Results for 'Henrietta Bolló'

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  1.  37
    Pride and Social Status.Henrietta Bolló, Beáta Bőthe, István Tóth-Király & Gábor Orosz - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:386264.
    Pride is a status-related self-conscious emotion. The present study aimed to investigate the nature of status behind pridein four studies with using the two-facet model of pride, status maintenance strategies and with differentiating subjective social status (SSS) and objective social status (OSS). In Study 1 and 2 we used questionnaire methods with structural equation modeling (SEM) in order to identify the relationship patterns between SSS, OSS, status maintenance strategies and pride. In Study 3 and 4 we used vignette methods and (...)
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    The Role of Subjective and Objective Social Status in the Generation of Envy.Henrietta Bolló, Dzsenifer Roxána Háger, Manuel Galvan & Gábor Orosz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Envy is a negative emotion experienced in response to another person’s higher status. However, little is known about the composition of its most important element: status. The present research investigates the two main forms of social status in the generation of envy. In Study 1, participants recounted real-life situations when they felt envious; in Study 2 we examined whether the effect was the same in a controlled situation. We consistently found that those who were the most respected in the eyes (...)
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    Policy and impact of public museums in China : exploring new trends and challenges.Sofia Bollo & Yu Zhang - 2017 - Museum International 69 (3-4):26-37.
    In a commercialised and globalised China, museum institutions are pivotal elements in public strategies to present and create national self‐consciousness, insofar as their vast collections provide symbols of cultural identification on a national as well as an international level. This article will explore Chinese public museum policy and impact, firstly by describing the current status of the system as background information; secondly, by presenting the most recent trends in museum strategies and finally, by replacing the challenges and complexities of the (...)
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    Letters to and From Henrietta, Countess of Suffolk, and Her Second Husband, the Hon. George Berkeley: From 1712 to 1767; Volume 1.Henrietta Hobart Howard Suffolk, John Wilson Croker & George Berkeley - 2022 - Legare Street Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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  5. De publieke sfeer in de 21e eeuw. Hannah Arendt als gids voor professionals.Henriëtta Joosten (ed.) - 2019 - Leusden: ISVW.
    -- Met voorwoord van Peter-Paul Verbeek -- Onze wereld wordt alsmaar digitaler. Informatie- en communicatietechnologie (ICT) heeft een ongekende invloed op ons dagelijks leven. We raken gewend aan omgevingen die op onze voorkeuren en zoekgeschiedenis zijn afgestemd, en verliezen daardoor de gemeenschappelijke wereld langzaam maar zeker uit het oog. De toename van ICT maakt het publieke gesprek steeds lastiger. De smartphone slokt de samenleving op. De publieke sfeer, van oudsher de vrijhaven voor democratisch overleg, staat onder druk. Filosoof Henriëtta Joosten (...)
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    Circuits of Time: Enacting Postgenomics in Indigenous Australia.Henrietta Byrne, Emma Kowal, Jaya Keaney & Megan Warin - 2023 - Body and Society 29 (2):20-48.
    Some Indigenous Australians have embraced developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD) and epigenetic discourses to highlight the legacies of slow violence in a settler colonial context. Despite important differences between Indigenous and scientific knowledges, some Indigenous scholars are positioning DOHaD and epigenetics as a resource to benefit their communities. This article argues that time plays a crucial role of brokering disparate knowledge spaces in Indigenous discourses of postgenomics, with both Indigenous cosmological frames and DOHaD/epigenetics centring a circular temporal model. (...)
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  7. Learning and Teaching in Uncertain Times: A Nietzschean Approach in Professional Higher Education.Henriëtta Joosten - 2013 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 47 (4):548-563.
    Today professionals have to deal with more uncertainties in their field than before. We live in complex and rapidly changing environments. The British philosopher Ronald Barnett adds the term ‘supercomplexity’ to highlight the fact that ‘we can no longer be sure how even to describe the world that faces us’ (Barnett, 2004). Uncertainty is, nevertheless, not a highly appreciated notion. An obvious response to uncertainty is to reduce it—or even better, to wipe it away. The assumption of this approach is (...)
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  8.  48
    Excellence for All: A Nietzschean-inspired approach in professional higher education.Henriëtta Joosten - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (13-14):1516-1528.
