Results for 'World'

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  1. Declaration of Helsinki. Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects.World Medical Association - 2009 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 14 (1):233-238.
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  2. Playful Illusion: The Making of Worlds in Advaita Vedanta.Worlds in Advaita Vedanta - 1998 - Philosophy East and West 48 (3):387-405.
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    The Turning Points of the New Phenomenological Era: Husserl Research — Drawing upon the Full Extent of His Development Book 1 Phenomenology in the World Fifty Years after the Death of Edmund Husserl.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka & World Congress of Phenomenology - 1991 - Springer.
    orbit and far beyond it. Indeed, the immense, painstaking, indefatigable and ever-improving effort of Husserl to find ever-deeper and more reliable foundations for the philosophical enterprise (as well as his constant critical re-thinking and perfecting of the approach and so called "method" in order to perform this task and thus cover in this source-excavation an ever more far-reaching groundwork) stands out and maintains itself as an inepuisable reservoir for philosophical reflec tion in which all the above-mentioned work has either its (...)
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    Lewis's.World'S. Greatest - 1951 - The Eugenics Review 42 (4).
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    In gnosticism, buddhism, and the matrix project.Worlds Of Illusion - 2005 - In Christopher Grau, Philosophers Explore the Matrix. Oxford University Press.
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    Reality-humanity (self-liberated from the stave in the wheels).The World-Friend & Adi Da - 2009 - World Futures 65 (4):304 – 325.
    Adi Da argues that no solutions currently proposed are sufficient to righten the present unsustainable trajectory of life on Earth, because there is no integrated approach to the ordering of society and use of the planet. The presumption of separateness—manifesting collectively as separate “tribes” vying for control—characterizes human affairs, rather than the prior (“a priori”) unity of existence. The struggle for dominance is the “stave in the wheels” of the Earth-system's inherent capacity to self-correct. A new institution, “the Global Cooperative (...)
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  7. The Question.Small Worlds - forthcoming - Philosophy Now.
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  8. Part II. A walk around the emerging new world. Russia in an emerging world / excerpt: from "Russia and the solecism of power" by David Holloway ; China in an emerging world.Constraints Excerpt: From "China'S. Demographic Prospects Toopportunities, Excerpt: From "China'S. Rise in Artificial Intelligence: Ingredientsand Economic Implications" by Kai-Fu Lee, Matt Sheehan, Latin America in an Emerging Worldsidebar: Governance Lessons From the Emerging New World: India, Excerpt: From "Latin America: Opportunities, Challenges for the Governance of A. Fragile Continent" by Ernesto Silva, Excerpt: From "Digital Transformation in Central America: Marginalization or Empowerment?" by Richard Aitkenhead, Benjamin Sywulka, the Middle East in an Emerging World Excerpt: From "the Islamic Republic of Iran in an Age of Global Transitions: Challenges for A. Theocratic Iran" by Abbas Milani, Roya Pakzad, Europe in an Emerging World Sidebar: Governance Lessons From the Emerging New World: Japan, Excerpt: From "Europe in the Global Race for Technological Leadership" by Jens Suedekum & Africa in an Emerging World Sidebar: Governance Lessons From the Emerging New Wo Bangladesh - 2020 - In George P. Shultz, A hinge of history: governance in an emerging new world. Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University.
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    New Queries in Aesthetics and Metaphysics.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka & World Congress of Phenomenology - 1991 - Springer Verlag.
    This collection is the final volume of a four book survey of the state of phenomenology fifty years after the death of Edmund Husserl. Its publication represents a landmark in the comprehensive treatment of contemporary phenomenology in all its vastness and richness. The diversity of the issues raised here is dazzling, but the main themes of Husserl's thought are all either explicitly treated, or else they underlie the ingenious approaches found here. Time, historicity, intentionality, eidos, meaning, possibility/reality, and teleology are (...)
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  10. Human Organ Transplantation: A Report on Developments Under the Auspices of WHO (1987-1991). 18. Crouch, RA and E. Carl. 1999. Moral Agency and the Family: The Case of Living Related Organ Transplantation. [REVIEW]World Health Organization - 1991 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 8:275-287.
