Results for 'Shannon Mason'

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  1.  53
    Reporting and discoverability of “Tweets” quoted in published scholarship: current practice and ethical implications.Shannon Mason & Lenandlar Singh - 2022 - Research Ethics 18 (2):93-113.
    Research Ethics, Volume 18, Issue 2, Page 93-113, April 2022. Twitter is an increasingly common source of rich, personalized qualitative data, as millions of people daily share their thoughts on myriad topics. However, questions remain unclear concerning if and how to quote publicly available social media data ethically. In this study, focusing on 136 education manuscripts quoting 2667 Tweets, we look to investigate the ways in which Tweets are quoted, the ethical discussions forwarded and actions taken, and the extent to (...)
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  2. Technology and the Virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting.Shannon Vallor - 2016 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    New technologies from artificial intelligence to drones, and biomedical enhancement make the future of the human family increasingly hard to predict and protect. This book explores how the philosophical tradition of virtue ethics can help us to cultivate the moral wisdom we need to live wisely and well with emerging technologies.
  3. On Direct Social Perception.Shannon Spaulding - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36:472-482.
    Direct Social Perception (DSP) is the idea that we can non-inferentially perceive others’ mental states. In this paper, I argue that the standard way of framing DSP leaves the debate at an impasse. I suggest two alternative interpretations of the idea that we see others’ mental states: others’ mental states are represented in the content of our perception, and we have basic perceptual beliefs about others’ mental states. I argue that the latter interpretation of DSP is more promising and examine (...)
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  4. Embodied cognition and mindreading.Shannon Spaulding - 2010 - Mind and Language 25 (1):119-140.
    Recently, philosophers and psychologists defending the embodied cognition research program have offered arguments against mindreading as a general model of our social understanding. The embodied cognition arguments are of two kinds: those that challenge the developmental picture of mindreading and those that challenge the alleged ubiquity of mindreading. Together, these two kinds of arguments, if successful, would present a serious challenge to the standard account of human social understanding. In this paper, I examine the strongest of these embodied cognition arguments (...)
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  5. Do you see what I see? How social differences influence mindreading.Spaulding Shannon - 2018 - Synthese 195 (9):4009-4030.
    Disagreeing with others about how to interpret a social interaction is a common occurrence. We often find ourselves offering divergent interpretations of others’ motives, intentions, beliefs, and emotions. Remarkably, philosophical accounts of how we understand others do not explain, or even attempt to explain such disagreements. I argue these disparities in social interpretation stem, in large part, from the effect of social categorization and our goals in social interactions, phenomena long studied by social psychologists. I argue we ought to expand (...)
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  6. Flourishing on facebook: virtue friendship & new social media.Shannon Vallor - 2012 - Ethics and Information Technology 14 (3):185-199.
    The widespread and growing use of new social media, especially social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, invites sustained ethical reflection on emerging forms of online friendship. Social scientists and psychologists are gathering a wealth of empirical data on these trends, yet philosophical analysis of their ethical implications remains comparatively impoverished. In particular, there have been few attempts to explore how traditional ethical theories might be brought to bear upon these developments, or what insights they might offer, if any. (...)
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  7. Restraining Police Use of Lethal Force and the Moral Problem of Militarization.Shannon Brandt Ford - 2022 - Criminal Justice Ethics 41 (1):1-20.
    I defend the view that a significant ethical distinction can be made between justified killing in self-defense and police use of lethal force. I start by opposing the belief that police use of lethal force is morally justified on the basis of self-defense. Then I demonstrate that the state’s monopoly on the use of force within a given jurisdiction invests police officers with responsibilities that go beyond what morality requires of the average person. I argue that the police should primarily (...)
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  8. Mirror neurons are not evidence for the Simulation Theory.Shannon Spaulding - 2012 - Synthese 189 (3):515-534.
    Recently, there has been a resurgence of interest in theories of mindreading. New discoveries in neuroscience have revitalized the languishing debate. The discovery of so-called mirror neurons has revived interest particularly in the Simulation Theory (ST) of mindreading. Both ST proponents and theorists studying mirror neurons have argued that mirror neurons are strong evidence in favor of ST over Theory Theory (TT). In this paper I argue against the prevailing view that mirror neurons are evidence for the ST of mindreading. (...)
