Results for 'interdisciplinary science studies'

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  1. Discourse, Practice, Context: From HPS to Interdisciplinary Science Studies.Alison Wylie - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:393 - 395.
    One of the most widely debated and influential implications of the "demise" of positivism was the realization, now a commonplace, that philosophy of science must be firmly grounded in an understanding of the history of science, and/or of contemporary scientific practice. While the nature of this alliance is still a matter of uneasy negotiation, the principle that philosophical analysis must engage "real" science has transformed philosophical practice in innumerable ways. This short paper is the introduction to a (...)
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    The range of science: studies on the interdisciplinary legacy of Johannes von Kries.Gerhard Wagner (ed.) - 2019 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
    Johannes von Kries (1853-1928) left a fascinating work: As a physiologist, he had a lasting influence on research into colour perception. As a philosopher, he formulated a theory of probability which was received not only in philosophy (Hans Reichenbach, Ludwig Wittgenstein), but also in physics (Ludwig Boltzmann, Max Planck), jurisprudence (Gustav Radbruch), sociology (Alfred Schütz, Max Weber), economics (John Maynard Keynes), and belles-lettres (Robert Musil). This anthology reconstructs some central lines of reception. It contexts Kries' work in the history of (...)
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  3. The utility of interdisciplinary case study : research and education in the arts and sciences.David Weisberg - 2019 - In Annette Baron & Kelly McNeal (eds.), Case study methodology in higher education. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
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    Habermas, Argumentation Theory, and Science Studies: Toward Interdisciplinary Cooperation.William Rehg - 2003 - Informal Logic 23 (2):161-182.
    This article examines two approaches to the analysis and critical assessment of scientific argumentation. The first approach employs the discourse theory that Jurgen Habermas has developed on the basis of his theory of communicative action and applied to the areas of politics and law. Using his analysis of law and democracy in his Between Facts and Norms as a kind of template, I sketch the main steps in a Habermasian discourse theory of science. Difficulties in his approach motivate my (...)
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    Science studies: probing the dynamics of scientific knowledge.Sabine Maasen & Matthias Winterhager (eds.) - 2001 - Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
    How can we understand the intensifying interactions of science and society? The answers are found in part in the interdisciplinary field called science studies. This field provides us with a rich inventory of analytical approaches. It helps us explore science as a practice, a subsystem, a culture, and an institution. Its observation is that science today is part and parcel of what has come to be known as "knowledge society." Nine exemplary studies that (...)
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    “Groping for Trouts in a Peculiar River:” Challenges in Exploration and Application for Ethnographic Study of Interdisciplinary Science.Lisa M. Osbeck & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2019 - In Kieran C. O'Doherty, Lisa M. Osbeck, Ernst Schraube & Jeffery Yen (eds.), Psychological Studies of Science and Technology. Springer Verlag. pp. 103-126.
    We describe our efforts to address theoretical opportunities and methodological challenges that arose in the context of our ethnographic investigation of research labs in four different fields of bioengineering science. The multiyear study compared the common and specific features of four sites of interdisciplinary practice and aimed to analyze personal and collective goals, problem formulations, methods, technologies, and social organization within each lab. In the second phase of the study we sought to inform curriculum development for biomedical engineering (...)
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    Epistemic Identities in Interdisciplinary Science.Lisa M. Osbeck & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2017 - Perspectives on Science 25 (2):226-260.
    Confronting any science studies or learning sciences researcher in the 21st century is the reality of interdisciplinary science. New hybrid fields1 collaboratively build new concepts, combine models from two or more disciplines and forge inter-reliant relationships among specialists with different skill sets to solve new problems. This paper emerges from our recognition that inescapable psychological factors, including identity dynamics, must be described and analyzed in order to better understand the social and cognitive practices specific to (...) science. In analysis of the foundations and opportunities for an... (shrink)
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    Expertise in Interdisciplinary Science and EDucation.Mads Goddiksen & Hanne Andersen - unknown
    Many degree programs in science and engineering aim at enabling their students to perform interdisciplinary problem solving. In this paper we present three types of expertise that are involved in different ways in interdisciplinary problem solving. In doing so we shall first characterise two important epistemological challenges commonly faced in interdisciplinary problem solving, namely the communication challenge that arises from the use of different concepts within different scientific domains, and the integration challenge that arises from the (...)
