Results for 'absolute becoming'

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  1. Absolute Becoming, Relational Becoming, and the Arrow of Time.Mauro Dorato - unknown - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
    My first and main claim is that physics cannot provide empirical evidence for the objectivity of absolute becoming, for the simple reason that it must presuppose it, at least to the extent that classical spacetime theories presuppose an ontology of events. However, the fact that a theory of absolute becoming must be situated in the a priori realm of metaphysics does not make becoming completely irrelevant for physics, since my second claim will consist in showing (...)
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    (1 other version)On Absolute Becoming and the Myth of Passage.Steven F. Savitt - 2002 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 50:153-167.
    J. M. E. McTaggart, in a famous argument, denied the reality of time because he thought that passage or temporal becoming was essential for the existence of time and that passage was a self-contradictory concept. This denial of passage has provoked a vast literature, two of the most important contributions being C. D. Broad’s painstaking defence of passage in his Examination of McTaggart’s Philosophy and D. C. Williams’ dazzling condemnation of it “The Myth of Passage.” -/- A careful reading (...)
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  3. Absolute becoming, relational becoming and the arrow of time: Some non-conventional remarks on the relationship between physics and metaphysics.Mauro Dorato - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 37 (3):559-576.
    The literature on the compatibility between the time of our experience--characterized by passage or becoming--and time as is represented within spacetime theories has been affected by a persistent failure to get a clear grasp of the notion of becoming, both in its relation to an ontology of events tt"spreadtt" in a four-dimensional manifold, and in relation to temporally asymmetric physical processes.In the first part of my paper I try to remedy this situation by offering what I consider a (...)
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  4. Absolute Becoming and the Myth of Passage.L. Nathan Oaklander - 2004 - Philo 7 (1):36-46.
    In a recent paper, Steven Savitt attempts to demonstrate that there is an area of common ground between one classic proponent of temporal passage, C.D. Broad, and one classic opponent of passage, D.C. Williams. According to Savitt, Broad's notion of “absolute becoming” as the ordered occurrence of (simultaneity sets of) events, and Williams’ notion of “literal passage,” as the happening of events strung along the four-dimensional space-time manifold, are indistinguishable. Savitt recognizes that some might think it preposterous to (...)
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    Absolute Becoming and Absolute Necessity.Robin Small - 1989 - International Studies in Philosophy 21 (2):125-134.
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  6. Becoming: Temporal, Absolute, and Atemporal.M. Oreste Fiocco - 2014 - In L. Nathan Oaklander, Debates in the Metaphysics of Time. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 87-107.
    There are two conspicuous and inescapable features of this world in which time is real. One experiences a world in flux, a transient world in which things constantly come into existence, change and cease to be. One also experiences a stable world, one in which how things are at any given moment is permanent, unchangeable. Thus, there is transience and permanence. Yet these two features of the world seem incompatible. The primary purpose of this paper is to sketch a metaphysics (...)
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  7.  47
    Becoming to Belong: On the Relation between Infinite Consciousness and the Absolute.Matthew McManus - 2016 - The European Legacy 21 (1):52-70.
    My essay focuses on the relation between consciousness and reality. I argue, following Georg Cantor, that consciousness is a potential infinite driven by care to invest itself in the world historically. As human beings develop an authentic sense of self they are driven by good faith to postulate an Absolute infinite, which, following Spinoza, we may call God. Thus God, as the Absolute infinite, constitutes our reality, which I characterize as implicate information explicating itself through time. To live (...)
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    Absolute being vs relative becoming.Joy Christian - unknown
    Contrary to our immediate and vivid sensation of past, present, and future as continually shifting non-relational modalities, time remains as tenseless and relational as space in all of the established theories of fundamental physics. Here an empirically adequate generalized theory of the inertial structure is discussed in which proper time is causally compelled to be tensed within both spacetime and dynamics. This is accomplished by introducing the inverse of the Planck time at the conjunction of special relativity and Hamiltonian mechanics, (...)
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    Absolute Historicity, Theory of the Becoming Absolute, and the Affect for the Particular in German Idealism and Historism: Introduction.Peter Koslowski - 2005 - In The discovery of historicity in German idealism and historism. New York: Springer. pp. 1--5.
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    Time and Becoming in Nietzsche's Thought.Robin Small - 2010 - New York: Continuum.
    Preface -- Introduction -- Absolute becoming -- From becoming to time -- The time-atom theory -- Motion, ways, and time -- Gateway and lanes -- Linear and circular time -- The eternal perspective -- The way of greatness.
