Results for 'Sabrina Reed'

985 found
  1.  42
    ‘Murder by Milligrams’: Enhancement Technologies and Therapeutic Zeal in Timothy Findley’s Headhunter”. [REVIEW]Sabrina Reed - 2012 - Journal of Medical Humanities 33 (3):161-173.
    In his 1993 novel Headhunter, Canadian author Timothy Findley describes the tendency of some medical practitioners to put scientific interests above the therapeutic needs of the individual. As the book's title and name of the main character Dr. Kurtz attest, Findley reflects the colonialist teleology found in Heart of Darkness as an analogue for the therapeutic zeal shown by many of the physicians in Headhunter. In the novel, such zeal is especially problematic when it is combined with so-called enhancement technologies, (...)
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  2. Schemes of Inference, Conflict, and Preference in a Computational Model of Argument.Floris Bex & Chris Reed - 2011 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 23 (36).
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    Argumentation Schemes.Douglas Walton, Christopher Reed & Fabrizio Macagno - 2008 - Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Chris Reed & Fabrizio Macagno.
    This book provides a systematic analysis of many common argumentation schemes and a compendium of 96 schemes. The study of these schemes, or forms of argument that capture stereotypical patterns of human reasoning, is at the core of argumentation research. Surveying all aspects of argumentation schemes from the ground up, the book takes the reader from the elementary exposition in the first chapter to the latest state of the art in the research efforts to formalize and classify the schemes, outlined (...)
  4.  43
    How Philosophers May Be Useful to Society.Thomas Reed Powell - 1921 - International Journal of Ethics 31 (3):289-302.
  5.  16
    The Asherah in the Old Testament.James B. Pritchard & William L. Reed - 1949 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 69 (3):177.
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    Speeding up to keep up: exploring the use of AI in the research process.Jennifer Chubb, Peter Cowling & Darren Reed - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (4):1439-1457.
    There is a long history of the science of intelligent machines and its potential to provide scientific insights have been debated since the dawn of AI. In particular, there is renewed interest in the role of AI in research and research policy as an enabler of new methods, processes, management and evaluation which is still relatively under-explored. This empirical paper explores interviews with leading scholars on the potential impact of AI on research practice and culture through deductive, thematic analysis to (...)
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  7.  24
    Laying the foundations for a World Wide Argument Web.Iyad Rahwan, Fouad Zablith & Chris Reed - 2007 - Artificial Intelligence 171 (10-15):897-921.
  8. Free Will and Agential Powers.Randolph Clarke & Thomas Reed - 2015 - Oxford Studies in Agency and Moral Responsibility 3:6-33.
    Free will is often said—by compatibilists and incompatibilists alike—to be a power (or complex of powers) of agents. This paper offers proposals for, and examines the prospects of, a powers-conception of free will that takes the powers in question to be causal dispositions. A difficulty for such an account stems from the idea that when one exercises free will, it is up to oneself whether one wills to do this or that. The paper also briefly considers whether a powers-conception that (...)
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    Letters.Jocalyn Lawler, Jan Reed, Erik Trell & Lena Rydin - 1994 - Health Care Analysis 2 (2):178-179.
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    Separating principles below Ramsey's theorem for pairs.Manuel Lerman, Reed Solomon & Henry Towsner - 2013 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 13 (2):1350007.
    In recent years, there has been a substantial amount of work in reverse mathematics concerning natural mathematical principles that are provable from RT, Ramsey's Theorem for Pairs. These principles tend to fall outside of the "big five" systems of reverse mathematics and a complicated picture of subsystems below RT has emerged. In this paper, we answer two open questions concerning these subsystems, specifically that ADS is not equivalent to CAC and that EM is not equivalent to RT.
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    The Self-aware Universe: How Consciousness Creates the Material World.Amit Goswami, Richard E. Reed & Maggie Goswami - 1993
    Brings together the most recent discoveries in quantum physics and provides a powerful argument for transforming not only the way we view nature, but also how we view our own personal reality. The book also challenges readers to give up their prejudices regarding material realism.
