Results for 'Junichi Matsushita'

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  1.  28
    Comprehensive Reform of Japanese Personal Insolvency Law.Junichi Matsushita - 2006 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 7 (2):555-564.
    The project of the comprehensive reform of Japanese insolvency law started in October 1996. After many enactments and amendments, there are now two types of judicial proceedings for personal insolvencies in Japanese insolvency law. The first category is straight bankruptcy proceedings in which the debtor can be discharged; the other is special Civil Rehabilitation proceedings for individual debtors. In this Article, I will first give a brief overview of the special Civil Rehabilitation proceedings for individual debtors, including a short description (...)
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  2. Matsushita Kōnosuke jitsugoroku.Kōnosuke Matsushita - 1974
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  3.  35
    Bone regeneration via skeletal cell lineage plasticity: All hands mobilized for emergencies.Yuki Matsushita, Wanida Ono & Noriaki Ono - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (1):2000202.
    An emerging concept is that quiescent mature skeletal cells provide an important cellular source for bone regeneration. It has long been considered that a small number of resident skeletal stem cells are solely responsible for the remarkable regenerative capacity of adult bones. However, recent in vivo lineage‐tracing studies suggest that all stages of skeletal lineage cells, including dormant pre‐adipocyte‐like stromal cells in the marrow, osteoblast precursor cells on the bone surface and other stem and progenitor cells, are concomitantly recruited to (...)
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    Endosteal stem cells at the bone‐blood interface: A double‐edged sword for rapid bone formation.Yuki Matsushita, Jialin Liu, Angel Ka Yan Chu, Wanida Ono, Joshua D. Welch & Noriaki Ono - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (3):2300173.
    Endosteal stem cells are a subclass of bone marrow skeletal stem cell populations that are particularly important for rapid bone formation occurring in growth and regeneration. These stem cells are strategically located near the bone surface in a specialized microenvironment of the endosteal niche. These stem cells are abundant in young stages but eventually depleted and replaced by other stem cell types residing in a non‐endosteal perisinusoidal niche. Single‐cell molecular profiling and in vivo cell lineage analyses play key roles in (...)
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  5. An additive representation on the product of complete, continuous extensive structures.Yutaka Matsushita - 2010 - Theory and Decision 69 (1):1-16.
    This article develops an axiom system to justify an additive representation for a preference relation ${\succsim}$ on the product ${\prod_{i=1}^{n}A_{i}}$ of extensive structures. The axiom system is basically similar to the n-component (n ≥ 3) additive conjoint structure, but the independence axiom is weakened in the system. That is, the axiom exclusively requires the independence of the order for each of single factors from fixed levels of the other factors. The introduction of a concatenation operation on each factor A i (...)
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  6.  34
    Business Ethics and Corporate Governance in Japanese Corporations.Junichi Mizuo - 1999 - Business and Society Review 102-102 (1):65-79.
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  7. Atarashii ningenkan no teishō.Kōnosuke Matsushita - 1975 - Kyōto: PHP Kenkyūjo. Edited by Kōnosuke Matsushita.
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  8.  14
    From Beowulf to Caxton: Studies in Medieval Languages and Literature, Texts and Manuscripts.Tomonori Matsushita, Aubrey Vincent Carlyle Schmidt & David Wallace (eds.) - 2011 - Peter Lang.
    Senshu University has hosted many international conferences on medieval English literature - primarily on Geoffrey Chaucer and William Langland - as well as in the related fields of Old Germanic, medieval French and Renaissance Italian literature. These international collaborations inform and contribute to the present volume, which addresses the heritage bequeathed to medieval English language and literature by the classical world.<BR> This volume explores the development of medieval English literature in light of contact with Germanic and Old Norse cultures, on (...)
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  9. Gendai kyōiku wa ikani ugoku ka.Kazumi Matsushita - 1976
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    Hyōshō to shite no gengo to chishiki: ningen keisei no kisoteki chihei.Haruhiko Matsushita - 1999 - Tōkyō: Kazama Shobō.
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    Ningen o kangaeru.Kōnosuke Matsushita - 1972
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  12. Ningengaku.Kazumi Matsushita - 1950
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  13. PHP no kotoba.Kōnosuke Matsushita - 1975
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    Rinri e keishashita "ningen sonzai e no tankyū".Hachirō Matsushita - 1991 - Tōkyō: Hokuju Shuppan.
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  15. Rokku "Shimin seifuron" o yomu.Keiichi Matsushita - 1987 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  16.  10
    Songxia tan ren sheng.Kōnosuke Matsushita - 1988 - [Beijing]: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao. Edited by Anyu Chen.