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    The professionalization of science studies: Cutting some Slack. [REVIEW]David L. Hull - 2000 - Biology and Philosophy 15 (1):61-91.
    During the past hundred years or so, those scholars studying science have isolated themselves as much as possible from scientists as well as from workers in other disciplines who study science. The result of this effort is history of science, philosophy of science and sociology of science as separate disciplines. I argue in this paper that now is the time for these disciplinary boundaries to be lowered or at least made more permeable so that a (...)
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    Science studies comes to market: Donald A. MacKenzie: Material markets: how economic agents are constructed . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009, x + 240 pp, US $39.95 HB.Declan Kuch - 2010 - Metascience 19 (3):489-492.
  11.  34
    Measuring Interdisciplinary Research Categories and Knowledge Transfer: A Case Study of Connections between Cognitive Science and Education.Alan L. Porter, Stephen F. Carley, Caitlin Cassidy, Jan Youtie, David J. Schoeneck, Seokbeom Kwon & Gregg E. A. Solomon - 2019 - Perspectives on Science 27 (4):582-618.
    This is a “bottom-up” paper in the sense that it draws lessons in defining disciplinary categories under study from a series of empirical studies of interdisciplinarity. In particular, we are in the process of studying the interchange of research-based knowledge between Cognitive Science and Educational Research. This has posed a set of design decisions that we believe warrant consideration as others study cross-disciplinary research processes.
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    Critical Science Studies as Argumentation Theory: Who’s Afraid of SSK?William Rehg - 2000 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 30 (1):33-48.
    This article asks whether an interdisciplinary "critical science studies" (CSS) is possible between a critical theory in the Frankfurt School tradition, with its commitment to universal standards of reason, and relativistic sociologies of scientific knowledge (e.g., David Bloor's strong programme). It is argued that CSS is possible if its practitioners adopt the epistemological equivalent of Rawls's method of avoidance. A discriminating, public policy–relevant critique of science can then proceed on the basis of an argumentation theory that (...)
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    Interdisciplinary studies in science, society, value, and civilizational dialogue.Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya - 2002 - Shimla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study.
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    The rise of interdisciplinary studies in social sciences and humanities and the challenge of comparative sociology.Saïd Amir Arjomand - 2017 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (2):292-306.
    After briefly surveying three generations of comparative sociologists, interdisciplinary regional and trans-regional studies are shown to complement the work of the third generation of comparative sociologists on civilizational analysis and multiple modernities. Drawing examples from the interdisciplinary Persianate studies, promoted by the Association for the Study of Persianate Societies in the last two decades, and by other recent interdisciplinary studies of performance and world literature as well as Caribbean regional studies, it is argued (...)
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    DOUGLAS GREENLEE PRIZE: Integration, Values, and Well-Ordered Interdisciplinary Science.Zachary Piso - 2016 - The Pluralist 11 (1):49-57.
    I want to begin by sharing an experience working alongside a team of scientists dedicated to studying coastal fog. Two years ago, experts in coastal ecology, meteorology, atmospheric chemistry, and geography recognized the need to initiate conversation between the diverse disciplines that investigate fog. Although fog had long received attention from myriad sciences, coastal fog was yet to receive the sustained investigation that these scientists believed it warranted. Coastal fog is a strong candidate for such investigation; not only is fog (...)
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    Introduction of Interdisciplinary Teaching: Two Case Studies: Commentary on “Teaching Science, Technology, and Society to Engineering Students: A Sixteen Year Journey”.Hartwig Spitzer - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (4):1451-1454.