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    Absolutely Certain Beliefs.Timo Airaksinen - 1985 - Philosophy Research Archives 11:393-406.
    This paper presents a critical review and discussion of three recent major theories of epistemic scepticism. Odegard and Rescher both agree that real knowledge entails certain beliefs. But they both fail to see how beliefs could be absolutely certain. Klein’s book, Certainty: A Refutationof Scepticism, presents the strongest possible view in favor of absolute certainty. I pay attention to its technical details and development by Klein. My conclusion is that Klein’s theory rests on some presupposed ideas that are either (...)
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  12.  33
    The Absolute Milieu: Blanchot’s Aesthetics of Melancholy.William S. Allen - 2015 - Research in Phenomenology 45 (1):53-86.
    Unlike his other fictional works Blanchot’s 1953 narrative Celui qui ne m’accompagnait pas has received comparatively little attention. The reasons for this would seem to lie in the intense abstraction of his writing in this work, which is forbidding even by his own standards, but as I will show, this intensity can be understood as comprising a singular topography of the experience of writing. Blanchot’s narrative thereby becomes a very precise and concrete form of aesthetics, which can be usefully compared (...)
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    Evolution of the concept of the absolute in Fiche.Olha Netrebiak - 2024 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 1:96-109.
    The article offers an analysis of the concept of the Absolute in Fichte’s philosophy. Despite the difficulty of the definition, this concept receives a rich and creative rethinking in Fichte and will further influence the philosophical systems of thought. Gradually introducing this concept into his philosophical project of Wissenschaftslehre Fichte often changes its interpretation. So, starting with a somewhat vague understanding of the concept of the "absolute I" through Schelling's criticism of the Absolute, he develops the theory (...)
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  14.  59
    The Unmeasurability of Absolute Velocities from the Point of View of Epistemological Internalism.Joanna Luc - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (8):3309-3327.
    Absolute velocities in Newtonian mechanics are commonly regarded as unmeasurable. Roberts (Br J Philos Sci 59(2):143–168, 2008) provides a justification for this thesis which appeals to the observational indistinguishability of boost-related models of Newtonian mechanics. Middleton and Murgueitio Ramírez (Australas J Philos, 2020) criticise his argumentation by pointing out that his analysis of the notion of measurement is too restrictive, and that, under a weaker analysis (based on counterfactuals), absolute velocities are measurable. Jacobs (Australas J Philos, 2020) opposes (...)
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  15.  5
    Challenging the Absolute: Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Europe’s Struggle Against Fundamentalism.Simon F. Oliai - 2014 - Lanham, Maryland: Upa.
    In this book, written in the wake of such influential European thinkers as Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault, Derrida, and Vattimo, Simon Oliai argues that unless the “European” affirmation of man’s finite existence becomes universal, we shall never rid ourselves of the repressive shadow of a long dead metaphysical idol.
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  16.  51
    Absolute knowing: Consternation and preservation in hegel’s phenomenology of spirit and shakespeare’s troilus and Cressida.Jennifer Ann Bates - 2016 - Angelaki 21 (3):65-82.
    Hegel’s “Absolute Knowing” and Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida are tragi-comic consternations. They are theatres of ethical panentheism: they present dramatic “absolute” ethical interpretations and actions, each of which is at once ungrounded and completely seeded. I start with the etymology of “consternation.” Then I discuss the comic vs. tragic interpretations of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit, arguing it is a consternating tragi-comedy. I analyze the predicate “absolute” in terms of consternations, in a few passages of the book. I (...)
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    The problem of moral absolutes in the ethics of Vladimir Solov'ëv.Oleg Sergeevich Pugachev - 1996 - Studies in East European Thought 48 (2-4):207-221.
    Moral absolutes were perceived, by Solov'ëv, in a dual manner: a) from the side of content, of psychology, as when we speak of feelings, emotions, etc.; and b) under a formal aspect, as “ideas,” i.e. logically. Neither of these can be treated without relating to moral absolutes astrue, and without a rationalbelief in their truth, a truth that cannot be logically proved. In my opinion, our time has become keenly aware of the universally human value of Vladimir Solov'ëv's ethics, of (...)
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  18.  32
    Natural Inclinations and Moral Absolutes.R. Mary Hayden - 1990 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 64:130-150.