    松下幸之助是日本著名的企业家,他除了出色地进行经营管理之外,还在晚年以谈话录的形式,对人生的各种问题进行了总结。本书是从他的谈话集中精选的,涉及到奠定人生大厦的基石、智慧的思考、处理人际关系、不怕挫折 、领导艺术等多方面的内容。.
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  17.  25
    Toward an ecological view of learning: Cultivating learners in a data-driven society.Ryohei Matsushita - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (2):116-125.
    Although modern education is expected to solve social problems, it has brought about new problems. While theoretical critiques of education have not always been successful, with the transition to a data-driven society, education as a historical product is actually losing its efficacy. However, this does not mean that acquisition of knowledge and skills is becoming unnecessary. Prompted by the need to change the purpose of public education, we are forced to rethink the nature of education boldly. Competency-based education, as advocated (...)
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  18.  10
    Thoughts on man.Kōnosuke Matsushita - 1982 - Tokyo, Japan: PHP Institute International.
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  19.  23
    The Relationship Between Long Working Hours and Stress Responses in Junior High School Teachers: A Nationwide Survey in Japan.Masateru Matsushita & Schuhei Yamamura - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Long working hours and mental health problems among teachers are a concern in Japan. More specifically, it has been reported that junior high school teachers tend to work overtime. In this study, examined the working hours of junior high school teachers in public schools and investigated the association between overtime work and stress responses across job titles.Methods: From June to December 2018, 54,772 teachers in public junior high schools completed a web-based nationwide survey regarding occupational stress and submitted self-evaluated (...)
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  20.  12
    Timescale standard to discriminate between hyperbolic and exponential discounting and construction of a nonadditive discounting model.Yutaka Matsushita - 2022 - Theory and Decision 95 (1):33-54.
    Under the presupposition that human time perception is distorted in intertemporal choice, this study constructs a time scale in the framework of axiomatic measurement. First, the conditions (homogeneity of degree one or two) to identify the form of a time scale are proposed so that one can determine whether the hyperbolic or exponential is a more suitable function for modeling people’s discounting. Homogeneity of degree one implies that subjective time delay is measured by a power scale and its discount function (...)
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  21. Consciousness and the mind-body problem.Junichi Murata - 1997 - In Masao Itō, Yasushi Miyashita & Edmund T. Rolls, Cognition, computation, and consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press.
  22. A Departure between Two Extremes: R. G. Collingwood’s Religion and Philosophy Reconsidered.Junichi Kasuga - 2011 - Idealistic Studies 41 (1):31-43.
    This paper aims to analyze R. G. Collingwood’s maiden work in philosophy, Religion and Philosophy, in the light of the realism/idealism dispute in early twentieth-century British philosophy. Due to scholars’ narrow scopes of interests, this book has suffered divided and unsettled understandings in literature that find only either realist or idealist character in it. By contrast, I comprehensively examine various aspects of the work on which both readings rest in turn—his conception of history and metaphysics. Consequently, I find out that (...)
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  23.  53
    Mental pain in the mind of a robot.Junichi Takeno & Soichiro Akimoto - 2010 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 2 (2):333-342.
    Humans normally feel physical and mental pain. In this paper, we refer to physical pain as "pain in the body" and mental pain as "pain in the mind". We took an interest in the mechanism that makes a robot feel such pain in its mind and act appropriately to the sensation of pain. We developed a neural network program called MoNAD that can explain almost all of the phenomena of human consciousness. We noted that the program outputed stable information on (...)
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  24.  57
    Collingwood on the Connexion Between the Theory of Knowledge and Moral Philosophy.Junichi Kasuga - 2010 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 16 (1-2):5-24.
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  25.  37
    Formation of R.G. Collingwood's early critique of 'realism'.Junichi Kasuga - unknown
    In spite of the evident centrality of philosophical 'realism' in Collingwood's autobiographical account of his own intellectual development, his critique of 'realism' has hardly been investigated as a central theme in his philosophy. Collingwood's arguments against contemporary 'realism' and his stated move beyond 'idealism' have mostly been treated as a minor question subordinate to other questions. By contrast, I have tried in this thesis to reconstruct Collingwood's philosophy as a critical development of the realism/idealism dispute of his day, focusing on (...)
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  26.  37
    The meta-language of politics, culture and integrity in Japan.Junichi Kawata & Melinda Papp - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (2):246-254.