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  11. Ahlström, Kristoffer. Constructive Analysis: A Study in Epistemological Methodology. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothenburgensis, 2007. Bourdieu, Pierre. The Bachelors' Ball: The Crisis of Peasant Society in Béarn. Trans. by Richard Nice. University of Chicago Press, 2008. Bourdieu, Pierre. Sketch for a Self-Analysis. Trans. by Richard Nice. University of. [REVIEW]Outer Worlds - 2008 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 38 (4):0021-8308.
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    Wild Ideas.David Rothenberg & World Wilderness Congress - 1995
    Wild Ideas is a collection of essays that brings a fresh and refreshing perspective to the wilderness paradoxically at the center of our civilization.
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    Sanctification, Hardening of the Heart, and Frankfurt's Concept of.On Some Worldly Worries, Care Justice & Gender Bias - 1988 - Journal of Philosophy 85 (8):436-437.
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    The Christian Understanding of Man.T. E. Jessop & Community and State World Conference on Church - 1938 - G. Allen & Unwin.
    Brunner, Austin Farrer, W.M. Horton, Pierre Maury.
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  15. Ruth Ronen.Are Fictional Worlds Possible - 1996 - In Calin Andrei Mihailescu & Walid Hamarneh, Fiction updated: theories of fictionality, narratology, and poetics. Buffalo: University of Toronto Press.
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    Diversity in feminist economics research methods: trends from the Global South.U. T. Salt Lake City, Annandale-On-Hudson USAb Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, C. O. Fort Collins, Markets Including Care Work, History of Economic Thought Public Policy, Labor Economics Currently Development, Macroeconomic Implications of Social Reproduction Her Research Focuses on the Micro-, Finance She is A. Labor Associate Editor for the African Review of Economics, Research Interests Related to the Division Feminist Economist, Definition of Both Paid Quality, How Households Unpaid Work, Formed Around These Types of Work Families Are Structured, Households How the State Interacts, Development The Editor of Feminist Economics She Was Recently Senior Economist at the United Nations Conference on Trade, Including the International Labour Organization Has Done Consulting Work for A. Number of International Development Institutions, the United Nations Research Institute on Social Development the World Bank & Macroeconomic Asp U. N. Women Her Work Focuses on the International - forthcoming - Journal of Economic Methodology:1-25.
  17. Playfulness, “World”-Travelling, and Loving Perception.María Lugones - 1987 - Hypatia 2 (2):3-19.
    A paper about cross-cultural and cross-racial loving that emphasizes the need to understand and affirm the plurality in and among women as central to feminist ontology and epistemology. Love is seen not as fusion and erasure of difference but as incompatible with them. Love reveals plurality. Unity–not to be confused with solidarity–is understood as conceptually tied to domination.
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  18. (1 other version)A World of States of Affairs.[author unknown] - 1997 - Philosophy 74 (287):130-134.
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  19. World hypotheses.Stephen Coburn Pepper - 1942 - Berkeley and Los Angeles,: University of California press.
    This book was written primarily as a contribution to the field, but its plan excellently suits it for use as a text in courses in metaphysics, types of ...
  20. Table Des matieres editorial preface 3.Jair Minoro Abe, Curry Algebras Pt, Paraconsistent Logic, Newton Ca da Costa, Otavio Bueno, Jacek Pasniczek, Beyond Consistent, Complete Possible Worlds, Vm Popov & Inverse Negation - 1998 - Logique Et Analyse 41:1.
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    Mitochondrial uncoupling proteins regulate angiotensin‐converting enzyme expression: crosstalk between cellular and endocrine metabolic regulators suggested by RNA interference and genetic studies.Sukhbir S. Dhamrait, Cecilia Maubaret, Ulrik Pedersen-Bjergaard, David J. Brull, Peter Gohlke, John R. Payne, Michael World, Birger Thorsteinsson, Steve E. Humphries & Hugh E. Montgomery - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (S1):107-118.
    Uncoupling proteins (UCPs) regulate mitochondrial function, and thus cellular metabolism. Angiotensin‐converting enzyme (ACE) is the central component of endocrine and local tissue renin–angiotensin systems (RAS), which also regulate diverse aspects of whole‐body metabolism and mitochondrial function (partly through altering mitochondrial UCP expression). We show that ACE expression also appears to be regulated by mitochondrial UCPs. In genetic analysis of two unrelated populations (healthy young UK men and Scandinavian diabetic patients) serum ACE (sACE) activity was significantly higher amongst UCP3‐55C (rather than (...)