    Europe’s objectives of economic growth and job creation require large numbers of professionals who are willing and able to innovate and rise above themselves. In this article, a concept of excellence is developed that can be broadly applied in professional higher education. This concept of excellence derives from three concepts which the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche developed in The Gay Science : self-transcendence, self-control and self-styling. By starting with Nietzsche’s radical thoughts, the author aims to grasp the probabilities and challenges (...)
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  9.  13
    Outdoor Education and Its Influence on The Successful Involvement of Pupils in The Social Life.Henrietta Torkos & Anca Manuela Egerau - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (4):127-143.
    One of the main priorities of current educational systems is a strong connection between education provided by schools and the requirements of a successful integration in the social life and work field. This article offers the teachers’ perspective on the various ways in which outdoor learning can be useful in creating teaching-learning situations that prepare pupils to be active citizens and to have smoother integration in the social life and this way, on the labor market. The findings of a brief (...)
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    Anthropological theory today.Henrietta L. Moore (ed.) - 1999 - Malden, MA: Polity Press.
    This important book makes a bold statement about the nature and value of anthropological theory at the beginning of the 21st century.
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    The fantasies of cosmopolitanism.Henrietta Moore - 2012 - In Rosi Braidotti, Patrick Hanafin & Bolette Blaagaard, After cosmopolitanism. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, a Glasshouse book. pp. 97.
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  12. Do philosophers of education dare be inspired by forerunners such as Nietzsche? – Transformation of the mind towards an affirmative and generative awareness.Henriëtta Joosten - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1418-1419.
    What comes after postmodernism and how will this affect educational theory and, I would add, educational practices? I will take up these challenging questions by interpreting present times as a period of transformation towards a new kind of awareness. Nietzsche—for some the father of postmodernity, for me a visionary thinker who ‘presenced’ what was coming—has already explored this transformation.
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  13. De publieke dimensie van het hbo.Henrietta Joosten - 2017 - OnderwijsInnovatie 3:34-37.
    Hogescholen zijn dienstbaar aan de samenleving, zo valt te lezen in de strategische onderwijsagenda van het hoger beroepsonderwijs. Maar wat houdt deze publieke functie precies in? Het gedachtegoed van politiek denker Hannah Arendt biedt docenten en beleidsmakers ten minste drie handelingsperspectieven. De auteur illustreert deze drie perspectieven met voorbeelden uit de onderwijspraktijk.
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  14. Professionals opleiden in én voor onzekere tijden. Een nietzscheaanse aanpak in het beroepsonderwijs.Henriëtta Joosten - 2012 - Filosofie En Praktijk 33 (4):33-48.
    Wat zou er veranderen in de wijze waarop het onderwijs gewend is professionals op te leiden als docenten erkennen dat de toekomst onkenbaar en onzeker is? In plaats van de onzekerheid te problematiseren – onzekerheid is een probleem waarmee de professional heeft te dealen – vraag ik mij af of het ook mogelijk is om onzekerheid als een rijke bron van mogelijkheden te zien. Ik maak hierbij gebruik van het onderscheid dat de Duitse filosoof Friedrich Nietzsche maakt tussen het streven (...)
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  15.  16
    Responsible Business Conduct in Commodity Trading—A Multidisciplinary Review.Henrietta Dorfmüller, Wangui Kimotho, Isabel Ebert, Pascal Dey & Florian Wettstein - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 195 (3):449-473.
    Responsible business conduct (RBC)—the corporate activities and initiatives that proactively address corporate involvement in human rights, environmental, and governance threats—has become an increasingly used means to counteract and prevent adverse effects of global businesses. Unlike other business sectors whose adverse impacts and RBC efforts (or lack thereof) are well documented, a comprehensive understanding of the state of commodity trading (CT), has been missing. In response, this paper uses a multidisciplinary literature review to provide an integrative understanding of the current state (...)
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  16. And Walk in Love.Henrietta Buckmaster - 1956
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    A Dempster–Shafer model of imprecise assertion strategies.Henrietta Eyre & Jonathan Lawry - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (4):458-479.
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    Citizens´initiatives in an onlife world: Designing for the revitalisation of the public sphere.Henrietta Joosten - 2017 - Proceedings of CeDEM2017.
    Citizen participation is booming, especially the number of urban bottom-up initiatives where information and communication technologies (ICT) are deployed is increasing rapidly. This growth is good news for society as recent historical research shows that the more citizens actively and persistently interfere with public issues, the more likely a society will be resilient. And yet, at the same time, a growing number of scholars argue that due to the unprecedented impact of ICT, the public sphere is at stake. How to (...)