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    Methodological Reflections on Typologies for Numerical Notations.Theodore Reed Widom & Dirk Schlimm - 2012 - Science in Context 25 (2):155-195.
    Past and present societies world-wide have employed well over 100 distinct notational systems for representing natural numbers, some of which continue to play a crucial role in intellectual and cultural development today. The diversity of these notations has prompted the need for classificatory schemes, or typologies, to provide a systematic starting point for their discussion and appraisal. The present paper provides a general framework for assessing the efficacy of these typologies relative to certain desiderata, and it uses this framework to (...)
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  13.  64
    Evaluating Corroborative Evidence.Douglas Walton & Chris Reed - 2008 - Argumentation 22 (4):531-553.
    How should we evaluate an argument in which two witnesses independently testify to some claim? In fact what would happen is that the testimony of the second witness would be taken to corroborate that of the first to some extent, thereby boosting up the plausibility of the first argument from testimony. But does that commit the fallacy of double counting, because the second testimony is already taken as independent evidence supporting the claim? Perhaps the corroboration effect should be considered illogical, (...)
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  14. Counterfactuals and newcomb's paradox.Daniel Hunter & Reed Richter - 1978 - Synthese 39 (2):249 - 261.
    In their development of causal decision theory, Allan Gibbard and William Harper advocate a particular method for calculating the expected utility of an action, a method based upon the probabilities of certain counterfactuals. Gibbard and Harper then employ their method to support a two-box solution to Newcomb’s paradox. This paper argues against some of Gibbard and Harper’s key claims concerning the truth-values and probabilities of counterfactuals involved in expected utility calculations, thereby disputing their analysis of Newcomb’s Paradox. If we are (...)
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  15.  40
    Introduction: Special Issue on Business Partnerships for Development.Peter Lund-Thomsen & Darryl Reed - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (S1):1-2.
    This paper makes a contribution to ongoing debates about whether and how we can empirically assess the potential, limitations, and actual impacts of public–private partnerships (PPPs) in developing countries. Several United Nations and bilateral aid agencies have called for the development of impact assessment (IA) methodologies that can help clarify when, how, where, and for whom partnerships work. This paper scrutinizes some of the key assumptions underlying this debate, arguing that no objective ‹truth’ about the effects of PPPs can be (...)
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  16.  27
    Relative contributions of face and body configurations: Perceiving emotional state and motion intention.Betsy App, Catherine L. Reed & Daniel N. McIntosh - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (4):690-698.
  17.  13
    The ethics of leveraged management buyouts revisited.Thomas M. Jones & I. I. I. Reed O. Hunt - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (11):833-840.
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  18. Effectiveness for infinite variable words and the Dual Ramsey Theorem.Joseph S. Miller & Reed Solomon - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (4):543-555.
    We examine the Dual Ramsey Theorem and two related combinatorial principles VW(k,l) and OVW(k,l) from the perspectives of reverse mathematics and effective mathematics. We give a statement of the Dual Ramsey Theorem for open colorings in second order arithmetic and formalize work of Carlson and Simpson [1] to show that this statement implies ACA 0 over RCA 0 . We show that neither VW(2,2) nor OVW(2,2) is provable in WKL 0 . These results give partial answers to questions posed by (...)
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    Quantification of gait changes in subjects with visual height intolerance when exposed to heights.Roman Schniepp, Gã¼Nter Kugler, Max Wuehr, Maria Eckl, Doreen Huppert, Sabrina Huth, Cauchy Pradhan, Klaus Jahn & Thomas Brandt - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  20.  16
    A Escola Cínica.Brenner Brunetto Oliveira Silveira & Sabrina Paradizzo Senna - 2022 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 40.
