Results for 'Vincent Puech'

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  1.  18
    Constantinople au 14e siècle vue par Ibn Battuta.Vincent Puech - 2012 - Byzantion 82:305-322.
    Le voyageur marocain Ibn Battuta, né en 1304, a consigné dans sa relation de voyage, connue sous le nom de Rihla, de nombreux éléments sur Constantinople. Le caractère tardif de l’auteur, vivant à une époque où Byzance est censée décliner, a longtemps conduit à négliger son apport. En outre, des invraisemblances chronologiques et les préjugés d’un musulman face à une ville chrétienne ont parfois laissé penser que cette description ne reposait pas sur un séjour réel. Or la confrontation du texte (...)
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    Espaces et voyageurs.Vincent Puech, Elisabetta Borromeo, Dominique Margairaz, Christine Théré, Isabelle Ruiz & Joanne Vajda - 2002 - Revue de Synthèse 123 (1):243-262.
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    The Ethics of Ordinary Technology.Michel Puech - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    Technology is even more than our world, our form of life, our civilization. Technology interacts with the world to change it. Philosophers need to seriously address the fluidity of a smartphone interface, the efficiency of a Dyson vacuum cleaner, or the familiar noise of an antique vacuum cleaner. Beyond their phenomenological description, the emotional experience acquires moral significance and in some cases even supplies ethical resources for the self. If we leave this dimension of modern experience unaddressed, we may miss (...)
  4. Spacetime functionalism from a realist perspective.Vincent Lam & Christian Wüthrich - 2020 - Synthese 199 (S2):335-353.
    In prior work, we have argued that spacetime functionalism provides tools for clarifying the conceptual difficulties specifically linked to the emergence of spacetime in certain approaches to quantum gravity. We argue in this article that spacetime functionalism in quantum gravity is radically different from other functionalist approaches that have been suggested in quantum mechanics and general relativity: in contrast to these latter cases, it does not compete with purely interpretative alternatives, but is rather intertwined with the physical theorizing itself at (...)
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  5. The Structural Metaphysics of Quantum Theory and General Relativity.Vincent Lam & Michael Esfeld - 2012 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 43 (2):243-258.
    The paper compares ontic structural realism in quantum physics with ontic structural realism about space–time. We contend that both quantum theory and general relativity theory support a common, contentful metaphysics of ontic structural realism. After recalling the main claim of ontic structural realism and its physical support, we point out that both in the domain of quantum theory and in the domain of general relativity theory, there are objects whose essential ways of being are certain relations so that these objects (...)
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  6. Anatomical and functional modularity in cognitive science: Shifting the focus.Vincent Bergeron - 2007 - Philosophical Psychology 20 (2):175 – 195.
    Much of cognitive science is committed to the modular approach to the study of cognition. The core of this approach consists of a pair of assumptions - the anatomical and the functional modularity assumptions - which motivate two kinds of inference: the anatomical and the functional modularity inferences. The legitimacy of both of these inferences has been strongly challenged, a situation that has had surprisingly little impact on most theorizing in the field. Following the introduction of an important, yet rarely (...)
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    Les institutions du sens.Vincent Descombes - 1996 - Ed Du Minuit.
    On a souvent considéré qu'une philosophie de l'esprit devait choisir parmi les traits distinctifs du mental celui qu'elle retiendrait pour le mettre en relief. Il ne serait pas possible de faire place dans une même philosophie aux trois faits majeurs : l'intentionnalité du mental (on discerne les pensées de quelqu'un en disant à quoi il pense), le holisme du mental (impossible de concevoir un état d'esprit isolé du tout d'une vie mentale), la part impersonnelle du mental (les acteurs ne manifestent (...)
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  8. Is there a future for AI without representation?Vincent C. Müller - 2007 - Minds and Machines 17 (1):101-115.
    This paper investigates the prospects of Rodney Brooks’ proposal for AI without representation. It turns out that the supposedly characteristic features of “new AI” (embodiment, situatedness, absence of reasoning, and absence of representation) are all present in conventional systems: “New AI” is just like old AI. Brooks proposal boils down to the architectural rejection of central control in intelligent agents—Which, however, turns out to be crucial. Some of more recent cognitive science suggests that we might do well to dispose of (...)
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    Discipline-building in synthetic biology.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (2):122-129.