    Interdisciplinary courses on science, engineering and society have been successfully established in two cases, at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, and at the University of Hamburg, Germany. In both cases there were institutional and perceptual barriers that had to be overcome in the primarily disciplinary departments. The ingredients of success included a clear vision of interdisciplinary themes and didactics, and the exploitation of institutional opportunities. Haldun M. Ozaktas in Ankara used the dynamics of an accreditation process to establish (...)
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  17.  30
    Exploring the Role of Ideology in Interdisciplinary Science Education Policy.Benjamin Allen - 2017 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 53 (6):642-653.
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    Epistemology for interdisciplinary research – shifting philosophical paradigms of science.Sophie Baalen & Mieke Boon - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 9 (1):1-28.
    In science policy, it is generally acknowledged that science-based problem-solving requires interdisciplinary research. For example, policy makers invest in funding programs such as Horizon 2020 that aim to stimulate interdisciplinary research. Yet the epistemological processes that lead to effective interdisciplinary research are poorly understood. This article aims at an epistemology for interdisciplinary research, in particular, IDR for solving ‘real-world’ problems. Focus is on the question why researchers experience cognitive and epistemic difficulties in conducting IDR. (...)
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    God, science, sex, gender: an interdisciplinary approach to Christian ethics.Patricia Beattie Jung, Aana Marie Vigen & John Anderson (eds.) - 2010 - Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
    God, Sex, Science, Gender: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Christian Ethics is a timely, wide-ranging attempt to rescue dialogues on human sexuality, sexual diversity, and gender from insular exchanges based primarily on biblical scholarship and denominational ideology. Too often, dialogues on sexuality and gender devolve into the repetition of party lines and defensive postures, without considering the interdisciplinary body of scholarly research on this complex subject. This volume expands beyond the usual parameters, opening the discussion to scholars in (...)
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    Interdisciplinary Approach to Combine Science and Art: Understanding of the Paintings of René Magritte from the Viewpoint of Quantum Mechanics.Hunkoog Jho - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24 (3):527-540.
    In the twentieth century, science and art had a grand paradigmatic shift each other. This study aims at comparing the epistemologies of surrealism and quantum mechanics that emerged in the 1930s and interpreting the paintings from a physical viewpoint, with a focus on the Copenhagen interpretation. In terms of epistemologies, the arbitrary relationship between an object and an image advocated by Magritte may correspond to the indeterminacy between physical entities and measurement. This study analysed the paintings of Magritte from (...)
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    Interdisciplinary atomism? Exploring twentieth-century culture through Einstein Marcia Bartusiak,Einstein's Unfinished Symphony: Listening to the Sounds of Space–Time. Washington, DC: Joseph Henry Press, 2000. Pp. xii+249. ISBN 0-309-06987-4. £17.95 . Alice Calaprice , The Expanded Quotable Einstein. With a foreword by Freeman Dyson. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2000. Pp. xliii+407. ISBN 0-691-07021-0. £11.95, $18.95 . Klaus Hentschel , Physics and National Socialism: An Anthology of Primary Sources. Ann M. Hentschel, Editorial Assistant and Translator. Erwin Hiebert and Hans Wussing , Science Networks: Historical Studies, 18. Basel, Boston and Berlin: Birkhäuser, 1996. Pp. ci+406+civ. ISBN 3-7643-5312-0. DM 178.00, SFR 148.00, €98.00 . Gerald Holton,Einstein, History, and Other Passions: The Rebellion Against Science at the End of the Twentieth Century. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press, 2000. Pp. xii+240. ISBN 0-674-00433-7. £12.50 . Don Howard and J. [REVIEW]Richard Staley - 2003 - British Journal for the History of Science 36 (2):221-230.
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    Analyzing abstraction in critical agri-food studies and computer science: toward interdisciplinary analysis of digital agriculture innovation.Lara Roeven, Steven A. Wolf, Phoebe Sengers, Jen Liu, Gloire Rubambiza, Donny Persaud & Hakim Weatherspoon - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-18.