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    2000 sefer wa-sefer: rėshimat sėfarim nivḥeret bė-toldot ʻam Yiśraʼel u-bė-maḥshevet Yiśraʼel.Jonathan Kaplan, Bet Ha-Sefer le-Talmide Hu L. A. Sh Sh Rotberg & World Zionist Organization - 1983 - Humanities Press.
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  23. Emily Grabham.Praxiographies' of Time : Law, Temporalities & Material Worlds - 2018 - In Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Routledge Handbook of Law and Theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Preliminary material.Editors Logos: Journal Of The World Publishing Community - 2013 - Logos 24 (4):1-4.
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    Modern, Postmodern and Christian.John Reid, Lesslie Newbigin, D. J. Pullinger & Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization - 1996
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    Editor’s Introduction: The Question of the Relation Between Aesthetics and Phenomenology.Philosophy U. K. He Writes on the Relation Between Art, Artistic Research Especially the Way in Which It is Informed by Ideas From Kant to Phenomenologyareas of Interest Within This Include the Philosophies of the Senses, A. Focus on Metaphor’S. Role in the Way We Carve Up the World Metaphor, Research Think He is the Author of Art, Philosophy, Continental Philosophy: From Kant to Derrida & 2Nd Edition) - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1-2):1-9.
    Volume 11, Issue 1-2, January–December 2024.
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    The Price of Centralization: A Comparative Study of Tocqueville and Late Ming Chinese Thinkers.Bochum0 Universitätsstraße 150 & Pre-Buddhist Ancient China Germanyhis Research Interests Include the Comparative History of the Ancient Greek-Roman Mediterranean World - forthcoming - The European Legacy:1-23.
    This article offers a comparative study of the views of Alexis de Tocqueville and those of several Chinese thinkers of the late Ming dynasty (1368–1644)—primarily Gu Yanwu, Huang Zongxi, Wang Fuzhi—on the socio-political processes of centralization. My central claim is that their views of political centralization and of the decentralized polycentric society that preceded it in their respective countries exhibit a remarkable array of analogous structural features. More specifically, both Tocqueville and his Chinese counterparts perceive in centralization an inherent unsustainability (...)
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    The world as will and idea.Arthur Schopenhauer, R. B. Haldane Haldane & John Kemp - 1896 - London,: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner. Edited by R. B. Haldane Haldane & John Kemp.
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  29. (1 other version)The World Well Lost.Richard Rorty - 1972 - Journal of Philosophy 69 (19):649-665.
  30. Consciousness in the Physical World: Perspectives on Russellian Monism.Torin Andrew Alter & Yujin Nagasawa (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Consciousness in the Physical World collects historical selections, recent classics, and new pieces on Russellian monism, a unique alternative to the physicalist and dualist approaches to the problem of consciousness.
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  31. The Idea of the World: A multi-disciplinary argument for the mental nature of reality.Bernardo Kastrup - 2019 - Winchester, UK: Iff Books.
    The Idea of the World offers a grounded alternative to the frenzy of unrestrained abstractions and unexamined assumptions in philosophy and science today. This book examines what can be learned about the nature of reality based on conceptual parsimony, straightforward logic and empirical evidence from fields as diverse as physics and neuroscience. It compiles an overarching case for idealism - the notion that reality is essentially mental - from ten original articles the author has previously published in leading academic (...)
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    The World Viewed: Reflections on the Ontology of Film.James Milton Highsmith & Stanley Cavell - 1972 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 31 (1):134.
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  33. The World of Colour.David Katz, R. B. Macleod & C. W. Fox - 1936 - Philosophy 11 (43):370-371.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  34. (2 other versions)A world of pure experience.William James - 1904 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 1 (21):533-543.
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    The World in the Head.Robert Cummins - 2010 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Robert Cummins presents a series of essays motivated by the following question: Is the mind a collection of beliefs and desires that respond to and condition our feeling and perceptual experiences, or is this just a natural way to talk about it? What sort of conceptual framework do we need to understand what is really going on in our brains?
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  36. The World of the Imagination: Sum and Substance.Eva T. H. BRANN - 1991 - Utopian Studies 7 (2):222-224.