    Despite the multidisciplinary dimension of the kinds of research conducted under the umbrella of synthetic biology, the US-based founders of this new research area adopted a disciplinary profile to shape its institutional identity. In so doing they took inspiration from two already established fields with very different disciplinary patterns. The analogy with synthetic chemistry suggested by the term ‘synthetic biology’ is not the only model. Information technology is clearly another source of inspiration. The purpose of the paper, with its focus (...)
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    The Convergence of Scientific Knowledge a View From the Limit.Vincent F. Hendricks - 2001 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    This book will be a rewarding reading for everybody who is interested in logical aspects of scientific knowledge acquisition. The presentation of the issues discussed in the book is exemplary. The author was able to present in parallel way three different perspectives under which the issues discussed in the book might be approached.
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  11.  22
    An oak is an oak, or not? Understanding and dealing with confusion and disagreement in biological classification.Vincent Cuypers & Thomas A. C. Reydon - 2023 - Biology and Philosophy 38 (5):1-20.
    Human interaction with the living world, in science and beyond, always involves classification. While it has been a long-standing scientific goal to produce a single all-purpose taxonomy of life to cater for this need, classificatory practice is often subject to confusion and disagreement, and many philosophers have advocated forms of classificatory pluralism. This entails that multiple classifications should be allowed to coexist, and that whichever classification is best, is context-dependent. In this paper, we discuss some practical consequences of classificatory pluralism, (...)
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    An effective metacognitive strategy: learning by doing and explaining with a computer‐based Cognitive Tutor.Vincent A. W. M. M. Aleven & Kenneth R. Koedinger - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (2):147-179.
    Recent studies have shown that self‐explanation is an effective metacognitive strategy, but how can it be leveraged to improve students' learning in actual classrooms? How do instructional treatments that emphasizes self‐explanation affect students' learning, as compared to other instructional treatments? We investigated whether self‐explanation can be scaffolded effectively in a classroom environment using a Cognitive Tutor, which is intelligent instructional software that supports guided learning by doing. In two classroom experiments, we found that students who explained their steps during problem‐solving (...)
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  13. The monotonicity of essence.William Vincent - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies:1-15.
    Kit Fine’s logic of essence and his reduction of modality crucially rely on a principle called the ‘monotonicity of essence’. This principle says that for all pluralities, xx and yy, if some xx belong to some yy, then if it is essential to xx that p, it is also essential to yy that p. I argue that on the constitutive notion of essence, this principle is false. In particular, I show that this principle is false because it says that some (...)
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    Mendeleev's periodic system of chemical elements.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 1986 - British Journal for the History of Science 19 (1):3-17.
    Between 1869 and 1871, D. I. Mendeleev, a teacher at the University at St Petersburg published a textbook of general chemistry intended for his students. The title, Principles of Chemistry was typical for the time: it meant that chemistry was no longer an inquiry on the ultimate principles of matter but had become a science firmly established on a few principles derived from experiment.
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    Homo sapiens technologicus: Philosophie de la technologie contemporaine, philosophie de la sagesse contemporaine.Michel Puech - 2008 - Paris: Pommier.
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  16. The Entanglement Structure of Quantum Field Systems.Vincent Lam - 2013 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 27 (1):59 - 72.
    This article discusses the peculiar features of quantum entanglement and quantum non-locality within the algebraic approach to relativistic quantum field theory (RQFT). The debate on the ontology of RQFT is considered in the light of these well-known but little discussed features. In particular, this article examines the ontic structural realist understanding of quantum entanglement and quantum non-locality and its contribution to this debate.
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  17. Philosophy of AI: A structured overview.Vincent C. Müller - 2025 - In Nathalie A. Smuha, Cambridge handbook on the law, ethics and policy of Artificial Intelligence. Cambridge University Press. pp. 40-58.
    This paper presents the main topics, arguments, and positions in the philosophy of AI at present (excluding ethics). Apart from the basic concepts of intelligence and computation, the main topics of ar-tificial cognition are perception, action, meaning, rational choice, free will, consciousness, and normativity. Through a better understanding of these topics, the philosophy of AI contributes to our understand-ing of the nature, prospects, and value of AI. Furthermore, these topics can be understood more deeply through the discussion of AI; so (...)