    Excitement about digital agriculture—i.e., expanded reliance on collecting, integrating, analyzing, and applying digital data in agri-food systems—is bringing two different conceptualizations of abstraction into collision and dialogue. Critical agri-food scholars have long expressed concerns about disembedding—or abstracting—agriculture from particular geographies, farmers’ varied interests, and ecological processes. In contrast, in computer science, abstraction is understood as beneficial for taming the complexities of technology and supporting the development of general-purpose tools. In this paper, we compare these very different theorizations of abstraction (...)
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    Decentring humans? Imagining a microbially inspired sociology: Myra J. Hird: The origins of sociable life: Evolution after science studies. Houndsmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, v+202pp, £50.00 HB.Maureen A. O’Malley - 2011 - Metascience 20 (1):127-130.
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    Being Interdisciplinary: Trading Zones in Cognitive Science.Paul Thagard - unknown
    By the early part of the twentieth century, academia in the English-speaking world had stabilized (or ossified!) into a set of scientific and humanistic disciplines that still survives at the century’s end. The natural sciences have such disciplines as physics, chemistry, and biology, and the social sciences include economics, psychology, and sociology. These disciplines provide a convenient organizing principle for university departments and professional organizations, but they often bear little relation to cuttingedge research, which can concern topics that cut across (...)
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    Communion, Not Consilience: Protecting the Future of Interdisciplinary Literary Study.Christina Bieber Lake - 2017 - Philosophy and Literature 41 (2):290-303.
    The dialectic of experience has its proper fulfillment not in definitive knowledge but in the openness to experience that is made possible by experience itself. Now is a great time to be a literary scholar interested in interdisciplinary work with the sciences. While in the early days, scientifically minded critics fought for the floor in a field dominated by constructivist accounts of the self, today their work has settled into its own legitimacy, aided substantially by the increasing power and (...)
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    Re-disciplining Academic Careers? Interdisciplinary Practice and Career Development in a Swedish Environmental Sciences Research Center.Ruth Müller & Wolfgang Kaltenbrunner - 2019 - Minerva 57 (4):479-499.
    Interdisciplinarity is often framed as crucial for addressing the complex problems of contemporary society and for achieving new levels of innovation. But while science policy and institutions have provided a variety of incentives for stimulating interdisciplinary work throughout Europe, there is also growing evidence that some aspects of the academic system do not necessarily reward interdisciplinary work. In this study, we explore how mid-career researchers in an environmental science research center in Sweden relate to and handle (...)
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    Problems and Prospects of Interdisciplinary Consciousness Studies “Problems of Consciousness: Research Opportunities” Round Table Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, January 28, 2019.David I. Dubrovsky & Ilya Y. Bulov - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (2):144-159.
    In January 2019 the Faculty of Philosophy of the Lomonosov Moscow State University held the round table “Problems of Consciousness: Research Opportunities.” It was dedicated to problems of interdisciplinary studies of consciousness. Many famous Russian specialists whose academic interests include consciousness, brain and mind took part in this event: K.V. Anokhin, D.I. Dubrovsky, T.V. Chernigovskaya, M.A. Piradov, A.A. Potapov, V.Y. Sergin, V.V. Vasil’ev, Z.A. Zorina and others. At the round table, the following problems were discussed: the specificity of (...)
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    ``Why study history for science?''.Jane Maienschein - 2000 - Biology and Philosophy 15 (3):339-348.
    David Hull has demonstrated a marvelous ability to annoy everyone who caresabout science (or should), by forcing us to confront deep truths about howscience works. Credit, priority, precularities, and process weave together tomake the very fabric of science. As Hull's studies reveal, the story is bothmessier and more irritating than those limited by a single disciplinaryperspective generally admit. By itself history is interesting enough, andphilosophy valuable enough. But taken together, they do so much in tellingus about (...) and by puncturing the comfortable popular illusion abouthow science works. Ultimately, David Hull shows by his example thathistory and philosophy of science can make science better. I agree, and withits focus on the history of science in particular, this paper explores why. (shrink)
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    Epistemic Commitments: Making Relevant Science in Biodiversity Studies.Isabelle Arpin & Céline Granjou - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (6):1022-1046.