    Aquinas does not argue that natural inclinations per se suffice for moral absolutes, but rather that they suffice to make their objects known as self-evidently good for persons. Acting for the contrary of a natural inclination thereby harms persons and is contrary to the Bonum Precept (Good is to be done and pursued; evil is to be avoided). Acting for a self-evident good, however, becomes morally obligatory only when indispensable.
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    The Absolute and Ordained Power of God in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Theology.Francis Oakley - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (3):437-461.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Absolute and Ordained Power of God in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century TheologyFrancis Oakley[W]e must cautiously abandon [that more specious opinion of the Platonist and Stoick]... in this, that it... blasphemously invades the cardinal Prerogative of Divinity, Omnipotence, by denying him a reserved power, of infringing, or altering any one of those Laws which [He] Himself ordained, and enacted, and chaining up his armes in the adamantine fetters of (...)
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  20. Husserl, the absolute flow, and temporal experience.Christoph Hoerl - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 86 (2):376-411.
    The notion of the absolute time-constituting flow plays a central role in Edmund Husserl’s analysis of our consciousness of time. I offer a novel reading of Husserl’s remarks on the absolute flow, on which Husserl can be seen to be grappling with two key intuitions that are still at the centre of current debates about temporal experience. One of them is encapsulated by what is sometimes referred to as an intentionalist (as opposed to an extensionalist) approach to temporal (...)
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  21.  30
    Absolute Freedom and Creative Agency in Early Schelling.Lara Ostaric - 2012 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 119 (1):69-93.
    The following essay has three main objectives. (1) By arguing that the connection between Schelling’s reception of Plato and Kant’s conception of genius is relevant for Schelling’s early development, I show that Schelling’s early Idealism brings to the general problem that plagues German Idealists, i.e., the search for an unconditioned principle that unites theoretical and practical reason, the solution that is genuinely his own. This original solution consists in Schelling’s conception of “creative reason [schöpfersiche Vernunft].” Because the scholarship on German (...)
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  22.  14
    Absolutely Zero Evidence.Veronica J. Vieland & Sang-Cheol Seok - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science:1-14.
    Statistical analysis is often used to evaluate the strength of evidence for or against scientific hypotheses. Here we consider evidence measurement from the point of view of representational measurement theory, focusing in particular on the 0-points of measurement scales. We argue that a properly calibrated evidence measure will need to count up from absolute 0, in a sense to be defined, and that this 0-point is likely to be something other than what one might have expected. This suggests the (...)
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  23.  79
    A Critical Estimate of Aurobindo's Being-Becoming Absolute.Paul Colaço - 1953 - Modern Schoolman 30 (2):123-140.
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    Absoluter Wert in Kants Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitte.Rocco Porcheddu - 2020 - Kantian Journal 39 (1):7-30.
    In the second section of the Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, Kant introduces the concept of an end in itself and defines it as something whose existence has an absolute value. He continues with the assertion that the ground of a possible categorical imperative lies solely in this end in itself. Now Kant, in his remarks on the realm of ends, also operates with the notions of an end in itself and absolute value — seemingly in a (...)
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  25. Four Degrees of Temporal Becoming.Pieter Thyssen - manuscript
    The block universe theory of time is commonly said to be incompatible with temporal becoming. This confuses Maudlin who upholds both eternalism and passage. The aim of this paper is to answer Maudlin’s plea for clarification by distinguishing four degrees of temporal becoming. After discussing their respective compatibility with the block universe, I show that Maudlin asks much less from temporal becoming than most philosophers of time. Consequently, his form of becoming is compatible with the block (...)
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  26. Becoming inflated.Craig Bourne - 2004 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55 (1):107-119.
    Some have thought that the process of the expansion of the universe can be used to define an absolute ‘cosmic time’ which then serves as the absolute time required by tensed theories of time. Indeed, this is the very reason why many tense theorists are happy to concede that special relativity is incompatible with the tense thesis, because they think that general relativity, which trumps special relativity, and on which modern cosmology rests, supplies the means of defining temporal (...)
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    Zwei Formen der Entwürdigung: Absolute und relative Armut.Christian Neuhäuser - 2010 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 96 (4):542-556.
    Relative poverty and absolute poverty are often seen to be very distinct concepts and seldom discussed together. While absolute poverty is seen to be about existential threats, relative poverty is understood to be about economic inequality only. One is an issue of basic rights then and the other a question of justice or fairness. But in this picture it becomes incomprehensible why the same concept is used for so different issues. This article tries to show that relative and (...)
