Results for 'Bettina L. Love'

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  1.  19
    Brokeback Mountain. Directed by Ang Lee. Los Angeles: Focus Films, 2005.Jennifer Esposito, Corrie L. Davis & Bettina L. Love - 2007 - Educational Studies 41 (1):93-99.
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  2. Books Available List.Kerry T. Burch, Pak-Sang Lai, Michael Byram, Bettina L. Love, Darren E. Lund, E. Lisa Panayotidis, Hans Smits, Jo Towers, Richard Ognibene & A. Persistent Reformer - 2013 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 49 (1).
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    Ce Monstre incomparable.Bettina L. Knapp & Micheline Tison-Braun - 1984 - Substance 13 (3/4):151.
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    Mexico: The Myth of "Renovatio".Bettina L. Knapp & Charlene Sacks - 1986 - Substance 15 (2):61.
  5.  21
    Dream and Image.Gloria F. Orenstein & Bettina L. Knapp - 1978 - Substance 6 (21):165.
  6.  36
    Parent-child math anxiety and math-gender stereotypes predict adolescents' math education outcomes.Bettina J. Casad, Patricia Hale & Faye L. Wachs - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    L’ordre public écologique.Bettina Laville - 2015 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 58 (1):317-336.
    L’auteur retrace l’histoire du droit de l’environnement dans l’entrelacement des droits privés, administratif, constitutionnel et international public. Elle montre que les notions de préjudice écologique, de sécurité humaine et de Droits de l’Humanité permettent, par-delà une simple responsabilité éthique, d’incarner juridiquement un véritable ordre public écologique.
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    Prenuclear L∗+H Activates Alternatives for the Accented Word.Bettina Braun & María Biezma - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:440224.
    Previous processing studies have shown that constituents that are prosodically marked as focus lead to an activation of alternatives. We investigate the processing of constituents that are prosodically marked as contrastive topics. In German, contrastive topics are prosodically realized by prenuclear L*+H accents. Our study tests a) whether prenuclear accents (as opposed to nuclear accents) are able to activate contrastive alternatives, b) whether they do this in the same way as constituents prosodically marked as focus with nuclear accents do, which (...)
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    Reduced Volume of the Arcuate Fasciculus in Adults with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Conditions.Rachel L. Moseley, Marta M. Correia, Simon Baron-Cohen, Yury Shtyrov, Friedemann Pulvermüller & Bettina Mohr - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  10.  29
    Advance Care Planning in Nursing Homes – Improving the Communication Among Patient, Family, and Staff: Results From a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.Irene Aasmul, Bettina S. Husebo, Elizabeth L. Sampson & Elisabeth Flo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Le principe de précaution : bouc émissaire de nos faiblesses ou éthique de la modernité? 1990-2020.Bettina Laville - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 62 (1):215-224.
    L’auteure retrace les controverses qui ont émaillé l’histoire du principe de précaution en France dans les trente dernières années après son adoption au niveau international et européen. Elle montre que le principe de précaution constitue une dimension nouvelle de la rationalité adaptée aux défis de la société contemporaine.
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    Anxiety as Theme of an Alternative History of Philosophy: A Glimpse into the Monograph Anxiety: A Philosophical History.Bettina Bergo - 2024 - Symposium 28 (2):156-180.
    This article offers an overview of my 2020 study, Anxiety: A Philo-sophical History. I discuss the philosophers and theorists examined, and show how anxiety, understood in German as Angst (it has but one term for this affect), moved through Idealism from a largely noxious state (Kant) into the role of an emotion-adjuvant of reason (Hegel), into the sign of imminent birth—of nature (Schelling). I focus on the existential turn given anxiety, as a “state” prior to freedom in Kierkegaard, and draw (...)
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    Prediction and Mismatch Negativity Responses Reflect Impairments in Action Semantic Processing in Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders.Luigi Grisoni, Rachel L. Moseley, Shiva Motlagh, Dimitra Kandia, Neslihan Sener, Friedemann Pulvermüller, Stefan Roepke & Bettina Mohr - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  14.  29
    Marlène Zarader’s The Unthought Debt.Bettina Bergo - 2006 - Philosophy Today 50 (1):117-127.