    Words and phrases must be interpreted within the proper cultural and contemporary political and historical context. In particular, the language of politics is distinguished by the use of specific terms and phrases which often allude to other associated meanings. This means that caution must be exercised when interpreting the terms used not only within the context of the other language, but often also within its own linguistic context. The translator or commentator has to be familiar with the language code used (...)
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  27.  30
    On the role of emotion in rational choice.Junichi Minagawa - 2013 - Mind and Society 12 (2):235-243.
    This paper shows a role for emotion in rational choice. The key concept here is “time illusion”. The perception of the time spent on an activity is often different from the actual time spent, and depends on how enjoyable the activity is. Based on the conception that time illusion affects one’s evaluation of the opportunity cost of an activity, this paper integrates the concept into utility theory. Using this approach suggests that an activity that is perceived as less time intensive (...)
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  28.  48
    Colours and Sounds: The Field of Visual and Auditory Consciousness.Junichi Murata - 2012 - In Dan Zahavi, The Oxford handbook of contemporary phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter, which describes the spatiality of conscious phenomena, such as colours and sounds, addresses James Gibson’s ecological approach to confirm and develop further the Husserlian phenomenological view of colours and sounds. The ecological approach to perception could be regarded as an attempt to undertake empirical research corresponding to the phenomenological insight of perception. In this context, in addition to the Husserlian concept of “adumbration” and the Gibsonian concept of “ecological optics,” the differentiation of various modes of colour appearances, which (...)
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  29.  79
    Colors in the life-world.Junichi Murata - 1998 - Continental Philosophy Review 31 (3):293-305.
  30.  26
    Creativity of technology and the modernization process of Japan.Junichi Murata - 2003 - In Robert Figueroa & Sandra G. Harding, Science and other cultures: issues in philosophies of science and technology. New York: Routledge. pp. 252--67.
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  31.  90
    From Challenger to Columbia.Junichi Murata - 2006 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 10 (1):30-44.
    One of the most important tasks of engineering ethics is to give engineers the tools required to act ethically to prevent possible disastrous accidents which could result from engineers’ decisions and actions. The space shuttle Challenger disaster is referred to as a typical case in almost every textbook. This case is seen as one from which engineers can learn important lessons, as it shows impressively how engineers should act as professionals, to prevent accidents. The Columbia disaster came seventeen years later (...)
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  32.  40
    Handbook of Phenomenology and Cognitive Science.Junichi Murata - 2012 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 20 (4):579-584.
  33. Phenomenology: Japanese and American Perspectives.Junichi Murata - 1999 - Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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  34. The indeterminacy of images: An approach to a phenomenology of the imagination.Junichi Murata - 1999 - In Phenomenology: Japanese and American Perspectives. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  35.  39
    The Paradox of Pain Experiences.Junichi Murata - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 7:435.
    There are few things in our lives we dislike or hate so strongly as pain. On the other hand, the symptoms of the patients suffered from so-called congenital analgesia teach us that if we are deprived of the ability to feel pain, our lives would be unbelievably miserable and disastrous. In this way, if we try to understand the meaning and the value of pain, it seems we immediately find a paradox. The paradoxical character of pain is reflected in philosophical (...)
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  36.  28
    What Can We Learn From Fukushima?Junichi Murata - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Research 40 (Supplement):251-257.
    The accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, which occurred on the occasion of the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011, caused enormous damage to the political, social, cultural and natural environments in Japan and still continues to create problems.What can we learn from the case of Fukushima from the viewpoint of the philosophy of technology?First, I emphasize that technology is not considered a closed system constituted only of a technological factor in the narrow sense of the (...)
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  37. Wissenschaft, technik, lebenswelt.Junichi Murata - 1987 - Husserl Studies 4 (3):193-208.
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  38. On binary features in the evolution of human language.Junichi Toyota - forthcoming - Theoria Et Historia Scientiarum 9:99-113.
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  39.  13
    Sense of emptiness: an interdisciplinary approach.Junichi Toyota, Pernilla Hallonsten & Marina Shchepetunina (eds.) - 2012 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Human perception is often believed to function holistically, especially in the tradition of Gestalt psychology, involving a focused item and its surrounding. This holistic approach can allow us to explain something that is not directly experienced in our perception, meaning that the absence as well as the presence of something can have a significant impact on how we perceive the world. The way we perceive the presence is more or less the same cross-culturally, but the prominence of the absence, or (...)