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  19. The historical vs. the deductive method in.Henrietta Leonard - unknown
    The offering which the most prominent leader of the younger generation of the historical school has made to the founder and head of that school, Wilhelm Roscher, at the fiftieth anniversary of his doctorate, is a most fitting tribute. It is as if Schmoller had presented a laurel- wreathed portrait of the veteran's intellectual self. A vigorous sketch, which forms the centre of the book, shows Roscher's place and significance in political economy, and around this Schmoller has set a frame (...)
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    The Treasury of Mathematics.Henrietta O. Midonick - 1964 - Philosophy East and West 14 (3):383-383.
  21. Anthropology and Cross‐Cultural Analysis.Henrietta L. Moore - 1992 - In Elizabeth Wright, Feminism and psychoanalysis: a critical dictionary. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell. pp. 3--9.
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  22. Desire, Agency and Subjectivity : A Renewal of Theoretical Thinking.Henrietta L. Moore - 2015 - In Lisette Josephides, Knowledge and ethics in anthropology: obligations and requirements. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing, Plc.
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    ‘Divided We Stand’: Sex, Gender and Sexual Difference.Henrietta Moore - 1994 - Feminist Review 47 (1):78-95.
    This article was originally presented as a paper, and since much of what it discusses turns on problems of position, location, self-representation and representativity, I have decided to leave it, as far as is possible, in its original form. Extensive use of the first person pronoun is frowned on in the contexts in which I am used to working, but I have deliberately retained it in this text to try and convey a sense of particularity, of myself speaking in a (...)
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    Super-diversity and the prosperous society.Henrietta L. Moore & Nikolay Mintchev - 2018 - European Journal of Social Theory 21 (1):117-134.
    This article asks if and under what conditions ethnic diversity could become the foundation for a prosperous society. Recent studies on ethnic diversity and social cohesion suggest that diversity has a negative effect on social cohesion and therefore is detrimental to the social prosperity of individuals and communities. This article argues that although such a negative correlation may apply to contexts with well-consolidated ethnic groups, it does not necessarily apply to ‘super-diverse’ places with multiple small ethnic groups and multiple social, (...)
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  25. The problems of origins: poststructuralism and beyond.Henrietta Moore - 1995 - In Ian Hodder, Interpreting archaeology: finding meaning in the past. New York: Routledge. pp. 51--53.
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  26. Hitting the ground conferencing : the importance of establishing a research agenda early.Henrietta Williams Pichon - 2021 - In Noran L. Moffett, Navigating post-doctoral career placement, research, and professionalism. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
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    Landscape after Landscape: Before the Genre and Beyond the View.Henrietta Simson - 2017 - Environment, Space, Place 9 (1):111-135.
    Abstract:This article is contextualised by the ideological implications surrounding the notion of landscape, including the relationship between its genre in painting and the development of European capitalism. It proposes the idea of the landscape fragment derived from the background scenery of early Italian painting, which stands in counterpoint to assumptions about the genre. These early landscape spaces are pertinent because they are not considered ‘landscape’ as such and are not constructed by entrenched Cartesian dualisms. I argue it is possible to (...)
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    The epigenetic basis for embryonic stem cell pluripotency.Henrietta Szutorisz & Niall Dillon - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (12):1286-1293.
    As well as having the remarkable ability to differentiate into all of the cell types in the embryo, embryonic stem (ES) cells also have the capacity to divide and self‐renew. Maintenance of pluripotency through repeated cell divisions indicates that the developmental plasticity of ES cells has a specific epigenetic basis. We propose that tightly localised regions of histone modification are formed in ES cells by binding of sequence‐specific transcription factors at genes that are destined for expression at later stages of (...)
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  29.  13
    Students Opinion on the Values of Intercultural Education as Education for Future in Primary School.Henrietta Torkos & Anca Manuela Egerău - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (3):86-105.
    Intercultural education is an education of interpersonal relationships, which involves members of different cultures, whose fundamental objective is to increase the effectiveness of intercultural relations, to increase the degree of openness, tolerance, acceptance of others. The integration of intercultural education in the school space is a complex and not at all easy process, which requires specific skills and approaches from teachers. Pupils, from the earliest ages, namely, primary schools, should be able to appreciate the richness of a diverse range of (...)