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  9. Phenomenology of Social Cognition.Shannon Spaulding - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (5):1069-1089.
    Can phenomenological evidence play a decisive role in accepting or rejecting social cognition theories? Is it the case that a theory of social cognition ought to explain and be empirically supported by our phenomenological experience? There is serious disagreement about the answers to these questions. This paper aims to determine the methodological role of phenomenology in social cognition debates. The following three features are characteristic of evidence capable of playing a substantial methodological role: novelty, reliability, and relevance. I argue that (...)
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  10. When Should Universities Take a Stand?Shannon Dea - manuscript
    In this chapter, against the backdrop of campus responses to Israel and Gaza, I consider the mission of the university and whether that mission is served by institutional neutrality. On my view, it is not so easy (and may be impossible) to prise apart universities’ core functions and “public matters.” I argue that institutional neutrality is at best a useful fiction and at worst a way of concealing universities’ commitments and reinscribing the status quo. Along the way, I offer a (...)
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  11. Simulation Theory.Shannon Spaulding - 2016 - In Amy Kind, The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Imagination. New York: Routledge. pp. 262-273.
    This is a penultimate draft of a paper that will appear in Handbook of Imagination, Amy Kind (ed.). Routledge Press. Please cite only the final printed version.
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  12. Empathy Skills and Habits.Shannon Spaulding - 2023 - In Christiana Werner, Empathy's Role in Understanding Persons, Literature, and Art. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Psychologists have long noted the correlation between empathy and pro-social outcomes. Empathetic people are happier, healthier, more cooperative, and more altruistic than people who are less empathetic. However, empathy is not a panacea for all social ills. Critics argue that empathy is idiosyncratic, easily manipulated, biased in favour of one’s in-group, and exacerbates rather than relieving underlying inequalities. The praise and critique of empathy raise an interesting question: can we improve empathy? It depends on what kind of capacity empathy is. (...)
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  13. Overextended cognition.Shannon Spaulding - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology 25 (4):469 - 490.
    Extended cognition is the view that some cognitive processes extend beyond the brain. One prominent strategy of arguing against extended cognition is to offer necessary conditions on cognition and argue that the proposed extended processes fail to satisfy these conditions. I argue that this strategy is misguided and fails to refute extended cognition. I suggest a better way to evaluate the case for extended cognition that should be acceptable to all parties, captures the intuitiveness of previous objections, and avoids the (...)
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  14.  51
    When Does Ethical Leadership Affect Workplace Incivility? The Moderating Role of Follower Personality.Shannon G. Taylor & Marshall W. Pattie - 2014 - Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (4):595-616.
    ABSTRACT:Although prior work has shown that employees with ethical leaders are less likely to engage in deviant or unethical behaviors, it is unknown whetherallemployees respond this way or to the same extent. Drawing on social learning theory as a conceptual framework, this study develops and tests hypotheses suggesting that two follower characteristics—conscientiousness and core self-evaluation—moderate the negative relationship between ethical leadership and workplace incivility. Data from employees of a U.S. public school district supported our predictions. Implications and future research directions (...)
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  15.  25
    The Code of the Warrior: Exploring Warrior Values Past and Present.Shannon E. French & John McCain - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Warrior cultures throughout history have developed unique codes that restrict their behavior and set them apart from the rest of society. But what possible reason could a warrior have for accepting such restraints? Why should those whose profession can force them into hellish kill-or-be-killed conditions care about such lofty concepts as honor, courage, nobility, duty, and sacrifice? And why should it matter so much to the warriors themselves that they be something more than mere murderers? The Code of the Warrior (...)
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  16.  29
    Variety of evidence in multimessenger astronomy.Shannon Sylvie Abelson - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 94 (C):133-142.