    We contribute to the exploration of diversity in interdisciplinary science by elaborating the notion of epistemic commitments to address researchers’ different views of knowledge that matters and how these views are embedded in research practices and networks. Based on previous science and technology studies and science-policy literature, we define epistemic commitments as reflexive commitments to regimes of relevant research. Drawing on an in-depth enquiry in the case of biodiversity studies in France, we describe four (...)
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    Science and the Pursuit of Wisdom: Studies in the Philosophy of Nicholas Maxwell.Leemon McHenry (ed.) - 2009 - Frankfurt, Germany: Ontos Verlag.
    Nicholas Maxwell's provocative and highly-original philosophy of science urges a revolution in academic inquiry affecting all branches of learning, so that the single-minded pursuit of knowledge is replaced with the aim of helping people realize what is of value in life and make progress toward a more civilized world. This volume of essays from an international, interdisciplinary group of scholars engages Maxwell in critical evaluation and celebrates his contribution to philosophy spanning forty years. Several of the contributors, like (...)
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    Problems and Prospects of Interdisciplinary Philosophy of Science: A Report from the Workbench.Marie I. Kaiser, Maria Kronfeldner & Robert Meunier - 2015 - Briefe Zur Interdisziplinarität 15:32-41.
    Early-career philosophers of science often find themselves caught between a rock and a hard place, facing conflicting demands. While they have to meet the rigorous standards of a career in philosophy, they are at the same time expected to possess detailed knowledge of the sciences they study. By pulling in different directions, these two poles can be difficult to bridge. Interdisciplinarily engaged philosophers of science face not just an increased workload but also institutional conditions that are not always (...)
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    Il latino della scienza Galilei e i fratelli Bernoulli in uno studio interdisciplinare sulla brachistocrona (Latin in Science, Galilei and the Bernoulli brothers in interdisciplinary study over the Brachistochrone).Francesca Coppa & Piera Filippi - 2024 - Science and Philosophy 12 (2).
    In this paper, we describe an interdisciplinary study between Latin and Mathematics, where Latin serves as a tool for inquiry, facilitating access to and reflection on the new mathematical concepts that emerged during the Scientific Revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries. By examining original texts in Latin, we trace the genesis of these concepts and their development through the creation of a new Latin lexicon tailored to express them. We analyze texts by Galileo and the Bernoulli brothers concerning (...)
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    Interdisciplinary problem- solving: emerging modes in integrative systems biology.Miles MacLeod & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2016 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 6 (3):401-418.
    Integrative systems biology is an emerging field that attempts to integrate computation, applied mathematics, engineering concepts and methods, and biological experimentation in order to model large-scale complex biochemical networks. The field is thus an important contemporary instance of an interdisciplinary approach to solving complex problems. Interdisciplinary science is a recent topic in the philosophy of science. Determining what is philosophically important and distinct about interdisciplinary practices requires detailed accounts of problem-solving practices that attempt to understand (...)
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    Psychological Studies of Science and Technology.Kieran C. O'Doherty, Lisa M. Osbeck, Ernst Schraube & Jeffery Yen (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book provides a significant contribution to scholarship on the psychology of science and the psychology of technology by showcasing a range of theory and research distinguished as psychological studies of science and technology. Science and technology are central to almost all domains of human activity, for which reason they are the focus of subdisciplines such as philosophy of science, philosophy of technology, sociology of knowledge, and history of science and technology. To date, psychology (...)
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    Relevance of Interdisciplinary Approach in the Study of Consciousness.Julia V. Sokolova - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (4):848-857.
    The research is devoted to justification of the interdisciplinary approach in the study of consciousness. Studying consciousness as a phenomenon is a very divergent project, the mystery of its nature and appearance makes different ways of studying consciousness possible. Besides, consciousness is an umbrella term which may be interpreted differently in different contexts. Various approaches to comprehension of consciousness have been developed nowadays in Philosophy, Psychology, Biology, Medicine, Neurosciences, Sociology, Cognitive and Computer Sciences, Linguistics and a number of other (...)