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  28. Mad Speculation and Absolute Inhumanism: Lovecraft, Ligotti, and the Weirding of Philosophy.Ben Woodard - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):3-13.
    continent. 1.1 : 3-13. / 0/ – Introduction I want to propose, as a trajectory into the philosophically weird, an absurd theoretical claim and pursue it, or perhaps more accurately, construct it as I point to it, collecting the ground work behind me like the Perpetual Train from China Mieville's Iron Council which puts down track as it moves reclaiming it along the way. The strange trajectory is the following: Kant's critical philosophy and much of continental philosophy which has followed, (...)
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  29. On the Concept of Creal: The Politico-Ethical Horizon of a Creative Absolute.Luis De Miranda - 2017 - In De Miranda Luis, The Dark Precursor: Deleuze and Artistic Research. Leuven University Press. pp. 510-516.
    Process philosophies tend to emphasise the value of continuous creation as the core of their discourse. For Bergson, Whitehead, Deleuze, and others the real is ultimately a creative becoming. Critics have argued that there is an irreducible element of (almost religious) belief in this re-evaluation of immanent creation. While I don’t think belief is necessarily a sign of philosophical and existential weakness, in this paper I will examine the possibility for the concept of universal creation to be a political (...)
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  30.  37
    Coordination and Coming to Be.Lisa Leininger - 2021 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (1):213-227.
    ABSTRACT The following are purported to be common-sense features of the world: time’s passage, the unreality of the future, the existence of ‘genuine’ change. All of these common-sense features are accommodated by accepting the phenomenon of absolute becoming, a view of temporal passage in which the unreal future comes into existence in the present. Indeed, most philosophers who lay claim to common-sense views of time accept absolute becoming. I argue that absolute becoming has deeply (...)
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  31.  46
    The self-consciousness and absolute knowledge.Leonardo Samonà - 2008 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 37 (1):33-61.
    The article individuates free self-alienation and reconciliation as the specific characters of the last chapter of Phenomenology of Spirit, in contrast to an interpretation of absolute knowing as appropriation of otherness within selfconsciousness. Such self-alienation has already been developed by Hegel in the chapter “Religion”. The limit of religion depends on the last opposition to otherness, and not on to the presence of otherness itself, which has already been taken off along the path of self-becoming and self-consciousness. The (...)
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    In this paper the relation between being and becoming is analyzed and the Kierkegaard’s existential method is considered. Also the three stages of existence are described as the evolution of a human being. This evolution means gradual creation of true selfhood due to decisive choices and actions. The author stresses that Kierkegaard’s existential anthropology is a version of the dialectical religious existentialism. A human being is paradoxical and her or his conflicts cannot be resolved by rational way. Existence has (...)
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    On the Absolute and Relative Pessimistic Inductions: A Reply to S. Park.Elijah Hess - 2024 - Problemos 105:208-213.
    According to Seungbae Park, two versions of the pessimistic induction argument against scientific realism, what he calls the "absolute" and "relative" versions, each fail for the same reason. Depending on whether their respective premises refer to distant or recent past theories, either each premise is implausible, or the conclusion does not probably follow from them. I suggest that Park has misconstrued the sort of argument his pessimist interlocutors rely on. When properly recast, the absolute and relative versions of (...)
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  34. Becoming-Religion: Re-/thinking Religion with AN Whitehead and Keiji Nishitani.Kenneth Masong - 2013 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 17 (2):1-26.
    For Whitehead and Nishitani, a rethinking of religion necessitates a rethinking of the metaphysics that underlie one’s concept of religion. The dynamism of religion is unveiled only within the metaphysical grounding of an ontology that accommodates the philosophical preference of “becoming” as an ultimate category of reality. The novelty of Whitehead’s theory of religion lies in the process metaphysics that it presupposes. For him, religion, like the whole of reality, is inherently developing and evolving. What Nishitani offers is a (...)
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  35. The Risks of Absolute Medical Confidentiality.M. A. Crook - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (1):107-122.
    Some ethicists argue that patient confidentiality is absolute and thus should never be broken. I examine these arguments that when critically scrutinised, become porous. I will explore the concept of patient confidentiality and argue that although, this is a very important medical and bioethical issue, this needs to be wisely delivered to reduce third party harm or even detriment to the patient. The argument for absolute confidentiality is particularly weak when it comes to genetic information and inherited disease.
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    The Absolute not only as Substance, but also as Subject.Zhiang Chen - 2019 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 13 (2).