  17.  39
    Way Too Cool: Selling Out Race and Ethics.Shannon Winnubst - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Life, liberty, and the pursuit of cool have informed the American ethos since at least the 1970s. Whether we strive for it in politics or fashion, cool is big business for those who can sell it across a range of markets and media. Yet the concept wasn't always a popular commodity. Cool began as a potent aesthetic of post-World War II black culture, embodying a very specific, highly charged method of resistance to white supremacy and the globalized exploitation of capital. (...)
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  18.  31
    Adorno on the Radio.Shannon L. Mariotti - 2014 - Political Theory 42 (4):415-442.
    This essay explores the political significance of two largely unexplored texts on American radio that Adorno originally composed in English after emigrating to the United States: Current of Music: Elements of a Radio Theory and The Psychological Technique of Martin Luther Thomas’ Radio Addresses. Here, productively complicating the traditional image of him, Adorno translates his theory to a broader public in ways that reflect a desire to understand and inform democratic citizenship as enacted at the level of the everyday customs, (...)
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  19. Domination and Dialogue in Merleau‐Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception.Shannon Sullivan - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (1):1-19.
    Merleau-Ponty's claim in Phenomenology of Perception (1962) that the anonymous body guarantees an intersubjective world is problematic because it omits the particularities of bodies. This omission produces an account of "dialogue" with another in which I solipsistically hear only myself and dominate others with my intentionality. This essay develops an alternative to projective intentionality called "hypothetical construction," in which meaning is socially constructed through an appreciation of the differences of others.
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  20. Peirce's and Spinoza's Pragmaticist Metaphysics.Shannon Dea - 2014 - Cognitio 15 (1):25-35.
  21.  27
    Entropic Philosophy: Chaos, Breakdown, and Creation.Shannon M. Mussett - 2022 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Taking an interdisciplinary approach, this book traces the development of entropic themes, capturing phenomena ranging from chaos, disorder, homogenization, slackening, disspation, and ultimately death.
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  22. Introduction to Debates on Embodied Social Cognition.Shannon Spaulding - 2012 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 11 (4):431-448.
    Embodied social cognition (ESC) aims to explicate how our embodiment shapes our knowledge of others, and in what this knowledge of others consists. Although there is much diversity amongst ESC accounts, common to all these accounts is the idea that our normal everyday interactions consist in non-mentalistic embodied engagements. In recent years, several theorists have developed and defended innovative and controversial accounts of ESC. These accounts challenge, and offer deflationary alternatives to, the standard cognitivist accounts of social cognition. As ESC (...)
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  23.  27
    Why Ethical Sex Demands [the category of] Nonconsensual Sex.Shannon Fyfe - 2020 - Southwest Philosophy Review 36 (1):135-143.
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  24.  35
    Rights and Worlds: On the Political Significance of Belonging.Shannon Hoff - 2014 - Philosophical Forum 45 (4):355-373.
    Modernity is characterized by an assertion of the individual as a singular unit of significance, and its various systems (political, legal, economic, etc.) take their lead from a commitment to the individual as the bearer of rights. While a powerful accomplishment, this idea is also problematic: it does not adequately recognize how the individual it prioritizes would itself point to other contexts of significance by which its experience is rendered meaningful. This paper explores this basic tension between these two visions (...)
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  25. Rights-based Justifications for Self-Defense.Shannon Brandt Ford - 2023 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 36 (1):49-65.
    I defend a modified rights-based unjust threat account for morally justified killing in self-defense. Rights-based moral justifications for killing in self-defense presume that human beings have a right to defend themselves from unjust threats. An unjust threat account of self-defense says that this right is derived from an agent’s moral obligation to not pose a deadly threat to the defender. The failure to keep this moral obligation creates the moral asymmetry necessary to justify a defender killing the unjust threat in (...)
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  26.  55
    Global Climate Change Justice: From Rawls’ Law of Peoples to Honneth’s Conditions of Freedom.Shannon Brincat - 2015 - Environmental Ethics 37 (3):277-305.
    The problem of global climate changes has raised fundamental questions of justice in world politics centered around the vast discrepancies between the causes and the effects of global warming and the uneven levels of consumption/enjoyment of fossil fuels. The overwhelming majority of approaches in environmental ethics have focused on either distributive justice or rights-based frameworks. Climate change justice, however, can be explored through an alternative framework, an approach based on the recognition theory of Axel Honneth that has not been systematically (...)