    This article is drawn from my translation of Zarader's *Heidegger et la dette impensée*. I explore both Zarader and J. Derrida's (De l'esprit) investigations into Heidegger's recourse to "Old Testament" and Judaic logics (including apophatics) in his quest for the origins of religiosity.
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  15. What Sujet de la folie? Gladys Swain and Marcel Gauchet’s Search for an Alternative History of Madness.Bettina Bergo - 2010 - PhaenEx 5 (2):87-124.
    Inspired by three monographs of Gladys Swain and Marcel Gauchet, my presentation traces the rise of the new science of psychiatry in Revolutionary France, with Philippe Pinel and his student J.-E. Esquirol. As the directors of the division of the aliénés in the Hôpital Bicêtre (Paris), Pinel and Esquirol pioneered a therapeutic programme that spread out between their “traitement moral” (reasoning with the passions) and an “energetic repression,” wherever necessary. The discipline they created sought to gain autonomy from medicine treating (...)
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    Kronos Philosophical Journal, vol.V/2016.Vladimir Varava, Natalia Rostova, Piotr Nowak, Janusz Dobieszewski, Fedor Girenok, Marina Savel'eva, Anastasia Gacheva, Irena Księżopolska, Carl A. P. Ruck, John Uebersax, Peter Warnek, Edward P. Butler, Apostolos L. Pierris, Jeff Love, Svetozar Minkov, Ivan Dimitrijević, Wawrzyniec Rymkiewicz, Grzegorz Czemiel & David Kretz - unknown
    The annual Kronos Philosophical Journal was established in Warsaw in 2012. The papers presented in the annual might be of interest to the readers from outside Poland, allowing them to familiarize themselves with the dynamic thought of contemporary Polish authors, as well as entirely new topics, rarely discussed by English speaking authors. Volume V/2016 comprises articles problematizing Russian phlosophy and literature as well as Ancient Greek philosophy and culture.
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    The Cause of Phenomenology. [REVIEW]Bettina Bergo - 1994 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 17 (1-2):351-376.
    The philosophical work of Jean-François Courtine suffers undeservedly from under-representation to English-speaking readers. Over the last fifteen years, his commentaries and translations have made available to French students of German idealism, significant works of Schelling and J. G. Hamann. Now the present collection of essays shows that Courtine is as much at ease in the universe of late idealism as he is before the fundamental ontology of Martin Heidegger. Heidegger et la Phénoménologie assembles articles and lectures published from 1978 through (...)
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    SUSTAIN: A Network Model of Category Learning.Bradley C. Love, Douglas L. Medin & Todd M. Gureckis - 2004 - Psychological Review 111 (2):309-332.
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  19.  24
    The Sanctuary of Zeus Ammon at Kallithea.Elisavet Bettina Tsigarida - 2011 - Kernos 24:165-181.
    This paper presents the sanctuary of Zeus Ammon at Kallithea, Chalcidice, where three related deities were worshipped. The cult of Dionysos and probably that of the Nymphs began in the late 8th century BC or earlier in a cave in the southern part of the sanctuary. The cult of Zeus Ammon was introduced in the first half of the 4th century BC, and in the second half of the century a Doric peristyle temple and an open-air corridor running parallel to (...)
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  20.  52
    Dimensions of integration in interdisciplinary explanations of the origin of evolutionary novelty.Alan C. Love & Gary L. Lugar - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (4):537-550.
    Many philosophers of biology have embraced a version of pluralism in response to the failure of theory reduction but overlook how concepts, methods, and explanatory resources are in fact coordinated, such as in interdisciplinary research where the aim is to integrate different strands into an articulated whole. This is observable for the origin of evolutionary novelty—a complex problem that requires a synthesis of intellectual resources from different fields to arrive at robust answers to multiple allied questions. It is an apt (...)
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  21.  27
    Knapp, Bettina L. Archetype, Architecture, and The Writer.Barbara E. Savedoff - 1987 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 46 (1):98-100.
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  22.  28
    Evolvability in the fossil record.Alan C. Love, M. Grabowski, D. Houle, L. H. Liow, A. Porto, M. Tsuboi, K. L. Voje & G. Hunt - 2022 - Paleobiology 48 (2):186-209.
    The concept of evolvability—the capacity of a population to produce and maintain evolutionarily relevant variation—has become increasingly prominent in evolutionary biology. Paleontology has a long history of investigating questions of evolvability, but paleontological thinking has tended to neglect recent discussions, because many tools used in the current evolvability literature are challenging to apply to the fossil record. The fundamental difficulty is how to disentangle whether the causes of evolutionary patterns arise from variational properties of traits or lineages rather than being (...)