    Segue abaixo a tradução do alemão da seção dedicada ao cinismo presente nas Lições Sobre a História da Filosofia de Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831). Na seção em questão, o filósofo alemão aborda não somente a história da escola cínica, mas também seus princípios, suas influências e a importância que esse movimento teve para o pensamento filosófico posterior – sobretudo para o estoicismo.
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    Seeing where we look: Fixation as extraretinal information.D. Alfred Owens & Edward S. Reed - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):271-272.
  22. Proceedings COMMA 2014.Simon Parsons, Nir Oren, Chris Reed & Federico Cerutti (eds.) - 2014 - IOS Press.
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  23.  18
    Lowness for isomorphism, countable ideals, and computable traceability.Johanna N. Y. Franklin & Reed Solomon - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (1):104-114.
    We show that every countable ideal of degrees that are low for isomorphism is contained in a principal ideal of degrees that are low for isomorphism by adapting an exact pair construction. We further show that within the hyperimmune free degrees, lowness for isomorphism is entirely independent of computable traceability.
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  24.  12
    Acting from Rules: Internal Relations Versus Logical Existentialism.James Geutti & Rupert Reed - 1996 - International Studies in Philosophy 28 (2):43-62.
  25.  12
    Teaching/learning events in the workplace: A comparative analysis of their organizational and interactional structure.Rogers Hall & Reed Stevens - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell (ed.), Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 160--165.
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    VR and hallucination: a technoetic perspective.Diana Reed Slattery - 2008 - Technoetic Arts 6 (1):3-18.
    Virtual Reality (VR), especially in a technologically focused discourse, is defined by a class of hardware and software, among them head-mounted displays (HMD); navigation and pointing devices; and stereoscopic imaging. This presentation examines an experiential aspect of VR. Putting virtual in front of reality modifies the ontological status of a class of experience that of reality. Reality has also been modified (by artists, new media theorists, technologists and philosophers) as augmented, mixed, simulated, artificial, layered and enhanced. Modifications of reality are (...)
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  27.  20
    The ecological approach to learning.John Kruse & Edward Reed - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (1):148-149.
  28.  39
    From burgers to biodiversity? The McDonaldization of on-farm nature conservation in the UK.Carol Morris & Matt Reed - 2007 - Agriculture and Human Values 24 (2):207-218.
    This paper uses George Ritzer’s account of McDonaldization – the socially transformative process of rationalization – to undertake a critical analysis of agri-environment schemes, the dominant form of on-farm nature conservation in England. Drawing on a wide range of evidence, including social surveys of the participants and non-participants of agri-environment schemes, government files, and interviews with government officials, the four key dimensions of McDonaldization – efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control (through non-human technologies) – are applied to the analysis of agri-environment (...)
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  29. Richard Eric Sharvy 1942-1988.Dale Jamieson & Reed Richter - 1988 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 62 (2):315 - 316.
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    Recognition memory and degree of semantic contextual change.R. Reed Hunt & Henry C. Ellis - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (6):1153.
  31.  46
    Voter Reactions to 'Strange Bedfellows': The Japanese Voter Faces a Kaleidoscope of Changing Coalitions.Ikuo Kabashima & Steven R. Reed - 2000 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 1 (2):229-248.
    On 30 June 1994 the Social Democratic Party of Japan (SDPJ, formerly the Japan Socialist Party) joined its historic enemy, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), to form a coalition government in a Japanese equivalent of Italy's . Competition between the conservative LDP and the progressive socialists had defined the Japanese party system since 1955. In this paper we analyze voter reactions to this and other confusing events surrounding the end of the LDP's 38-year dominance. We find, first, that the Japanese (...)
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  32. Presidential Privilege against Prosecution, The.Akhil Reed Amar & Brian C. Kalt - 1997 - Nexus 2:11.
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    The complexity of central series in nilpotent computable groups.Barbara F. Csima & Reed Solomon - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (8):667-678.
    The terms of the upper and lower central series of a nilpotent computable group have computably enumerable Turing degree. We show that the Turing degrees of these terms are independent even when restricted to groups which admit computable orders.