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  27.  21
    16. Hegel and the Possibility of Intercultural Criticism.Shannon Hoff - 2018 - In Susan M. Dodd & Neil G. Robertson, Hegel and Canada: Unity of Opposites? London: University of Toronto Press. pp. 342-367.
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  28.  96
    Motivating empathy.Shannon Spaulding - 2024 - Mind and Language 39 (2):220-236.
    Critics of empathy argue that empathy is exhausting, easily manipulated, exacerbates rather than relieves conflict, and is too focused on individual experiences. Apparently, empathy not only fails to stop negative acts like sadism, bullying, and terrorism, it motivates and promotes such acts. These scholars argue that empathy will not save us from partisanship and division. In fact, it might make us worse off. I will argue that empathy exhibits bias in the ways critics describe because empathy is motivated. Conceiving of (...)
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    The Code of the Warrior: Exploring Warrior Values Past and Present.Shannon E. French & Joseph J. Thomas - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Drawing on philosophy, history, moral psychology, and ethics, this revised and expanded edition of French’s The Code of the Warrior examines historical and contemporary warrior cultures and their values, arguing that today’s warriors need a code, as their ancestors did, to prevent them from crossing the thin but critical line that separates warriors from murderers in the battle against global terrorism.
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  30.  85
    Toward a Philosophy of Harm Reduction.Shannon Dea - 2020 - Health Care Analysis 28 (4):302-313.
    In this paper, I offer a prolegomenon to the philosophy of harm reduction. I begin with an overview of the philosophical literature on both harm and harm reduction, and a brief summary of harm reduction scholarship outside of philosophy in order to make the case that philosophers have something to contribute to understanding harm reduction, and moreover that engagement with harm reduction would improve philosophical scholarship. I then proceed to survey and assess the nascent and still modest philosophy of harm (...)
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    (1 other version)A House at War Against Itself: Absolute Versus Pluralistic Idealism in Spinoza, Peirce, James and Royce.Shannon Dea - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (4):710-731.
    In this paper, I elaborate affinities between Peirce, Spinoza and Royce, in order to illuminate the division between Peirce's and James's expressions of idealism. James contrasted Spinoza's and Royce's absolute idealism with his and Peirce's pluralistic idealism. I triangulate among Peirce, Spinoza and Royce to show that, contra James's view, Peirce himself was more at home in the absolutistic camp. In Section 2, I survey Peirce's discussions of Spinoza's pragmatism and of the divide within pragmatism Peirce perceived to obtain. In (...)
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  32.  24
    Physiological and Behavioral Factors in Musicians’ Performance Tempo.Shannon E. Wright & Caroline Palmer - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  33. Empathy Skills and Habits.Shannon Spaulding - 2023 - In Christiana Werner, Empathy's Role in Understanding Persons, Literature, and Art. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Psychologists have long noted the correlation between empathy and prosocial outcomes. Empathetic people are happier, healthier, more cooperative, and more altruistic than people who are less empathetic. However, empathy is not a panacea for all social ills. Critics argue that empathy is idiosyncratic, easily manipulated, biased in favor of one's in-group, and exacerbates rather than relieves underlying inequalities. The praise and critique of empathy raise an interesting question: Can we improve empathy? It depends on what kind of capacity empathy is. (...)
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  34. Assessing the implicit bias research program: Comments on Brownstein, Gawronski, and Madva versus Machery.Shannon Spaulding - 2022 - WIREs Cognitive Science.
    Michael Brownstein, Alex Madva, and Bertram Gawronski articulate a careful defense of research on implicit bias. They argue that though there is room for improvement in various areas, when we set the bar appropriately and when we are comparing relevant events, the test–retest stability and predictive ability of implicit bias measures are respectable. Edouard Machery disagrees. He argues that theories of implicit bias have failed to answer four fundamental questions about measures of implicit bias, and this undermines their utility in (...)
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    ‘Death to Tyrants’: The Political Philosophy of Tyrannicide—Part I.Shannon K. Brincat - 2008 - Journal of International Political Theory 4 (2):212-240.