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  18. Representation in digital systems.Vincent C. Müller - 2008 - In P. Brey, A. Briggle & K. Waelbers, Current Issues in Computing and Philosophy. IOS Press. pp. 116-121.
    Cognition is commonly taken to be computational manipulation of representations. These representations are assumed to be digital, but it is not usually specified what that means and what relevance it has for the theory. I propose a specification for being a digital state in a digital system, especially a digital computational system. The specification shows that identification of digital states requires functional directedness, either for someone or for the system of which it is a part. In the case or digital (...)
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  19.  51
    What is the Criminal Law for?Vincent Chiao - 2016 - Law and Philosophy 35 (2):137-163.
    The traditional distinction between retributive and distributive justice misconstrues the place of the criminal law in modern regulatory states. In the context of the regulatory state, the criminal law is a coercive rule-enforcing institution – regardless of whether it also serves the ends of retributive justice. As a rule-enforcing institution, the criminal law is deeply implicated in stabilizing the institutions and legal rules by means of which a state creates and allocates social advantage. As a coercive institution, the criminal law (...)
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  20.  60
    A Historical Perspective on Science and Its “Others”.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 2009 - Isis 100 (2):359-368.
  21.  94
    Caregiver decision-making concerning involuntary treatment in dementia care at home.Vincent R. A. Moermans, Angela M. H. J. Mengelers, Michel H. C. Bleijlevens, Hilde Verbeek, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterle, Koen Milisen, Elizabeth Capezuti & Jan P. H. Hamers - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (2):330-343.
    Background: Dementia care at home often involves decisions in which the caregiver must weigh safety concerns with respect for autonomy. These dilemmas can lead to situations where caregivers provide care against the will of persons living with dementia, referred to as involuntary treatment. To prevent this, insight is needed into how family caregivers of persons living with dementia deal with care situations that can lead to involuntary treatment. Objective: To identify and describe family caregivers’ experiences regarding care decisions for situations (...)
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  22.  66
    Quantum metaphysics and the foundations of spacetime.Vincent Lam, Laurie Letertre & Cristian Mariani - 2022 - In Antonio Vassallo, The Foundations of Spacetime Physics: Philosophical Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
    The main research programs in quantum gravity tend to suggest in one way or another that most spacetime structures are not fundamental. At the same time, work in quantum foundations highlights fundamental features that are in tension with any straightforward space- time understanding. This paper aims to explore the little investigated but potentially fruitful links between these two fields.
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    Lavoisier: Memoires d'une Revolution.B. Bensaude-Vincent & M. Crosland - 1995 - Annals of Science 52 (1):86-86.
  24.  82
    Autochthony and the Athenians.Vincent J. Rosivach - 1987 - Classical Quarterly 37 (02):294-.
    Athenians of the fifth and fourth centuries claimed with pride that their ancestors had always lived in Attica, a claim which they expressed by describing themselves as Related to this Athenian belief that they had always lived in Attica was a second, that, as a people, they were literally ‘sprung from the earth’. It is generally assumed that both beliefs developed at a very early date, but this is merely an assumption, and in the course of this paper we will (...)
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  25.  19
    Chemistry beyond the ‘positivism vs realism' debate.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - unknown
    It is often assumed that chemistry was a typical positivistic science as long as chemists used atomic and molecular models as mere fictions and denied any concern with their real existence. Even when they use notions such as molecular orbitals chemists do not reify them and often claim that they are mere models or instrumental artefacts. However a glimpse on the history of chemistry in the longue durée suggests that such denials of the ontological status of chemical entities do not (...)
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    Personalized A-Theory of Time and Perspective.Vincent Conitzer - 2020 - Dialectica 74 (1):3-31.
    A-theorists and B-theorists debate whether the "Now" is metaphysically distinguished from other time slices. Analogously, one may ask whether the "I" is metaphysically distinguished from other perspectives. Few philosophers would answer the second question in the affirmative. An exception is Caspar Hare, who has devoted two papers and a book to arguing for such a positive answer. In this paper, I argue that those who answer the first question in the affirmative---A-theorists---should also answer the second question in the affirmative. This (...)
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  27. A Dutch book against sleeping beauties who are evidential decision theorists.Vincent Conitzer - 2015 - Synthese 192 (9):2887-2899.