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  34. Haptic categorization of objects by multiple dimensions.R. Klatzky, S. Lederman & C. Reed - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):328-328.
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  35.  42
    Continuing education in neurosurgery: calendar of events.Fernando G. Diaz, S. C. Hilton Head Island, Robert Iskowitz, Steven R. Jarrett, Gerald M. Fenichel, Ms Sher Reed, Albert J. Finestone, U. T. Snowbird, Michael Brant-Zawadzki & M. Peter Heilbrun - forthcoming - Laguna.
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    The Excavations at Dibon (Dhīb'n) in MoabThe Excavations at Dibon (Dhiban) in Moab.James F. Ross, Fred V. Winnett & William L. Reed - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (1):169.
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  37.  24
    Socially Undocumented: Identity and Immigration Justice.Amy Reed-Sandoval - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    "What does it really mean to "be undocumented," particularly in the contemporary United States? Political philosophers, policymakers and others often define the term "undocumented migrant" legalistically-that is, in terms of lacking legal authorization to live and work in one's current country of residence. Socially Undocumented: Identity and Immigration Justice challenges such a pure "legalistic understanding" by arguing that being undocumented should not always be conceptualized along such lines. To be socially undocumented, it argues, is to possess a real, visible, and (...)
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  38.  22
    Sabrina Hoppe: Demokratische Konsenskultur? Von der Sympathie des bundesdeutschen Protestantismus für eine Ethik des Kompromisses.Sabrina Hoppe - 2016 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 23 (2):218-235.
    In her article the author shows the relevance of the concept of compromise for protestant ethics after 1945. Coming from the current discussion about the significance of compromise in the german society today she asks for the role of compromises for community building and as a guarantee for plurality in the civil society nowadays. The author illustrates the relation between compromise, plurality and democracy in protestant ethics after World War II by presenting an article of the German pastor Eberhard Müller, (...)
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    Scrooge Posing as Mother Teresa: How Hypocritical Social Responsibility Strategies Hurt Employees and Firms.Sabrina Scheidler, Laura Marie Edinger-Schons, Jelena Spanjol & Jan Wieseke - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (2):339-358.
    Extant research provides compelling conceptual and empirical arguments that company-external as well as company-internal CSR efforts positively affect employees, but does so largely in studies assessing effects from the two CSR types independently of each other. In contrast, this paper investigates external–internal CSR jointly, examining the effects of consistent external–internal CSR strategies on employee attitudes, intentions, and behaviors. The research takes a social and moral identification theory view and advances the core hypothesis that inconsistent CSR strategies, defined as favoring external (...)
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    E. Edson and E. Savage-Smith, Medieval Views of the Cosmos. With a foreword by Terry Jones. Oxford: Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, 2004. Paper. Pp. 122; color frontispiece, 59 color figures, and color diagrams. $28. Distributed by the University of Chicago Press. [REVIEW]Naomi Reed Kline - 2006 - Speculum 81 (3):841-842.
  41. Cross-Cultural Interactions and Shared Decision-Making.Sabrina F. Derrington & Erin Paquette - 2021 - In John D. Lantos (ed.), The ethics of shared decision making. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  42.  57
    The dark side of niche construction.Sabrina Coninx - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (10):3003-3030.
    Niche construction denotes the alteration, destruction, or creation of environmental features through the activities of an organism, modifying the relation between organism and environment. The concept of niche construction found application in various fields of research: evolutionary biology, enculturation, ontogenetic development, and local organism-environment coordination. This is because it provides a useful tool emphasizing different aspects of the dynamic interplay between organisms and their actively constructed environment. Traditionally, niche construction is considered a positive mechanism in the complementarity of organism and (...)
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  43.  32
    De la donnée personnelle au bien commun.Sabrina Fortin - 2014 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 70 (1):93-103.