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  23. Modeling item and category learning.Bradley C. Love & Douglas L. Medin - 1998 - In Morton Ann Gernsbacher & Sharon J. Derry, Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Lawerence Erlbaum. pp. 639--644.
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  24. Jesus and Marginal Women: The Gospel of Matthew in Social-Scientific Perspective.Stuart L. Love - 2009
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  25.  8
    Zygmunt Zawirski: His Life and Work: With Selected Writings on Time, Logic and the Methodology of Science.Irena Szumilewicz-Lachman, Robert S. Cohen & Bettina Bergo (eds.) - 1994 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Among the extraordinary Polish philosophers of the past one hundred years, Zygmunt Zawirski deserves to be given particular attention for his fusion of analytic and historical scholarship. Strikingly versatile, and con tributing original work in all his fields of competence, Zawirski thought through issues in the philosophical aspects of relativity theory, on the claims of intuitionalistic foundations of mathematics, on the nature and usefulness of many-value Logics, and on the calculus of probability, on the axiomatic method in science and in (...)
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  26.  20
    Critical study: Bettina L. Knapp, music, archetype, and the writer: A Jungian view.Jon Michael Spencer - 1990 - Modern Theology 7 (1):115-120.
  27.  44
    (1 other version)SINAlKO, H.-L.: Love, Knowledge and Discourse in Plato. Dialogue and Dialectic in Phaedrus, Republic, Parmenides.L. González Pazos - 1966 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 1:124.
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    John Tyler Bonner: Remembering a scientific pioneer.Ingo Brigandt, L. A. Katz, V. Nanjundiah, S. F. Gilbert, P. R. Grant, B. R. Grant, Alan Love, S. A. Newman & M. J. West-Eberhard - 2019 - Journal of Experimental Evolution (Mol Dev Evol) 332:365-370.
    Throughout his life, John Tyler Bonner contributed to major transformations in the fields of developmental and evolutionary biology. He pondered the evolution of complexity and the significance of randomness in evolution, and was instrumental in the formation of evolutionary developmental biology. His contributions were vast, ranging from highly technical scientific articles to numerous books written for a broad audience. This historical vignette gathers reflections by several prominent researchers on the greatness of John Bonner and the implications of his work.
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  29.  14
    Fostering inquiry in nonlaboratory settings.E. L. Ingram, E. Lehman, A. C. Love & K. M. Polacek - 2004 - Journal of College Science Teaching 34:39-43.
    Inquiry is an important learning strategy, even for students who cannot or do not perform actual experiments. The authors describe two activities, other than experimentation, that they used in introductory biology learning groups to emphasize inquiry abilities. They also provide recommendations for creating additional inquiry activities.
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  30.  36
    LAT: a T lymphocyte adapter protein that couples the antigen receptor to downstream signaling pathways.Connie L. Sommers, Lawrence E. Samelson & Paul E. Love - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (1):61-67.
    Adapter molecules in a variety of signal transduction systems link receptors to a limited number of commonly used downstream signaling pathways. During T‐cell development and mature T‐cell effector function, a multichain receptor (the pre‐T‐cell antigen receptor or the T‐cell antigen receptor) activates several protein tyrosine kinases. Receptor and kinase activation is linked to distal signaling pathways (PLC‐γ1 activation, Ca2+ influx, PKC activation and Ras/Erk activation) via the adapter protein LAT (Linker for Activation of T cells). Structure/function studies of LAT including (...)
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    Simplement humains: mieux vaut préserver l'humanité que l'améliorer.Laurence Hansen-Love - 2019 - La Tour d'Aigues: Éditions de l'Aube.
    La planète est exténuée. L'humanité dans son ensemble traverse une mauvaise passe. A tel point que certains chercheurs professent l'effondrement, voire la fin de notre civilisation. Ces lanceurs d'alerte cosmique ne sont pas de simples illuminés. Ils comptent parmi eux des intellectuels de renom et des savants influents. Dans le même état d'esprit, des ingénieurs futuristes, anticipant une évolution qu'ils jugent inéluctable, programment le remplacement de notre espèce par des créatures hybrides d'un nouveau genre, humains augmentés ou améliorés. Demain, assurent-ils, (...)