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    (1 other version)Music and science as media of rationality.Henrietta J. Wolfe - 1933 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 11 (4):275 – 284.
    “Music is a loftier Revelation than all Wisdom and all Philosophy .” BEETHOVEN.
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    The Invisible Smile: Living Without Facial Expression.Jonathan Cole & Henrietta Spalding - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    We are defined by our faces. They give identity but, equally importantly, reveal our moods and emotions through facial expression. So what happens when the face cannot move? This book is about people who live with Mbius Syndrome, which has as its main feature an absence of movement of the muscles of facial expression from birth.
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    The Book of the Crown (Kitāb al-Iklīl) of Pseudo-Rhazes: A Facsimile Edition and Annotated English Translation.Oliver Kahl & Henrietta Sharp Cockrell - 2023 - BRILL.
    In “The Book of the Crown (_Kitāb al-Iklīl_) of pseudo-Rhazes” Oliver Kahl and Henrietta Sharp Cockrell offer a facsimile edition, with annotated English translation and introductory study, of a unique and highly unusual medieval Arabic medical text.
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    Cultural Values and Volunteering: A Cross-cultural Comparison of Students’ Motivation to Volunteer in 13 Countries. [REVIEW]Henrietta Grönlund, Kirsten Holmes, Chulhee Kang, Ram A. Cnaan, Femida Handy, Jeffrey L. Brudney, Debbie Haski-Leventhal, Lesley Hustinx, Meenaz Kassam, Lucas C. P. M. Meijs, Anne Birgitta Pessi, Bhangyashree Ranade, Karen A. Smith, Naoto Yamauchi & Siniša Zrinščak - 2011 - Journal of Academic Ethics 9 (2):87-106.
    Voluntary participation is connected to cultural, political, religious and social contexts. Social and societal factors can provide opportunities, expectations and requirements for voluntary activity, as well as influence the values and norms promoting this. These contexts are especially central in the case of voluntary participation among students as they are often responding to the societal demands for building a career and qualifying for future assignments and/or government requirements for completing community service. This article questions how cultural values affect attitudes towards (...)
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Henrietta Schwartz, Ronald D. Cohen, James J. Shields Jr, Mazoor Ahmed, Albert E. Bender, Paul J. Schafer, Charles S. Ungerleider, Andrew T. Kopan, Joseph Watras, George A. Letchworth, Ronald M. Brown, John H. Walker, Ralph B. Kimbrough, C. O. X. Roy L. & Raymond Martin - unknown
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  35. WE_MIND: curriculumontwikkeling gericht op ethiek, innovatie en publieke dialoog.Wiet Verkooijen & Henrietta Joosten - 2022 - Tijdschrift Voor Hoger Onderwijs 40 (3/4):84-99.
    In dit artikel delen wij onze ervaringen met het ontwikkelen van de onderwijsmodule: we_mind. Binnen deze module gaan minor- en masterstudenten aan de slag met een innovatievraagstuk uit de eigen beroepspraktijk. Hierbij gaan studenten met medeburgers een publieke dialoog aan over de gevolgen van deze innovatie voor de samenleving. De beschreven ervaringen in dit artikel zijn gebaseerd op een pilot met masterstudenten, een zelfevaluatie en de doorontwikkeling van het moduleontwerp. Met dit artikel nodigen we docenten, onderwijsontwikkelaars, bestuurders, opleidingsverantwoordelijken en beleidsmedewerkers (...)
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  36. Moraliteit programmeren? Financiële ethiek en fintech.Aloy Soppe, Henrietta Joosten & Koos Wagensveld - 2021 - Maandblad Voor Accountancy En Bedrijfseconomie 95 (9/10):321-327.
    Financiële technologische ontwikkeling, de zogeheten fintech, is hot en happening. De ontwikkelingen gaan snel maar leiden geregeld tot moreel kwetsbare praktijken. Een geautomatiseerd systeem de schuld geven van economische uitbuiting, uitsluiting en privacyschending is onzinnig. De auteurs gaan in op de vraag wat de rol van financiële ethiek (nog) is als de besluitvorming en gedragssturing bij en in het ontwerp van allerlei systemen (grotendeels) vooraf bepaald wordt. -/- Dit artikel is relevant voor financieel professionals die fintech vormgeven en/of gebruiken. Helaas (...)