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  36. Interdisciplinary Phenomenology and the Study of Gender and Ethnicity.Jacqueline Martinez - 2011 - Schutzian Research 3:51-65.
    The study of gender and ethnicity (or, equally, sexuality and race) is complicated by the basic ambiguity regarding the meaning and signifying capacity of each of these designations. A phenomenological approach aids in explicating the specific social, cultural and historical terms in which the designations of gender and ethnicity come to have different meanings and signifying capacities. Such an explication reveals variously contested boundaries of knowledge-production, and allows for a return to concrete world where meaning, culture, and history are embodied. (...)
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    Social Science Research Ethics for a Globalizing World: Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Perspectives.Keerty Nakray, Margaret Alston & Kerri Whittenbury (eds.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    Research in the humanities and social sciences thrives on critical reflections that unfold with each research project, not only in terms of knowledge created, but in whether chosen methodologies served their purpose. Ethics forms the bulwark of any social science research methodology and it requires continuous engagement and reengagement for the greater advancement of knowledge. Each chapter in this book will draw from the empirical knowledge created through intensive fieldwork and provide an account of ethical questions faced by the (...)
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  38. The Dilemma of Case Studies Resolved: The Virtues of Using Case Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science.Richard M. Burian - 2001 - Perspectives on Science 9 (4):383-404.
    Philosophers of science turned to historical case studies in part in response to Thomas Kuhn's insistence that such studies can transform the philosophy of science. In this issue Joseph Pitt argues that the power of case studies to instruct us about scientific methodology and epistemology depends on prior philosophical commitments, without which case studies are not philosophically useful. Here I reply to Pitt, demonstrating that case studies, properly deployed, illustrate styles of scientific work (...)
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    Interdisciplinary Studies[REVIEW]Г.В Сорина - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 47 (1):232-237.
    The article provides analysis of the findings of the interdisciplinary studies presented in the book "Interdisciplinarity in Philosophy and Science: Approaches, Issues, Prospects" (edited by V. Bazhanov and R. Scholtz. M. : Navigator, 2015) published in 2015. In the paper, the collective monograph is described as the first Russian book on the interdisciplinarity issues which covers such abroad range of subjects and has been written with the participation of the leading foreign specialists in the field of interdisciplinarity. (...)
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    Interdisciplinary Studies[REVIEW]Galina Sorina - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 47 (1):232-237.
    The article provides analysis of the findings of the interdisciplinary studies presented in the book "Interdisciplinarity in Philosophy and Science: Approaches, Issues, Prospects" (edited by V. Bazhanov and R. Scholtz. M. : Navigator, 2015) published in 2015. In the paper, the collective monograph is described as the first Russian book on the interdisciplinarity issues which covers such abroad range of subjects and has been written with the participation of the leading foreign specialists in the field of interdisciplinarity. (...)
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    Explicit Training in Human Values and Social Attitudes of Future Engineers in Spain: Commentary on “Preparing to Understand and Use Science in the Real World: Interdisciplinary Study Concentrations at the Technical University of Darmstadt”.Jaime Fabregat - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (4):1551-1556.
    In Spain before the 1990s there was no clear and explicit comprehensive training for future engineers with regard to social responsibility and social commitment. Following the Spanish university curricular reform, which began in the early 1990s, a number of optional subjects became available to students, concerning science, technology and society (STS), international cooperation, the environment and sustainability. The latest redefinition of the Spanish curriculum in line with the Bologna agreements has reduced the number of non-obligatory subjects, but could lead (...)
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    French Studies in the Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Research in France.Anastasios Brenner & Jean Gayon (eds.) - 2009 - Springer.
    The series Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science was conceived in the broadest framework of interdisciplinary and international concerns.