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  32. "Word/Image/Psyche": Bettina L. Knapp. [REVIEW]P. N. Humble - 1986 - British Journal of Aesthetics 26 (2):182.
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    Explaining the origins of multicellularity: between evolutionary dynamics and developmental mechanisms.A. C. Love - 2016 - In K. J. Niklas & S. A. Newman, Multicellularity: Origins and Evolution. MIT press. pp. 279–295.
    Overview The evolution of multicellularity raises questions regarding genomic and developmental commonalities and discordances, selective advantages and disadvantages, physical determinants of development, and the origins of morphological novelties. It also represents a change in the definition of individuality, because a new organism emerges from interactions among single cells. This volume considers these and other questions, with contributions that explore the origins and consequences of the evolution of multicellularity, addressing a range of topics, organisms, and experimental protocols. Each section focuses on (...)
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  34.  74
    The ethical and economic implications of smoking in enclosed public facilities: A resolution of conflicting rights. [REVIEW]S. Andrew Ostapski, L. Wayne Plumly & J. L. Love - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (4):377-384.
    Smokers and nonsmokers possess equal rights but those rights conflict with each other in the use of shared facilities. Medical research has established that smoking harms not only those who use the product but also those who are passively exposed to it. Laws and private regulation of smoking in shared facilities have resulted in the segregation of smokers from nonsmokers to an outright ban of tobacco use. Such controls have provided unsatisfactory results to both groups. An acceptable ethical solution, based (...)
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  35. VIDARI G. L' individualismo nelle dottrine morali del secolo XIX. [REVIEW]E. Love - 1909 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 1:II:338.
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  36. La philosophie des formes symboliques, Les Editions de Minuit, 3 vol.Ernst Cassirer, O. Hansen-Love & J. Lacoste - 1974 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 164 (2):244-245.
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  37. Platonic love.L. Aryeh Kosman - 1976 - In William Henry Werkmeister, Facets of Plato's philosophy. Assen: Van Gorcum. pp. 53--69.
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  38. Love and Power: Grau and Pury (2014) as a Case Study in the Challenges of X-Phi Replication.Edouard Machery, Christopher Grau & Cynthia L. Pury - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology (4):1-17.
    Grau and Pury (Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 5, 155–168, 2014) reported that people’s views about love are related to their views about reference. This surprising effect was however not replicated in Cova et al.’s (in press) replication study. In this article, we show that the replication failure is probably due to the replication’s low power and that a metaanalytic reanalysis of the result in Cova et al. suggests that the effect reported in Grau and Pury is real. We (...)
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    The Love Which Love’s Knowledge Knows Not: Nussbaum’s Evasion of Christianity.L. Gregory Jones - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (2):323-337.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE LOVE WHICH LOVE'S KNOWLEDGE KNOWS NOT: NUSSBAUM'S EVASION OF CHRISTIANITY L. GREGORY JONES Loyola College Baltimore, Maryland WITH THE PUBLICATION in 1986 of The Fragilty of Goodness, Martha Nussbaum established herelf as a central figure on the intellectual stage.1 The book is elegantly written and eloquently argued, one of those rare books whose depth of insight is coupled with an ease of expression. Equally at home (...)
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  40. Compassionate love.L. G. Underwood - forthcoming - Encyclopedia of Bioethics.
  41.  12
    Love Itself: In the Letter Box.H.?L.?ne Cixous - 2008 - Polity.
    Love's memories, love recalling itself in letters lost and found over an interval of forty years: Cixous's writer-narrator advances here far into a labyrinth of passions long ago delivered and yet still arriving through the mail, through letters and literature, in other words, the poetry of the post. As for the lovers' returning scenes, they have their addresses in Paris and in New York, but also in a lost oasis of the Egyptian desert during the Napoleonic wars, in (...)
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  42.  76
    Deceptive love: Kierkegaard on mystification and deceiving into the truth.Mark L. McCreary - 2011 - Journal of Religious Ethics 39 (1):25-47.
    This article explains and assesses a particular method of loving others that is espoused by Søren Kierkegaard. In his later works, Kierkegaard advocates a kind of deceptive love whereby one mystifies or deceives another person for that other person's own good. The theological underpinning of this mode of love is found in the imitation of Christ. In other words, just as Jesus adopted an incognito, so also Christians should, at times, appear different or lowlier in order to help (...)