    Sabrina Fortin | : La recherche sur les populations permet d’améliorer nos conditions de vie en identifiant les facteurs de risque attribuables aux liens entre l’environnement et certains déterminants socio-sanitaires. Elle nécessite de vastes échantillons qui proviendront souvent de renseignements personnels ou de matériel biologique déjà recueillis. Pour les utiliser, la règle générale veut qu’un consentement individuel soit obtenu. Cependant, dans la pratique, il est souvent impossible d’obtenir un tel consentement sans affecter la qualité et la capacité de généralisation (...)
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  44.  13
    Fearing the Black Body. The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia.Sabrina Strings - 2019 - New York University Press.
    Winner, 2020 Body and Embodiment Best Publication Award, given by the American Sociological Association Honorable Mention, 2020 Sociology of Sex and Gender Distinguished Book Award, given by the American Sociological Association How the female body has been racialized for over two hundred years There is an obesity epidemic in this country and poor Black women are particularly stigmatized as “diseased” and a burden on the public health care system. This is only the most recent incarnation of the fear of fat (...)
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  45.  87
    Between Races and Generations: Materializing Race and Kinship in Moraga and Irigaray.Sabrina L. Hom - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (3):419-435.
    Juxtaposing Cherríe Moraga's Loving in the War Years and Luce Irigaray's Speculum of the Other Woman, I explore the ways that sex and race intersect to complicate an Irigarayan account of the relations between mother and daughter. Irigaray's work is an effective tool for understanding the disruptive and potentially healing desire between mothers and daughters, but her insistence on sex as primary difference must be challenged in order to acknowledge the intersectionality of sex and race. Working from recent work on (...)
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  46.  41
    Interpretation and Social Knowledge: On the Use of Theory in the Human Sciences.Isaac Ariail Reed - 2011 - University of Chicago Press.
    For the past fifty years anxiety over naturalism has driven debates in social theory. One side sees social science as another kind of natural science, while the other rejects the possibility of objective and explanatory knowledge. _Interpretation and Social Knowledge_ suggests a different route, offering a way forward for an antinaturalist sociology that overcomes the opposition between interpretation and explanation and uses theory to build concrete, historically specific causal explanations of social phenomena.
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  47.  46
    Tailoring responsible research and innovation to the translational context: the case of AI-supported exergaming.Sabrina Blank, Celeste Mason, Frank Steinicke & Christian Herzog - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (2):1-16.
    We discuss the implementation of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) within a project for the development of an AI-supported exergame for assisted movement training, outline outcomes and reflect on methodological opportunities and limitations. We adopted the responsibility-by-design (RbD) standard (CEN CWA 17796:2021) supplemented by methods for collaborative, ethical reflection to foster and support a shift towards a culture of trustworthiness inherent to the entire development process. An embedded ethicist organised the procedure to instantiate a collaborative learning effort and implement RRI (...)
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  48.  92
    The Danger of Double Effect.Philip A. Reed - 2012 - Christian Bioethics 18 (3):287-300.
    In this paper, I argue that the doctrine of double effect is disposed toward abuse. I try to identify two distinct sources of abuse of double effect: the conditions associated with standard formulations of double effect and the difficulty of fully understanding one’s own intentions in action. Both of these sources of abuse are exacerbated in complex circumstances, where double effect is most often employed. I raise this concern about abuse not as a criticism of double effect but rather as (...)
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  49. Can we compare mean differences across diverse ethnocultural groups?Sabrina T. Wong - forthcoming - Nexus.
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  50. A multidimensional phenomenal space for pain: structure, primitiveness, and utility.Sabrina Coninx - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (1):223-243.
    Pain is often used as the paradigmatic example of a phenomenal kind with a phenomenal quality common and unique to its instantiations. Philosophers have intensely discussed the relation between the subjective feeling, which unites pains and distinguishes them from other experiences, and the phenomenal properties of sensory, affective, and evaluative character along which pains typically vary. At the center of this discussion is the question whether the phenomenal properties prove necessary and/or sufficient for pain. In the empirical literature, sensory, affective, (...)
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