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    Reform and community care: has de-institutionalisation delivered for people with intellectual disability?Beverley Burrell & Henrietta Trip - 2011 - Nursing Inquiry 18 (2):174-183.
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  38. The Ethics of Judaism.M. Lazarus & Henrietta Szold - 1902 - International Journal of Ethics 12 (2):247-251.
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  39. Practicable Socialism.Samuel Barnett & Henrietta Barnett - 1895 - International Journal of Ethics 5 (4):530-531.
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    Myth sequences from the Kojiki: A structural study.Henrietta de Veer - 1976 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 3 (2-3):175-214.
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  41. The Young Worker Project renewed.John Goodwin & Henrietta O'Connor - 2003 - In Eric Dunning & Stephen Mennell, Norbert Elias. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE.
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  42. Vasiliĭ Rozanov i evrei.E. Kurganov, Henrietta Mondry & Gumanitarnoe Agentstvo "Akademicheskii Proekt" - 2000 - Sankt-Peterburg: Akademicheskiĭ proekt. Edited by Henrietta Mondry.
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    Patient-Focused Healing: Integrating Caring and Curing in Health Care.Nancy Moore & Henrietta Komras - 1993 - Jossey-Bass.
    Providing a groundbreaking approach to reinventing health care, this book is a practical guide to placing patient healing back at the center of the hospital's mission. Drawing on a wealth of practical experience, the authors show health care professionals how to decrease costs and improve quality by restructuring hospital services around patients and their needs and by utilizing design and architecture to enhance the healing environment. Using the core concepts of systems theory, extensive research, and lessons from pioneering hospitals, they (...)
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  44. Altered Brain Microstate Dynamics in Adolescents with Narcolepsy.Natasha M. Drissi, Attila Szakács, Suzanne T. Witt, Anna Wretman, Martin Ulander, Henriettae Ståhlbrandt, Niklas Darin, Tove Hallböök, Anne-Marie Landtblom & Maria Engström - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Refusing epigenetics: indigeneity and the colonial politics of trauma.Emma Kowal, Megan Warin, Henrietta Byrne & Jaya Keaney - 2023 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 46 (1):1-23.
    Environmental epigenetics is increasingly employed to understand the health outcomes of communities who have experienced historical trauma and structural violence. Epigenetics provides a way to think about traumatic events and sustained deprivation as biological “exposures” that contribute to ill-health across generations. In Australia, some Indigenous researchers and clinicians are embracing epigenetic science as a framework for theorising the slow violence of colonialism as it plays out in intergenerational legacies of trauma and illness. However, there is dispute, contention, and caution as (...)
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    Corrigendum: Altered Brain Microstate Dynamics in Adolescents With Narcolepsy.Natasha M. Drissi, Attila Szakács, Suzanne T. Witt, Anna Wretman, Martin Ulander, Henriettae Ståhlbrandt, Niklas Darin, Tove Hallböök, Anne-Marie Landtblom & Maria Engström - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  47. The History of Mathematics.Joseph E. Hofmann, Frank Gaynor & Henrietta P. Midonick - 1959 - Philosophy of Science 26 (4):378-379.
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    Conceptual differences amongst the data collection instruments used in clinical audit.Anthony Hopkins, Penny Irwin & Henrietta Wallace - 1996 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2 (2):153-156.
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    Stress and Dyadic Coping in Personal Projects of Couples – A Pattern-Oriented Analysis.Tamás Martos, Viola Sallay, Marianna Nagy, Henrietta Gregus & Orsolya Filep - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    An exploration of the practice, policy and legislative issues of the specialist area of nursing people with intellectual disability: A scoping review.Kate O'Reilly, Peter Lewis, Michele Wiese, Linda Goddard, Henrietta Trip, Jenny Conder, David Charnock, Zhen Lin, Hayden Jaques & Nathan J. Wilson - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (4):e12258.
    The specialist field of intellectual disability nursing has been subjected to a number of changes since the move towards deinstitutionalisation from the 1970s. Government policies sought to change the nature of the disability workforce from what was labelled as a medicalised approach, towards a more socially oriented model of support. Decades on however, many nurses who specialise in the care of people with intellectual disability are still employed. In Australia, the advent of the National Disability Insurance Scheme offers an apt (...)
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