    This paper examines the conceptual development of the philosophical justifications for tyrannicide. It posits that the political philosophy of tyrannicide can be categorised into three distinct periods or models, the classical, medieval, and liberal, respectively. It argues that each model contained unique themes and principles that justified tyrannicide in that period; the classical, through the importance attached to public life and the functional role of leadership; the medieval, through natural law doctrine; and the liberal, through the postulates of social contract (...)
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    The Epistemology of Protest by José Medina (review).Shannon Brick - 2024 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 34 (1):1-12.
    José Medina's previous book, The Epistemology of Resistance (2012), examined epistemic practices as forms of political resistance. His latest book, The Epistemology of Protest, takes up an obviously political action and examines it as a distinctly epistemic phenomenon. He argues that from an epistemic perspective, protest does much more than convey knowledge, and it is more than an action from which new knowledge might emerge. Instead, protest is a group action by which new forms of epistemic and communicative agency are (...)
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    Picturing Pigs: A New Aesthetic.Shannon Johnstone & Jane M. Casteline - 2024 - Journal of Animal Ethics 14 (2):153-169.
    The depiction of pigs as caricatures and happy farmed animals represents a strategic marketing ploy on behalf of the U.S. Big Agriculture industry to distance the public from real pigs and dull empathy toward farmed animals. As two animal-loving photographers and animal rights activists who live in North Carolina (the state with the second-largest producer of pork in the United States), we created a billboard advocacy project called “Picturing Pigs” to counter Big Agriculture's marketing through positive imagery of rescued pigs. (...)
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    The Literary Grounding of Metaphysics.Shannon M. Mussett - 2012 - In Shannon M. Mussett & William S. Wilkerson, Beauvoir and Western Thought From Plato to Butler. State University of New York Press. pp. 15-33.
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    Is the mirror racist?: Interrogating the space of whiteness.Shannon Winnubst - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (1):25-50.
    This essay draws on a wide range of feminist, psychoanalytic and other anti-racist theorists to work out the specific mode of space as ‘contained’ and the ways it grounds dominant contemporary forms of racism i.e. the space of phallicized whiteness. Offering a close reading of Lacan’s primary models for ego-formation, the mirror stage and the inverted bouquet, I argue that psychoanalysis can help us to map contemporary power relations of racism because it enacts some of those very dynamics. Casting the (...)
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  40. AI and the Automation of Wisdom.Shannon Vallor - 2017 - In Thomas M. Powers, Philosophy and Computing: Essays in epistemology, philosophy of mind, logic, and ethics. Cham: Springer.
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    The Devil is in the Details: Sexual Harassment e-Training Design Choices and Perceived Messenger Integrity.Shannon L. Rawski, Emilija Djurdjevic, Andrew T. Soderberg & Joshua R. Foster - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 195 (4):879-898.
    While training design choices seem amoral, they interact to determine training (in)effectiveness, potentially harming/benefiting trainees and organizations. These moral implications intensify when training is administered at scale (e.g., e-training) and focuses on social issues like sexual harassment (hereafter, SH). In fact, research on SH training shows it can elicit trainees’ gender-based biases against content messengers. We suggest that one such bias, resulting from messenger gender-occupation incongruence and influencing training effectiveness, is lowered perceptions of the messenger’s integrity. We also investigate whether (...)
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  42.  85
    Temporality in queer theory and continental philosophy.Shannon Winnubst - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (2):136-146.
    The connections between the fields of queer theory and continental philosophy are strange and strained: simultaneously difficult and all too easy to ferret out, there is no easy narrative for how the two fields interconnect. Both sides of the relation seem either to disavow or simply repress any relation to the other. For example, despite the impact of Foucault's History of Sexuality, Volume One on early queer theory, current work in queer of color critique challenges the politics and epistemology of (...)
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  43. On the Passing of the First-Born Son.Shannon Mariotti - 2009 - Political Theory 37 (3):351-374.