    This article intends to argue that Zizek’s dialectics is far from a vulgar progressive sublation of all reality in Concept but a systematic acknowledgement of its radical impossibility. Firstly, the fundamental point of Zizek’s dialectics is not the notion of the sublation of all immediate-material reality but a “sublation of sublation”. The conclusive of moment of a dialectical circle is the immanent act of abrogation or releasing. Then, through the elementary triad structure of the Hegelian notion of reflection, the ultimate (...)
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    Paul Tillichs Schrift „The Courage to Be“ – ein missverstandener Bestseller: Eine kritische Analyse der Begriffe „Theismus“, „absoluter Glaube“ und „Gott über Gott“.Werner Schüßler - 2018 - International Yearbook for Tillich Research 13 (1):109-132.
    The Courage to Be is Tillich’s best-known work. That this work has retained such popularity perplexes one as a Tillich scholar since this text is anything but easy to understand. This essay offers an analysis of the concepts ‘theism,’ ‘absolute faith,’ and ‘God above God,’ and comes to the conclusion that both proponents of this work as well as its theological critics have misunderstood, and indeed that only because of these misunderstandings could the work have become a bestseller at (...)
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  38. Poetic Becomings: A Sensing of the Good.Michael Anker - 2011
    This paper is an attempt at developing a poetic ontology of the senses through an understanding of poetry, or more importantly the poetic as such, i.e., the movement, temporality, and various antinomies within poetic gesturing which interrupt the logic of closed meaning and totalization. Through a range of philosophers such as Nietzsche, Heidegger, Derrida, and Jean-Luc Nancy, amongst others, and primarily the poetry of Pessoa and Rilke, the paper investigates how poetry (poetics) may not only show us a path toward (...)
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    Pacifism and Absolute Rights for Animals: a comparison of difficulties.Rosemary Rodd - 1985 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 2 (1):53-61.
    ABSTRACT There are many points of similarity between the views of pacifists and those of people who argue that sentient non‐human animals have absolute rights. Both positions ultimately rest on the assertion that the consequences of a violent action which is intended to preserve some lives by terminating others are more far‐reaching than we generally suppose. When the total net consequences of such actions are considered, it can be seen that an ethic of complete non‐violence might turn out to (...)
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    Racine, Oedipus, and Absolute Fantasies.Mitchell Greenberg - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (3):40-61.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Racine, Oedipus, and Absolute Fantasies*Mitchell Greenberg (bio)Tout mythe se rapporte à l’origine. Toute question d’origine ne saurait ouvrir que sur un mythe [Every myth points back to an origin. Any questioning of origins necessarily opens onto myth].—Jean-Paul Valabrega, Phantasme, mythe, corps et sensAinsi l’itinéraire de la psychanalyse freudienne est-il celui d’une recherche qui... se fait attentive à ce qui du corps réside dans les mots, s’inscrit dans les (...)
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    (1 other version)GatherinG and dispersinG: the absolute spirit in heGel's philosophy.George Vassilacopoulos - 2007 - Cosmos and History 3 (2-3):254-275.
    This paper explores the meaning and being of the absolute spirit in Hegelrsquo;s thought by reflecting through the idea that spirit is the activity and being of gathering through dispersal. In Hegelrsquo;s thought gathering and dispersing are the primary movements through which spirit engages in the processes of its absolute self-cognition, the processes, that is, that underpin the eternal becoming of communal being. Gathering and dispersing thus define the pulsating movement of the absolute spirit in all (...)
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    Averroes' Quaesitum on Assertoric (Absolute) Propositions.Nicholas Rescher - 1963 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 1 (1):80-93.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:80 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY AVERROES' Quaesitum ON ASSERTORIC (ABSOLUTE) PROPOSITIONS UNTIL 1962 ONLY ONE logical work of Averroes existed in print in the original Arabic? At this late date, D. M. Dunlop published the Arabic text of the short tract by Averroes on the modality of propositions with which we shall be concerned here.' The text published by Professor Dunlop forms part of a collection of treatises by (...)
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    Is Kierkegaard’s Absolute Paradox Hume’s Miracle?Jyrki Kivelä - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 36:119-125.
    I clarify Hume's concept of miracle with Kierkegaard's concept of absolute paradox. I argue that absolute paradox is like that miracle which, according to Hume, allows a human being to believe Christianity against the principles of his understanding. I draw such a conclusion on the basis that Kierkegaard does not think Christianity is a doctrine with a truth value and, furthermore, he holds that all historical events are doubtful. Kierkegaard emphasizes the absolute paradox as the condition of (...)