  37. Cyborg history and the World War II regime.Andrew Pickering - 1995 - Perspectives on Science 3 (1):1-48.
    The Second World War was a watershed in history in many ways. I focus on the World War II discontinuity as it relates to the intersection of scientific and military enterprise. I am interested in how we should conceptualize that intersection and in offering a preliminary tracing of the “World War II regime” that has grown out of it—a regime that includes new forms of scientific and military practice but that has invaded and transformed many other cultural (...)
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    Observations on the Trivial World.Zach Weber & Hitoshi Omori - 2019 - Erkenntnis 84 (5):975-994.
    A world is trivial if it makes every proposition true all at once. Such a world is impossible, an absurdity. Our world, we hope, is not an absurdity. It is important, nevertheless, for semantic and metaphysical theories that we be able to reason cogently about absurdities—if only to see that they are absurd. In this note we describe methods for ‘observing’ absurd objects like the trivial world without falling in to incoherence, using some basic techniques from (...)
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  39. Fantasy world of a village of birds and other animals with valuable life lessons.Giang Hoang - 2023 - Sm3D Portal.
    *Editorial Note: This column reprints the Book Review on Amazon with permission from Dr. Giang Hoang, Monash University, Australia. It has been slightly edited for house-style presentation.
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    The World in the Wave Function: A Metaphysics for Quantum Physics, by Alyssa Ney.James Read - 2024 - Mind 133 (530):560-571.
  41. World, Mind, and Ethics: Essays on the Ethical Philosophy of Bernard Williams.James Edward John Altham & Ross Harrison (eds.) - 1995 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Bernard Williams is one of the most influential figures in ethical theory, where he has set a considerable part of the current agenda. In this collection a distinguished international team of philosophers who have been stimulated by Williams's work give responses to it. The topics covered include equality; consistency; comparisons between science and ethics; integrity; moral reasons; the moral system; and moral knowledge. Williams himself provides a substantial reply, which shows both the directions of his own thought and also his (...)
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  42. World poverty.Thomas Pogge - 2010 - In John Skorupski, The Routledge Companion to Ethics. New York: Routledge.
  43. Mind-World Identity and the Anti-Realist Challenge.John Haldane - 1993 - In John Haldane & Crispin Wright, Reality, representation, and projection. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 15--37.
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  44. Possible-world semantics for counterfactual logics: A rejoinder.David K. Lewis - 1977 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 6 (1):359-363.
  45. World travelling and mood swings.Kai F. Wehmeier - 2003 - In Benedikt Löwe, Thoralf Räsch & Wolfgang Malzkorn, Foundations of the Formal Sciences II. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    It is not quite as easy to see that there is in fact no formula of this modal language having the same truth conditions (in terms of S5 Kripke semantics) as (1). This was rst conjectured by Allen Hazen2 and later proved by Harold Hodes3. We present a simple direct proof of this result and discuss some consequences for the logical analysis of ordinary modal discourse.
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    The Oxford Handbook of World Philosophy.Jay L. Garfield & William Edelglass (eds.) - 2011 - Oup Usa.
    The Oxford Handbook of World Philosophy provides the advanced student or scholar a set of introductions to each of the world's major non-European philosophical traditions.
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    World on Fire: Humans, Animals, and the Future of the Planet.Mark Rowlands - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    "We face three epoch-defining environmental problems: climate, extinction and pestilence. Our climate is changing in ways that will have serious consequences for humans, and may even profoundly affect the ability of the planet to support life. All around us, other species are disappearing at a rate between several hundred and several thousand times the normal background rate of extinction. The SARS-CoV-2 virus, which has wreaked social and economic havoc, is merely the latest model off a blossoming production line of newly (...)
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  48. (1 other version)World Changes. Thomas Kuhn and the Nature of Science.Paul Horwich - 1994 - Erkenntnis 40 (3):411-415.
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  49. The world.René Descartes - 1629 - In John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff & Dugald Murdoch, The Philosophical Writings of Descartes: Volume 1. Cambridge University Press. pp. 81--98.
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    The world smiles at me: Self-referential positivity bias when interpreting direction of attention.Janek S. Lobmaier & David I. Perrett - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (2):334-341.
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