    In the context of the Sleeping Beauty problem, it has been argued that so-called “halfers” can avoid Dutch book arguments by adopting evidential decision theory. I introduce a Dutch book for a variant of the Sleeping Beauty problem and argue that evidential decision theorists fall prey to it, whether they are halfers or thirders. The argument crucially requires that an action can provide evidence for what the agent would do not only at other decision points where she has exactly the (...)
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  28. Le complément de sujet. Enquête sur le fait d'agir de soimême, coll. « Les Essais ».Vincent Descombes - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 194 (4):469-472.
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  29. Toward a Pragmatic Conception of Practical Identity.Vincent Michael Colapietro - 2006 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 42 (2):173-205.
    The author of this paper explores a central strand in the complex relationship between Peirce and Kant. He argues, against Kant (especially as reconstructed by Christine Korsgaard), that the practical identity of the self-critical agent who undertakes a Critic of reason (as Peirce insisted upon translating this expression) needs to be conceived in substantive, not purely formal, terms. Thus, insofar as there is a reflexive turn in Peirce, it is quite far from the transcendental turn taken by Immanuel Kant. The (...)
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  30.  24
    Despairing of Despair, Living for Today and the Day after Tomorrow: Reflections on Naoko Saito's American Philosophy in Translation.Vincent Colapietro - 2022 - The Pluralist 17 (1):104-111.
    [W]e might despair of despair itself, rather than of life, and cast that off, and begin, and so reverse our direction.This is a finely conceived, elegantly written, and exquisitely executed work. At its center, there is Naoko Saito ’s creative appropriation of one of Cavell’s most fecund suggestions—philosophy is first and foremost an activity and, as such, it is either akin to or, more strongly, identifiable with practices of translation.1 Everything I have to say concerns translation, if only implicitly. Moreover, (...)
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    The Role of Leaders in Designing Employees’ Work Characteristics: Validation of the Health- and Development-Promoting Leadership Behavior Questionnaire.Sylvie Vincent-Höper & Maie Stein - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:436482.
    In this article, we draw upon the notion that employees’ work characteristics are an important pathway through which leaders influence employee well-being and propose a theoretical framework that integrates perspectives on leadership, occupational stress, and job design. Based on this integrative approach, we developed the health- and development-promoting leadership behavior questionnaire (HDLBQ) for assessing job demands emanating from and job resources provided through the leader. Validation of the measure in German, French, and English using an overall sample of 2,934 employees (...)
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    Servant Leadership Influencing Store-Level Profit: The Mediating Effect of Employee Flourishing.Vincent J. Giolito, Robert C. Liden, Dirk van Dierendonck & Gordon W. Cheung - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 172 (3):503-524.
    Servant leadership and other ethical and moral approaches to leadership have been criticized for focusing on followers to the potential detriment of other stakeholders, specifically shareholders. With individual data collected from 485 respondents nested in 55 similar stores in a single company, within a large metropolitan area in France, we tested a multilevel model whereby servant leadership relates positively to business-unit performance measured by profit growth—a key indicator for shareholders—through the mediation of employee flourishing and revenue growth. With financial performance (...)
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    Mapping Moral Pluralism in Behavioural Spillovers: A Cross-Disciplinary Account of the Multiple Ways in Which We Engage in Moral Valuing.Michael Vincent & Ann-Kathrin Koessler - 2020 - Environmental Values 29 (3):293-315.
    In this article, we reflect critically on how moral actions are categorised in some recent studies on moral spillovers. Based on classic concepts from moral philosophy, we present a framework to categorise moral actions. We argue that with a finer classification of moral values, associated behaviour is better understood, and this understanding helps to identify the conditions under which moral licensing takes place. We illustrate our argument with examples from the literature on pro-environmental behaviours. Moral spillovers are frequently studied in (...)
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  34. What is a digital state?Vincent C. Müller - 2013 - In Mark J. Bishop & Yasemin Erden, The Scandal of Computation - What is Computation? - AISB Convention 2013. AISB. pp. 11-16.
    There is much discussion about whether the human mind is a computer, whether the human brain could be emulated on a computer, and whether at all physical entities are computers (pancomputationalism). These discussions, and others, require criteria for what is digital. I propose that a state is digital if and only if it is a token of a type that serves a particular function - typically a representational function for the system. This proposal is made on a syntactic level, assuming (...)