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    Perfection and becoming: a study of the metaphysical core of Hegel's aesthetics.Changjiang Xing - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    In Hegel's aesthetics, the element of speculative philosophy is always a notorious aspect that attracts the most complaints from modern art criticism. The book, however, justifies the intelligibility in art in light of Hegel's philosophy of metaphysics. The author explores the philosophical motivations of Hegelian aesthetics, its underlying logic, the relationship between metaphysical core and artistic expression, as well as the contemporary significance and value of metaphysicalised theories of art exemplified by Hegelian aesthetics. Through elucidating the metaphysical core implicit in (...)
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  45. Reversing the arrow of explanation in the relational blockworld: Why temporal becoming, the dynamical brain and the external world are all "in the mind".W. M. Stuckey, Michael Silberstein & Michael Cifone - 2007 - In Avshalom C. Elitzur, Metod Saniga & Rosolino Buccheri, Endophysics, Time, Quantum and the Subjective. World Scientific Publishing.
    We introduce the Relational Blockworld (RBW) as a paradigm for deflating the mysteries associated with quantum non-separability/non-locality and the measurement problem. We begin by describing how the relativity of simultaneity implies the blockworld, which has an explanatory potential subsuming both dynamical and relational explanations. It is then shown how the canonical commutation relations fundamental to non-relativistic quantum mechanics follow from the relativity of simultaneity. Therefore, quantum mechanics has at its disposal the full explanatory power of the blockworld. Quantum mechanics exploits (...)
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    Becoming-Other: Foucault, Deleuze, and the Political Nature of Thought.Vernon W. Cisney - 2014 - Foucault Studies 17:36-59.
    In this paper I employ the notion of the ‘thought of the outside’ as developed by Michel Foucault, in order to defend the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze against the criticisms of ‘elitism,’ ‘aristocratism,’ and ‘political indifference’—famously leveled by Alain Badiou and Peter Hallward. First, I argue that their charges of a theophanic conception of Being, which ground the broader political claims, derive from a misunderstanding of Deleuze’s notion of univocity, as well as a failure to recognize the significance of the (...)
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    Skow, Objective Becoming and the Moving Spotlight.Ross P. Cameron - 2018 - Analysis 78 (1):97-108.
    Skow argues that the best metaphysic of objective becoming is the moving spotlight theory. I agree, but I think the best version of the moving spotlight theory is not amongst the theories Skow describes. I look at Skow's moving spotlight theories that invoke an extra dimension of supertime, or new primitive supertense operators, or that make presentness a fundamentally relational phenomenon, and I raise some problems for these views. I argue that the moving spotlighter should take presentness to be (...)
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  48. International aid: When giving becomes a vice.Neera K. Badhwar - 2006 - Social Philosophy and Policy 23 (1):69-101.
    Peter Singer and Peter Unger argue that moral decency requires giving away all one's “surplus” for the relief or prevention of “absolute poverty,” because not doing so is analogous to refusing to save a drowning child to avoid making one's clothes muddy. I argue that there is a crucial disanalogy between the two cases and, moreover, that there are four independent moral objections to their thesis: it is monomaniacal in ignoring the variety of morally worthy ideals and elevating self-sacrificial (...)
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    God becoming flesh, flesh becoming divine.Luce Irigaray - 2023 - Continental Philosophy Review 56 (4):505-516.
    What could be the meaning of Christianity on this side or beyond its most traditional transmission? This paper suggests that it could be an invitation to deify our flesh instead of despising it. Indeed, the God of Christianity does not remain out of our physical reach but is incarnate in a human body as a sensitive transcendence living among us on this Earth. One of the main challenges for Christians is thus how to care for, transform, transfigure, resurrect and share (...)
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    Dalia Nassar: The Romantic Absolute: Being and Knowing in Early German Romantic Philosophy, 1795–1804. [REVIEW]Alexander Hampton - 2015 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 22 (1).
    The Romantic Absolute does a spectacular job of reconstructing the main philosophical position of three very difficult figures. The more we know of Romanticism as a movement, the more questions we seem to have, and the more important it seems to be, both to the history of philosophy and to the philosophical questions that concern us today. Nassar’s book represents an important contribution to our understanding of Early German Romanticism and will undoubtedly become an important resource for anyone considering (...)
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