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  43.  50
    Mencius' Refutation of Yang Zhu and Mozi and the Theoretical Implication of Confucian Benevolence and Love.L. I. Jinglin - 2010 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 5 (2):155-178.
    Confucianism defined benevolence with “feelings” and “love.” “Feelings” in Confucianism can be mainly divided into three categories: feelings in general, love for one’s relatives, and compassion. The seven kinds of feeling in which people respond to things can be summarized as “likes and dislikes.” The mind responds to things through feelings; based on the mind of benevolence and righteousness or feelings of compassion, the expression of feelings can conform to the principle of the mean and reach the integration (...)
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  44.  69
    Love is the triumph of the imagination: Daydreams about significant others are associated with increased happiness, love and connection.Giulia L. Poerio, Peter Totterdell, Lisa-Marie Emerson & Eleanor Miles - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33:135-144.
  45.  56
    Love and the Patriarch: Augustine and (Pregnant) Women.Patricia L. Grosse - 2017 - Hypatia 32 (1):119-134.
    Theories concerning love in the West tend to be bound by the problematic constraints of patriarchal conceptions of what counts ontologically as “true” or “universal” love. It seems that feminist love studies must choose between shining light on these constraints or bursting through them. In this article I give a feminist analysis of Augustine of Hippo's theory of love through a philosophical, psychological, and theological reading of his complicated relationships with women. I argue that, given the (...)
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  46. (1 other version)Cultivating loving kindness: A two-stage model of the effects of meditation on empathy, compassion, and altruism.Jean L. Kristeller & Thomas Johnson - 2005 - Zygon 40 (2):391-408.
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    Love and the Patriarch: Augustine and Women.Patricia L. Grosse - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (4).
    Theories concerning love in the West tend to be bound by the problematic constraints of patriarchal conceptions of what counts ontologically as “true” or “universal” love. It seems that feminist love studies must choose between shining light on these constraints or bursting through them. In this article I give a feminist analysis of Augustine of Hippo's theory of love through a philosophical, psychological, and theological reading of his complicated relationships with women. I argue that, given the (...)
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  48.  16
    Love in Action: Agreements in a Large Microfinance Bank that Scale Ecosystem-Wide Flourishing, Organizational Impact, and Total Value Generated.James L. Ritchie-Dunham, Sheri Chaney Jones, JoAnn Flett, Katy Granville-Chapman, Alyssa Pettey, Harley Vossler & Matthew T. Lee - 2024 - Humanistic Management Journal 9 (2):231-246.
    Scaling ecosystem-wide flourishing, organizational impact, and the total value generated across an organization’s ecosystem of stakeholders is a manifestation of love in action. Many organizations are figuring out how. With a large, longitudinal dataset this research is uncovering the agreements enabling that scaling. This research note highlights the research design and early findings. The research design is based on interviews, surveys, and systemic strategy. Strategic systems assessment, stakeholder interviews, workshops with leadership, calibration with functional leaders were used to determine (...)
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  49. A Minimalist Account of Love.Getty L. Lustila - 2021 - In Rachel Fedock, Michael Kühler & T. Raja Rosenhagen, Love, Justice, and Autonomy: Philosophical Perspectives. Routledge. pp. 61-78.
    There is a prima facie conflict between the values of love and autonomy. How can we bind ourselves to a person and still enjoy the fruits of self-determination? This chapter argues that the solution to this conflict lies in recognizing that love is the basis of autonomy: one must love a person in order to truly appreciate their autonomy. To make this case, this chapter defends a minimalist account of love, according to which love is (...)
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  50.  42
    Love, Anger, and Peace: Social Practice and Poetic Play in the Ending of Yvain.Fredric L. Cheyette & Howell Chickering - 2005 - Speculum 80 (1):75-117.
    The pace and import of this passage have severely tested modern critics' sense of a satisfying conclusion. In 1981 Leslie Topsfield wrote, “The ending of Yvain is unconvincing, and Chrétien's commonplace references to the mutual joy and peace without end of Yvain and Laudine leave some doubt whether he did not see in this conclusion the patching together of a story which on its higher level of meaning had transcended its narrative framework.” In 2001 Joseph Duggan argued that the reconciliation (...)
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