tIegel's predecessors. Richard Kroner provides the classic expression of this viewpoint in his monumental study, Von Kant bis Hegel, which examines Schelling's thought primarily for its contribution to Hegel's final synthesis.I In English we have Josiah Royce's sympathetic and lively account of Schelling's early romantic exuberance, regarded as (...)
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  4. The Bounds of Cognition.Sven Walter - 2001 - Philosophical Psychology 14 (2):43-64.
    An alarming number of philosophers and cognitive scientists have argued that mind extends beyond the brain and body. This book evaluates these arguments and suggests that, typically, it does not. A timely and relevant study that exposes the need to develop a more sophisticated theory of cognition, while pointing to a bold new direction in exploring the nature of cognition Articulates and defends the “mark of the cognitive”, a common sense theory used to distinguish between cognitive and non-cognitive processes Challenges (...)
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    Rodney, Mills and Rousseau: Revisiting the Social Contract Idea.Siphiwe Ndlovu - 2023 - Critical Philosophy of Race 11 (2):339-354.
    ABSTRACT Some scholars tend to argue that Black marginality is due largely to the exclusion of Blacks from meaningful economic participation as well as generalized social exclusions. This, owing to the division of the world’s populations along a racial hierarchy on the one hand, and in geopolitical terms along the dichotomy of Metropoles and dependencies. While there have been some cosmetic changes, particularly in relation to the complexion of the ruling personnel in the aftermath of Independence, the view adopted here (...)
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    Montague, Richard (1930-71).Barbara Partee - manuscript
    Montague was born September 20, 1930 in Stockton, California and died March 7, 1971 in Los Angeles. At St. Mary’s High School in Stockton he studied Latin and Ancient Greek. After a year at Stockton Junior College studying journalism, he entered the University of California, Berkeley in 1948, and studied mathematics, philosophy, and Semitic languages, graduating with an A.B. in Philosophy in 1950. He continued graduate work at Berkeley in all three areas, especially with Walter Joseph Fischel in Arabic, (...)
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  7.  49
    Artificial influencers and the dead internet theory.Yoshija Walter - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-2.
  8. Schrödinger: Life and Thought.Walter Moore - 1992 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 43 (1):111-127.
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    Predication.Walter Kintsch - 2001 - Cognitive Science 25 (2):173-202.
    In Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) the meaning of a word is represented as a vector in a high‐dimensional semantic space. Different meanings of a word or different senses of a word are not distinguished. Instead, word senses are appropriately modified as the word is used in different contexts. In N‐VP sentences, the precise meaning of the verb phrase depends on the noun it is combined with. An algorithm is described to adjust the meaning of a predicate as it is applied (...)
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  10. Determinables, determinates, and causal relevance.Sven Walter - 2007 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 37 (2):217-244.
    Mental causation, our mind's ability to causally affect the course of the world, is part and parcel of our ‘manifest image’ of the world. That there is mental causation is denied by virtually no one. How there can be such a thing as mental causation, however, is far from obvious. In recent years, discussions about the problem of mental causation have focused on Jaegwon Kim's so-called Causal Exclusion Argument, according to which mental events are ‘screened off’ or ‘preempted’ by physical (...)
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  11.  56
    Das Proömium des Parmenides und die Katabasis des Pythagoras.Walter Burkert - 1969 - Phronesis 14:1.
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    Dialogues, strategies, and intuitionistic provability.Walter Felscher - 1985 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 28 (3):217-254.
  13. Interfaces of the Word: Studies in the Evolution of Consciousness and Culture.Walter J. Ong - 1977 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 11 (4):282-289.
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  14. Joan Baptista Van Helmont: Reformer of Science and Medicine.Walter Pagel - 1984 - Journal of the History of Biology 17 (2):291-294.
  15. New Light on William Harvey.Walter Pagel - 1977 - Journal of the History of Biology 10 (2):369-369.
  16.  44
    Thresholds, critical levels, and generalized sufficientarian principles.Walter Bossert, Susumu Cato & Kohei Kamaga - 2023 - Economic Theory 75 (4):1099–1139.
    This paper provides an axiomatic analysis of sufficientarian social evaluation. Sufficientarianism has emerged as an increasingly important notion of distributive justice. We propose a class of principles that we label generalized critical-level sufficientarian orderings. The distinguishing feature of our new class is that its members exhibit constant critical levels of well-being that are allowed to differ from the threshold of sufficiency. Our basic axiom assigns priority to those below the threshold, a property that is shared by numerous other sufficientarian approaches. (...)
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  17.  22
    Incommensurability and consistency.Walter Bossert - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (12):3235-3251.
    Public-policy choices frequently have to be carried out in the presence of incommensurabilities. These incommensurabilities may manifest themselves in the form of incompleteness—that is, some of the options under consideration are not comparable by a decision maker. As a consequence, it may be impossible to select policies that are at least as good as all competing proposals. When faced with incommensurabilities of this nature, transitivity can be considered too demanding a requirement. An attractive weakening of transitivity consists of a property (...)
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  18.  90
    Plato's later epistemology.Walter Garrison Runciman - 1962 - Cambridge [Eng.]: University Press.