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  40.  39
    (1 other version)Philosophy of Education in a New Key: Voices from Japan.Morimichi Kato, Naoko Saito, Ryohei Matsushita, Masamichi Ueno, Shigeki Izawa, Yasushi Maruyama, Hirotaka Sugita, Fumio Ono, Reiko Muroi, Yasuko Miyazaki, Jun Yamana, Michael A. Peters & Marek Tesar - forthcoming - Tandf: Educational Philosophy and Theory:1-17.
  41.  36
    A real-life illusion of assimilation in the human face: eye size illusion caused by eyebrows and eye shadow.Kazunori Morikawa, Soyogu Matsushita, Akitoshi Tomita & Haruna Yamanami - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  42.  31
    Subjective Vividness of Kinesthetic Motor Imagery Is Associated With the Similarity in Magnitude of Sensorimotor Event-Related Desynchronization Between Motor Execution and Motor Imagery.Hisato Toriyama, Junichi Ushiba & Junichi Ushiyama - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:368189.
    In the field of psychology, it has been well established that there are two types of motor imagery such as kinesthetic motor imagery (KMI) and visual motor imagery (VMI), and the subjective evaluation for vividness of motor imagery each differs across individuals. This study aimed to examine how the motor imagery ability assessed by the psychological scores is associated with the physiological measure using electroencephalogram (EEG) sensorimotor rhythm during KMI task. First, 20 healthy young individuals evaluated subjectively how vividly they (...)
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  43.  21
    Book Review Ernst Topitsch, Sozialphilosophie zwischen Ideologie und Wissenschaft, Luchterhand, 2. Auflage, 1966. [REVIEW]Junichi Aomi - 1968 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 3 (3):127-129.
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    Space and color: Toward an ecological phenomenology. [REVIEW]Murata Junichi - 2005 - Continental Philosophy Review 38 (1-2):1-17.
    Against the Newtonian view of color, according to which the world is colorless and colors are subjective sensations, phenomenologists keep insisting that colors are in the world. In order to defend this view of the “being in the world” of colors, this paper tries to elucidate the essential spatiality of colors on the basis of James’s thesis of the intrinsic spatiality of sensation, Katz’s phenomenological description of various spatial characters of color, and Gibson’s ecological optics. The noticeable correspondence between Katz’s (...)
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  45. Hōgaku gairon.Shigeru Inoue, Naoki Kobayashi & Teruo Matsushita (eds.) - 1960 - Tōkyō: Seirin Shoin.
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  46.  16
    Object’s symmetry alters spatial perspective-taking processes.Hiroyuki Muto, Soyogu Matsushita & Kazunori Morikawa - 2019 - Cognition 191 (C):103987.
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  47.  19
    Solidification of tin on quasicrystalline surfaces.Alok Singh, H. Somekawa, Y. Matsushita & A. P. Tsai - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (9):1106-1128.
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  48.  18
    Cell Adhesion Structures in Epithelial Cells Are Formed in Dynamic and Cooperative Ways.Kenta Shigetomi & Junichi Ikenouchi - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (7):1800227.
    There are many morphologically distinct membrane structures with different functions at the surface of epithelial cells. Among these, adherens junctions (AJ) and tight junctions (TJ) are responsible for the mechanical linkage of epithelial cells and epithelial barrier function, respectively. In the process of new cell–cell adhesion formation between two epithelial cells, such as after wounding, AJ form first and then TJ form on the apical side of AJ. This process is very complicated because AJ formation triggers drastic changes in the (...)
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  49.  17
    The Validity and Reliability of the Short Form of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire in Japan.Toru Takahashi, Junichi Saito, Masahiro Fujino, Masashi Sato & Hiroaki Kumano - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundA brief measure of dispositional mindfulness is important for applied research on mindfulness. Although short forms of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire, which measures the five aspects of mindfulness, have been developed worldwide, the validity and reliability of the Japanese version has not been examined. This study aims to examine the validity and reliability of the 24-item and 15-item versions of the FFMQ in Japan, which are the most widely used versions worldwide.MethodsOnline surveys were conducted for 889 adults in Japan (...)
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  50. A study of self-awareness in robots.Toshiyuki Takiguchi, Atsushi Mizunaga & Junichi Takeno - 2013 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 5 (2):145-164.
    The present paper studies self-awareness and introduces some self-awareness related incidents. It then describes the relationship between self-awareness and consciousness and explains the MoNAD, a neural network circuit developed by the authors that capably describes the phenomena of self-awareness and consciousness. A model of self-awareness is then presented. This self-awareness model is a parallel network system in which multiple independent MoNADs communicate with one another. In experiments with robots, three test robots were used: (1) a self-image robot reflected in a (...)
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