    Both Ralph Waldo Emerson's and W. E. B. Du Bois' firstborn sons tragically died at very young ages. Drawing from the essays where they write about their grief, I explore Du Bois' "subversion" and "revision" of Emerson's thought by contrasting their visual metaphors: Emerson's "focal distancing" and Du Bois' practice of "second sight" and seeing through "the Veil." I show how the disruptive particular event of the deaths of their sons causes both to challenge the idealist elements of their respective (...)
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  44. Irony and the Work of Art: Hegelian Legacies in Robert Smithson.Shannon Mussett - 2012 - Evental Aesthetics 1 (1):45-73.
    This paper utilizes Robert Smithson's philosophy as a kind of counterpoint, rather than refutation, to many of Hegel's convictions on the nature and function of art in world historical spirit.
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    The Nurse as the Patient's Advocate: A Contrarian View.Sarah E. Shannon - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (S1):43-47.
    An important role for all health care professionals is to be an advocate for their patients, and there is no question that many patients need advocacy to reach their health care goals. The role of advocate takes many forms, but one is to speak up when one is concerned for the safety or well‐being of a patient. A nurse is often the member of a health care team most likely to notice changes that might signal problems or poor responses to (...)
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    A Phenomenological Account of the Conditions of Transnational Feminism.Shannon Hoff - 2023 - Symposium 27 (2):66-82.
    In Sites of Exposure, John Russon draws on the resources of phenomenology to describe how human life, while not having a “given” form specified in advance, nonetheless takes speci????ic shape through practices by which we become committed to certain ways of living. This means that our lives are simultaneously a matter of living with a speci????ic reality—what Russon calls “home”—and having to respond to an outside to which we are “exposed.” I argue here that Russon’s analysis is especially useful for (...)
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    Meaning, Inquiry, and the Rule of Reason: A Hookwayesque Colligation.Shannon Dea - 2015 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 51 (4):401.
    Taking my lead from Robert Talisse and Scott Aikin's distinction between “meaning pragmatism” and “inquiry pragmatism,” and guided throughout by Christopher Hookway's understanding of Peirce, I revisit some of the best-known locuses of both Peirce's meaning pragmatism and his inquiry pragmatism, and conclude that the distinction dissolves in Peirce. For Peirce, the very mechanism for elucidating a concept's meaning, the pragmatic maxim, requires ongoing inquiry. Moreover, in performing an inquiry, we elucidate meaning.
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  48. The Queer Thing about Neoliberal Pleasure: A Foucauldian Warning.Shannon Winnubst - 2012 - Foucault Studies 14:72-97.
    Through a careful reading of Foucault’s 1979 lectures on neoliberalism alongside Volumes 1 and 2 of The History of Sexuality, I argue that scholarship on both neoliberalism and queer theory should heed Foucault’s framing of both neoliberalism and sexuality as central to biopolitics. I thus offer two correctives to these fields of scholarship: for scholarship on neoliberalism, I locate a way to address the ethical bankruptcy of neoliberalism in a manner that Marxist analyses fail to provide; for scholarship in queer (...)
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  49. Ihde, Technoscience, and the Resilience of Phenomenology.Shannon Vallor - 2016 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 20 (2):90-94.
    My review of Don Ihde’s new book, Husserl’s Missing Technologies begins by identifying a thematic link binding its chapters: specifically, the exploration of alternative histories for the trajectory of classical Husserlian phenomenology. Ihde’s book can be seen as a meditation on questions like the following: “What might phenomenology have been had Husserl paid more attention to the essential role of instrumentation and experiment in science, or to the mediating role of technologies in perception? What road might phenomenology have taken had (...)
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    Recurrence Quantification Analysis of Crowd Sound Dynamics.Shannon Proksch, Majerle Reeves, Kent Gee, Mark Transtrum, Chris Kello & Ramesh Balasubramaniam - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (10):e13363.
    When multiple individuals interact in a conversation or as part of a large crowd, emergent structures and dynamics arise that are behavioral properties of the interacting group rather than of any individual member of that group. Recent work using traditional signal processing techniques and machine learning has demonstrated that global acoustic data recorded from a crowd at a basketball game can be used to classify emergent crowd behavior in terms of the crowd's purported emotional state. We propose that the description (...)
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