  19.  25
    (1 other version)The God of Jesus Christ.Walter Kasper - 1984 - New York: Crossroad.
    PART I : THE GOD-QUESTION TODAY -- God as a problem -- The denial of God in modern atheism -- The predicament of theology in the face of atheism -- Experience of God and knowledge of God -- Knowledge of God in faith. PART II : THE MESSAGE ABOUT THE GOD OF JESUS CHRIST -- God, the father almighty -- Jesus Christ, son of God -- The Holy Spirit, Lord, and giver of life. PART III : THE TRINITARIAN MYSTERY OF (...)
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  20.  80
    Jason, Hypsipyle, and New Fire at Lemnos. A Study in Myth and Ritual.Walter Burkert - 1970 - Classical Quarterly 20 (01):1-.
    History of religion, in its beginnings, had to struggle to emancipate itself from classical mythology as well as from theology and philosophy; when ritual was finally found to be the basic fact in religious tradition, the result was a divorce between classicists, treating mythology as a literary device, on the one hand, and specialists in festivals and rituals and their obscure affiliations and origins on the other.
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  21.  56
    Activists, pragmatists, technophiles and tree-huggers? Gender differences in employees' environmental attitudes.Walter Wehrmeyer & Margaret McNeil - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 28 (3):211 - 222.
    Although there are suggestions that the environmental attitudes of men and of women differ, there have been few studies that study and evaluate these differences at the workplace. Given the claim of Ecofeminist writers about the environmental superiority of women's environmental attitudes, and the proclaimed need of business to change attitudes and behaviour with regard to the environment, this is a surprise. The paper is based on 1022 (37% from women) questionnaires which were collected in a U.K. pharmaceutical company, and (...)
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  22.  41
    Toward Old Testament ethics.Walter C. Kaiser - 1983 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan.
    Only six men have written a major work on Old Testament ethics in the last hundred years, and only two of these works, both written before 1900, are in English.
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    The No-Drop Rule.Walter Benn Michaels - 1994 - Critical Inquiry 20 (4):758-769.
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    (1 other version)Teaching business ethics: A 'classificationist' approach.Walter Block & Paul F. Cwik - 2007 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 16 (2):98–106.
  25. Feminism and enhancement.Walter Veit & Heather Browning - 2023 - In Mary L. Edwards & S. Orestis Palermos (eds.), Feminist philosophy and emerging technologies. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Hellenistische pseudopythagorica.Walter Burkert - 1961 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 105 (1-2):16-43.
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  27. Hypothesis and Convention in Poincaré’s Defense of Galilei Spacetime.Scott Walter - 2009 - In Michael Heidelberger & Gregor Schiemann (eds.), The Significance of the Hypothetical in Natural Science. De Gruyter. pp. 193-220.
    According to the conventionalist doctrine of space elaborated by the French philosopher-scientist Henri Poincaré in the 1890s, the geometry of physical space is a matter of definition, not of fact. Poincaré's Hertz-inspired view of the role of hypothesis in science guided his interpretation of the theory of relativity (1905), which he found to be in violation of the axiom of free mobility of invariable solids. In a quixotic effort to save the Euclidean geometry that relied on this axiom, Poincaré extended (...)
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  28.  77
    Kant on virtue and moral worth.Walter E. Schaller - 1987 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 25 (4):559-573.
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    Socratic moderation and self-knowledge.Walter T. Schmid - 1983 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 21 (3):339-348.
  30.  12
    Propositional Attitudes in Modern Philosophy.O. T. T. Walter - 2002 - Dialogue 41 (3):551-568.
    RÉSUMÉ: Les philosophes de la période moderne sont souvent présentés comme ayant commis une erreur élémentaire: celle de confondre la force propositionnelle avec le contenu propositionnel. Par l'examen de deux cas saillants, à savoir les philosophes de Port-Royal et John Locke, je montre que l'accusation n'est pas fondée, et que Locke en particulier a les ressources requises pour construire une théorie des attitudes propositionnelles.
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    Individuals, populations and the balance of nature: the question of persistence in ecology.G. H. Walter - 2008 - Biology and Philosophy 23 (3):417-438.
    Explaining the persistence of populations is an important quest in ecology, and is a modern manifestation of the balance of nature metaphor. Increasingly, however, ecologists see populations (and ecological systems generally) as not being in equilibrium or balance. The portrayal of ecological systems as “non-equilibrium” is seen as a strong alternative to deterministic or equilibrium ecology, but this approach fails to provide much theoretical or practical guidance, and warrants formalisation at a more fundamental level. This is available in adaptation theory, (...)
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  32.  31
    Civic ceremonial and political manipulation in archaic Greece: tribes, festivals and processions.Walter Robert Connor - 1987 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 107:40-50.
  33.  23
    William Harvey and the Purpose of Circulation.Walter Pagel - 1951 - Isis 42:22-38.
  34.  39
    Should Kantians Care about Moral Worth?Walter E. Schaller - 1993 - Dialogue 32 (1):25-.