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  35. Symbol grounding in computational systems: A paradox of intentions.Vincent C. Müller - 2009 - Minds and Machines 19 (4):529-541.
    The paper presents a paradoxical feature of computational systems that suggests that computationalism cannot explain symbol grounding. If the mind is a digital computer, as computationalism claims, then it can be computing either over meaningful symbols or over meaningless symbols. If it is computing over meaningful symbols its functioning presupposes the existence of meaningful symbols in the system, i.e. it implies semantic nativism. If the mind is computing over meaningless symbols, no intentional cognitive processes are available prior to symbol grounding. (...)
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    Knowledge Contributors.Vincent F. Hendricks, Klaus Frovin Jørgensen & Stig Andur Pedersen (eds.) - 2011 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    The aim of this thematically unified anthology is to track the history of epistemic logic, to consider some important applications of these logics of knowledge and belief in a variety of fields, and finally to discuss future directions of research with particular emphasis on 'active agenthood' and multi-modal systems. It is accessible to researchers and graduate students in philosophy, computer science, game theory, economics and related disciplines utilizing the means and methods of epistemic logic.
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    The Measurement of Individual Differences in Cognitive Biases: A Review and Improvement.Vincent Berthet - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:630177.
    Individual differences have been neglected in decision-making research on heuristics and cognitive biases. Addressing that issue requires having reliable measures. The author first reviewed the research on the measurement of individual differences in cognitive biases. While reliable measures of a dozen biases are currently available, our review revealed that some measures require improvement and measures of other key biases are still lacking (e.g., confirmation bias). We then conducted empirical work showing that adjustments produced a significant improvement of some measures and (...)
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  38.  19
    Ranks based on strong amalgamation Fraïssé classes.Vincent Guingona & Miriam Parnes - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 62 (7):889-929.
    In this paper, we introduce the notion of $${\textbf{K}} $$ -rank, where $${\textbf{K}} $$ is a strong amalgamation Fraïssé class. Roughly speaking, the $${\textbf{K}} $$ -rank of a partial type is the number “copies” of $${\textbf{K}} $$ that can be “independently coded” inside of the type. We study $${\textbf{K}} $$ -rank for specific examples of $${\textbf{K}} $$, including linear orders, equivalence relations, and graphs. We discuss the relationship of $${\textbf{K}} $$ -rank to other ranks in model theory, including dp-rank and (...)
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  39.  7
    Matière à penser : Essais d’histoire et de philosophie de la chimie.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 2008 - Saint-Cloud: Presses universitaires de Paris Ouest.
    La chimie est délaissée des philosophes et historiens des sciences. Cette discipline ne serait-elle pas bonne à penser? Qu’est-ce que ce silence, ce mépris ou cette méconnaissance nous enseignent sur le régime du savoir en chimie? Inversement, la chimie méprisée, méconnue ou simplement ignorée ne signalerait-elle pas les travers des philosophes et les limites de leur pouvoir de conceptualiser et de penser? Cet ouvrage donne un aperçu de la complexité de ces questions en adoptant un point de vue symétrique où (...)
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  40.  10
    La denrée mentale.Vincent Descombes - 1995 - Les Editions de Minuit.
    " Où placez-vous l'esprit? " demandons-nous aux philosophes qui nous parlent du mental. Or il y a deux réponses qui s'offrent à nous dedans, selon les héritiers mentalistes de Descartes, de Locke, de Hume et de Maine de Biran, héritiers parmi lesquels on peut compter les phénoménologues et les cognitivistes ; dehors, selon les philosophes de l'esprit objectif et de l'usage public des signes, comme l'ont soutenu par exemple Peirce et Wittgenstein. Mon propos dans ce livre est double. Il est (...)
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  41. A new deconstructive logic: Linear logic.Vincent Danos, Jean-Baptiste Joinet & Harold Schellinx - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (3):755-807.
    The main concern of this paper is the design of a noetherian and confluent normalization for LK 2. The method we present is powerful: since it allows us to recover as fragments formalisms as seemingly different as Girard's LC and Parigot's λμ, FD, delineates other viable systems as well, and gives means to extend the Krivine/Leivant paradigm of `programming-with-proofs' to classical logic ; it is painless: since we reduce strong normalization and confluence to the same properties for linear logic using (...)