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    A teachable element: chlorine as a touchstone for science studies: Hasok Chang and Catherine Jackson : An element of controversy: the life of chlorine in science, medicine, technology and war. British Society for the History of Science, 2007, ix + 407 pp, £15.00 PB. [REVIEW]Carmen Giunta - 2010 - Metascience 19 (1):79-82.
  44. Metacognition and Reflection by Interdisciplinary Experts: Insights from Cognitive Science and Philosophy.Machiel Keestra - 2017 - Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies 35:121-169.
    Interdisciplinary understanding requires integration of insights from different perspectives, yet it appears questionable whether disciplinary experts are well prepared for this. Indeed, psychological and cognitive scientific studies suggest that expertise can be disadvantageous because experts are often more biased than non-experts, for example, or fixed on certain approaches, and less flexible in novel situations or situations outside their domain of expertise. An explanation is that experts’ conscious and unconscious cognition and behavior depend upon their learning and acquisition of (...)
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    Epistemology for interdisciplinary research – shifting philosophical paradigms of science.Mieke Boon & Sophie Van Baalen - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 9 (1):16.
    In science policy, it is generally acknowledged that science-based problem-solving requires interdisciplinary research. For example, policy makers invest in funding programs such as Horizon 2020 that aim to stimulate interdisciplinary research. Yet the epistemological processes that lead to effective interdisciplinary research are poorly understood. This article aims at an epistemology for interdisciplinary research, in particular, IDR for solving ‘real-world’ problems. Focus is on the question why researchers experience cognitive and epistemic difficulties in conducting IDR. (...)
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    The origin and development of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies. A historical outline by 1993.Kamil Piotr Trombik - 2019 - Philosophical Problems in Science 66:271-295.
    The paper concerns the origin and early stage of development of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies at the Pontifical Academy of Theology in Kraków. Center for Interdisciplinary Studies was founded by Michał Heller and Józef Życiński in the late 1970s. It was an informal institution which focused on conducting scientific activity in the area of philosophy of nature, relationship between mathematical & natural sciences and philosophy, history of science, as well as relationships between science (...)
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  47. What makes interdisciplinarity difficult? Some consequences of domain specificity in interdisciplinary practice.Miles MacLeod - 2018 - Synthese 195 (2):697-720.
    Research on interdisciplinary science has for the most part concentrated on the institutional obstacles that discourage or hamper interdisciplinary work, with the expectation that interdisciplinary interaction can be improved through institutional reform strategies such as through reform of peer review systems. However institutional obstacles are not the only ones that confront interdisciplinary work. The design of policy strategies would benefit from more detailed investigation into the particular cognitive constraints, including the methodological and conceptual barriers, which (...)
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    Vedic vision of the universe: interdisciplinary study in Vedic literature, science, and philosophy.Shankar B. Chandekar - 2000 - Pune: University of Pune.
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    An important step towards an understanding of the type of the philosophy at the Center of Interdisciplinary Studies.Robert Janusz - 2021 - Philosophical Problems in Science 70:227-234.
    The Center of Interdisciplinary Studies in Cracow has a very rich tradition that has been studied by many and recently by Kamil Trombik. The very difficult period for the Church and for philosophy during the materialistic Marxist ideology was an opportunity for card. K. Wojtyła to outline a new mode of dialog between science and religion. The future Center, organized by Michał Heller and Józef Życiński not only captured this idea but transformed it into an academic institution (...)
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  50. All that Matters are Forests and Seas? Practising Relevance in Interdisciplinary Environment-Focused Social Science Fields.Susanne Koch & Judit Varga - forthcoming - Minerva:1-24.
    Policy increasingly requires societally relevant and interdisciplinary science, which prompts questions about science’s orientation to diverse academic and non-academic actors. This paper examines how relevance is practised and negotiated in two evolving interdisciplinary social science fields: marine social sciences and forest policy research. Both fields investigate human relations with specific environments: how people use, manage and govern, live with and value seas and forests. Diverse social and political actors have stakes in the knowledge these fields (...)
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