  35.  33
    (1 other version)Phänomenologie der Mystik.Gerda Walter - 1957 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 18 (1):140-141.
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  36. Ether and Electrons in Relativity Theory.Scott A. Walter - 2018 - In Jaume Navarro (ed.), Ether and Modernity. pp. 67-87.
    This chapter discusses the roles of ether and electrons in relativity theory. One of the most radical moves made by Albert Einstein was to dismiss the ether from electrodynamics. His fellow physicists felt challenged by Einstein’s view, and they came up with a variety of responses, ranging from enthusiastic approval, to dismissive rejection. Among the naysayers were the electron theorists, who were unanimous in their affirmation of the ether, even if they agreed with other aspects of Einstein’s theory of relativity. (...)
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    Relational Autonomy as the Key to Effective Behavioral Change.Jennifer K. Walter & Lainie Friedman Ross - 2013 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 20 (2):169-177.
    The Common Health problems that plague Americans today are often the result of people’s choices and behaviors: obesity, cigarette smoking, accidental pediatric head trauma owing to failure to properly restrain children, and failure to adhere to medication regimens. For each problem, there is a well-studied effective behavioral intervention: a healthy diet and exercise for obesity, smoking cessation programs to overcome cigarette addiction, appropriate car restraints to prevent accidental head trauma, and direct observation of treatment and simplification of medical regimens to (...)
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  38.  35
    Good and Bad Ideas in Obesity Prevention.Jennifer K. Walter & Anne Barnhill - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (3):6-7.
    One of six commentaries on “Obesity: Chasing an Elusive Epidemic,” by Daniel Callahan, from the January‐February 2013 issue.
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  39.  24
    Greift Ludwig Heinrich Jakobs Grundriß der allgemeinen Logik und kritische Anfangsgründe der allgemeinen Metaphysik auf mindestens eine Nachschrift von Kants Logikkolleg zurück? – Eine Ergänzung zur sekundären Überlieferung des Kant’schen Logikkorpus.Martin Walter - 2024 - Kant Studien 115 (2):164-174.
    Based on a comparison of various sources, such as different editions, correspondence, reviews, and lecture transcripts, it is shown that Ludwig Heinrich Jakob’s Outline of the General Logic and Critical Elements of Metaphysics in General uses one or more transcripts of Kant’s Logic Lectures as a source. In addition to the thus far known texts by Kiesewetter and Hippel, Jakob’s textbook should therefore also be added to the list of secondary transmissions of Kant’s Logic Lectures.
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    Biotypologie.Walter Brandt - 1936 - Acta Biotheoretica 2 (2):125-140.
  41.  46
    Hegel's early antitheological phase.Walter A. Kaufmann - 1954 - Philosophical Review 63 (1):3-18.
  42.  13
    Transgenic Crops in Argentina: The Ecological and Social Debt.Walter A. Pengue - 2005 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 25 (4):314-322.
    There is no doubt that soybean is the most important crop for Argentina, with a planted surface that rose 11,000,000 hectares and a production of around 35,000,000 metric tons. During the 1990s, there was a significant agriculture transformation in the country, motorize by the adoption of transgenic crops (soy-bean, maize, and cotton) under the no-tillage system. The expansion of this model has been spread not only in the Pampas but also in very rich areas with high biodiversity, opening a new (...)
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    Die Moderne: Kulturkrise und Konstruktionsgeist.Walter Sparn & Volker Drehsen - 1996 - In Volker Drehsen & Walter Sparn (eds.), Vom Weltbildwandel Zur Weltanschauungsanalyse: Krisenwahrnehmung Und Krisenbewältigung Um 1900. Akademie Verlag. pp. 11-30.
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  44. Rejoinder to Hoppe on Indifference Once Again.Walter Block & William Barnett - 2010 - Reason Papers 32:141-154.
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    Les martingales sur les marchés financiers.Christian Walter - 2006 - Revue de Synthèse 127 (2):379-391.
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    Mind, Perception And Science.Walter Russell Brain - 1951 - Blackwell Scientific.
  47.  27
    The theory of knowledge and existence.Walter Terence Stace - 1932 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press.
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    Ethics of responsibility: pluralistic approaches to covenantal ethics.Walter S. Wurzburger - 1994 - Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society.
    Argument for the role of the human conscience in determining right and wrong, good and evil.
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    Neurophilosophie der Willensfreiheit: von libertarischen Illusionen zum Konzept natürlicher Autonomie.Henrik Walter - 1999
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    Independent, neutral, and monotonic collective choice: the role of Suzumura consistency.Walter Bossert, Susumu Cato & Kohei Kamaga - 2023 - Social Choice and Welfare 61:835–852.
    We examine the impact of Suzumura’s (Economica 43:381–390, 1976) consistency property when applied in the context of collective choice rules that are independent of irrelevant alternatives, neutral, and monotonic. An earlier contribution by Blau and Deb (Econometrica 45:871–879, 1977) establishes the existence of a vetoer if the collective relation is required to be complete and acyclical. The purpose of this paper is to explore the possibilities that result if completeness and acyclicity are dropped and Suzumura consistency is imposed instead. A (...)
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