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  42. On the Possibilities of Hypercomputing Supertasks.Vincent C. Müller - 2011 - Minds and Machines 21 (1):83-96.
    This paper investigates the view that digital hypercomputing is a good reason for rejection or re-interpretation of the Church-Turing thesis. After suggestion that such re-interpretation is historically problematic and often involves attack on a straw man (the ‘maximality thesis’), it discusses proposals for digital hypercomputing with Zeno-machines , i.e. computing machines that compute an infinite number of computing steps in finite time, thus performing supertasks. It argues that effective computing with Zeno-machines falls into a dilemma: either they are specified such (...)
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    On VC-minimal theories and variants.Vincent Guingona & Michael C. Laskowski - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (7-8):743-758.
    In this paper, we study VC-minimal theories and explore related concepts. We first define the notion of convex orderablity and show that this lies strictly between VC-minimality and dp-minimality. To do this we prove a general result about set systems with independence dimension ≤ 1. Next, we define the notion of weak VC-minimality, show it lies strictly between VC-minimality and dependence, and show that all unstable weakly VC-minimal theories interpret an infinite linear order. Finally, we define the notion full VC-minimality, (...)
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    Discoveries in the Judaean Desert Volume Xxv. Qumran Grotte 4: Xviii: Textes Hebreux.Émile Puech (ed.) - 1968 - Oxford University Press UK.
    In the spring of 1956, a comprehensive inventory of the manuscripts from Qumran Cave 4 was prepared which established the manuscript assignments for each of the members of the first editorial team. The manuscripts numbered 4Q521-4Q579 were assigned to Jean Starcky. Unfortunately Père Starcky died before publishing his allotment, which included primarily parabiblical and pseudepigraphic compositions in Hebrew or Aramaic. Though quite amorphous in character, the group reflects the interest in biblical themes and liturgy characteristic of Second Temple period Judaism. (...)
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    Metaphysics of causation and physics of general relativity.Vincent Lam - 2010 - Humana Mente 4 (13):61-80.
    This paper aims to discuss two realist conceptions about causation in the light of the general theory of relativity. I first consider the conserved quantity of causation, which explicitly relies on the energy conservation principle. Such principle is however problematic within GTR, mainly because of the dynamical nature of the spacetime structure itself. I then turn to the causal theory of properties, according to which properties are such that insofar as they are certain qualities, they are powers to produce certain (...)
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    Socratic Method and Critical Philosophy.Vincent Tomas - 1950 - Philosophical Review 59 (3):400.
  47. Philosophy and theory of artificial intelligence 2017.Vincent C. Müller (ed.) - 2017 - Berlin: Springer.
    This book reports on the results of the third edition of the premier conference in the field of philosophy of artificial intelligence, PT-AI 2017, held on November 4 - 5, 2017 at the University of Leeds, UK. It covers: advanced knowledge on key AI concepts, including complexity, computation, creativity, embodiment, representation and superintelligence; cutting-edge ethical issues, such as the AI impact on human dignity and society, responsibilities and rights of machines, as well as AI threats to humanity and AI safety; (...)
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    Why not Post-Political?Michel Puech - 2013 - Foundations of Science 18 (2):351-353.
    This commentary on Gert Goeminne’s paper “Postphenomenology and the politics of sustainable technology” elaborates on the subpolitics of technology as a basis for dealing with sustainability issues. It questions the “sustainable technology” phrasing of the issue and focuses on the political/post-political debate to eventually suggest that the politics of sustainable technology is a possible post-political question. Minor disagreements on some philosophy of science references are briefly expressed.
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    (1 other version)Late Derrida: The Politics of Sovereignty.Vincent B. Leitch - 2007 - Critical Inquiry 33 (2):229.
  50.  33
    Family presence during resuscitation: extending ethical norms from paediatrics to adults.Christine Vincent & Zohar Lederman - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (10):676-678.
    Many families of patients hold the view that it is their right to be present during a loved one's resuscitation, while the majority of patients also express the comfort and support they would feel by having them there. Currently, family presence is more commonly accepted in paediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation than adult CPR. Even though many guidelines are in favour of this practice and recognise potential benefits, healthcare professionals are hesitant to support adult family presence to the extent that paediatric family (...)
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